Thursday, May 13, 2021

Ladies Love Cool Gheorghe

The crack team of Gheorghe: The Blog prognosticators for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductions (GTBRnRHoFers, for short) came up with this in February:

And yesterday, the Rock Hall announced its winners:

A few takeaways:

  • In Dave style, I will self-proclaim... I'm getting good. 
  • There was plenty of chatter that Carole King wasn't rock and that the year of the female would bring in Kate Bush and Chaka Khan instead and that the Foos needed to wait longer and that Fela Kuti got a million tallies on the Fan Vote and that Rage embodied the culture and mindset of 2021. Eh.
  • I only missed on Jay-Z, saying "Soon enough." That time is now.
  • Alas, poor Devo. I know them well.
  • Tina Turner will be the headliner for the show, but my favorite pick other than the obvious is the Go-Go's.
So let's talk about LL Cool J. Technically speaking, the Hall did this:

What the hell is that?  Musical Excellence, not a Performer?  Is LL Cool J not a performer extraordinaire? 

In some ways, it's a backhand that demeans both LL and me.  In others, who cares? He's in.  Along with Billy Preston (the 5th Beatle) and Randy Rhoads in '82 right before that . . .  you know.  

Fast fact no one cares about that I thought of when I saw the list of Early Influencers (other than the fact that this is the only place you will ever see these three artists bundled together, ever): Gil Scott-Heron was on Little Steven's brilliant project Artists United Against Apartheid on "Sun City." That (linked) video is a fun watch.

Anywho... come on, man.

Don't call it a comeback.


  1. hired a guy to join my team earlier this week. turns out he's joe mauer's uncle. that's a pretty cool bit of trivia.

  2. fully vaxxed, fokkers. gonna go berzerker.

  3. Not to be a hater, but do Foo Fighters really belong in the hall?

  4. Jlo and Affleck back together?! A-rod toast!
    Extra extra!

  5. It’s arguable that Nirvana doesn’t belong in the Hall except as an Influencer.

  6. By the way... I’m on a flight to ATL. Then scheduled to hop one to NOLA. Stay tuned.

  7. I also question the Foo Fighters. They happen to be the one of the last standing guitar rock bands people have heard of still putting out new music. They are popular because they are popular.

  8. looks like some of the elements of pandemic theater are relaxing a bit, per forthcoming cdc guidelines. vaccinated folks can be unmasked in and out of doors, for example. no question that unvaxxed people will shed their masks because tyranny and nobody can tell the difference, but i suppose this is baby steps.

  9. That's the issue--you can't tell who has or hasn't been vaccinated. If only they had some way to document your immunization status, some tangible or electronic thing you could show to prove you're safe, like, I don't know, a passport or something that would let you get into movie theaters and arenas.

  10. Preach, Z.

    Also, I’m in the Crescent City. Hallelujah.

  11. Give my regards to Igor’s.

  12. I am flying w/ the fam to Denver tmrw to try and settle on a town. I am expecting some tension on the plane w/ Patriots who don’t think they need to mask up.

  13. TR...having been on several a plane over last couple of months and as recent as last week, I have yet to see any of those folks. Somewhat surprising but true.

  14. Yep - I flew to Cali last week and folks were mostly behaved. I’m just wondering how folks will be following y/day’s mask news.

  15. the boys are going low in texas. has money-making implications for the kid.

  16. Today is two weeks since my second shot so I’m fully vaccinated at this point. I’ll continue to wear a mask inside as a way to be considerate of others around me. It’s not that big a deal for a few minutes in the grocery store or whatever. But yeah, plenty of assholes who aren’t vaccinated will be using these new guidelines to do the opposite of me. I could bitch about it but I’m just happy that we’re starting to return to some level of normal.

    And I’m pretty jealous of Whitney. Had to cancel a trip to New Orleans last year. Tentatively scheduled to go back in October.

  17. Charlie Sykes ripped off my covid passport post starting around 30:30.

  18. I too am jealous of Whit's trip to New Orleans. I've worked every day since the beginning of April, and I'm beginning to feel it. Being your own boss is usually cool, but it's not without drawbacks.

  19. Breakfast for dinner tonight on National buttermilk biscuit day. Biscuits (duh), sausage gravy, crab gravy, pancakes, fried eggs and bacon. Most courtesy of the Blackstone. Pretty, pretty, pretty good.

  20. I do. Check out The Bearded Chef on IG. He’s the house chef at one of my local breweries. But he caters too. I stole his recipe.

    My niece is a hell of a softball player. We went to watch her on Tuesday. Her team made the final four in Florida’s second largest classification tonight. Pretty cool to see a kid you’ve known forever achieve a dream, small as it may be in the grand scheme.
