Monday, May 03, 2021

It's the Holiday Season Again!

What holiday is today, you might hear yourself asking... yourself. Gheorghe is here for you!

I mean, we just ran right past May Day without a mention. What's May Day, you ask?

It is an ancient festival marking the first day of summer, and a current traditional spring holiday in many European cultures. Dances, singing, and cake are usually part of the festivities.

Moose out front shoulda told ya. Hope you had some dances, singing, and cake on Saturday. If not, perhaps some gambling on equine sprinting.

We don't want you to miss any more holidays!  So here you go:

Today, May 3, 2021 is:

Easy enough to understand. Now some others that need a little explanation... and justifying...
Still others you didn't know we needed, but I like...
Here's one that may save lives like mine:
  • Melanoma Monday
    • "raises awareness for melanoma and other skin cancers and encourages early detection of melanoma through self-exams"
Any reason this should ever fall on a Monday?
  • Sun Day
    • "Sun Day was created to promote solar power. Sun Day also serves to remind us that the Sun is vital for the life on Earth. Without its light and heat, our planet would be ice-cold and lifeless."
  • Paranormal Day
    • "for those fascinated with the unknown and mysterious things of the world"
    • The link above tells you ways to celebrate it... other than binging on Mulder and Scully.

And then there's this. Get real...
  • National Lumpy Rug Day
    • "Remember when that old lumpy rug in your living room used to be smooth and comfy to walk on? Do you find yourself tripping on it now? Well, today you are in luck because National Lumpy Rug Day is a day to toss out that rug and get a new one. There can be a broader view of the day as well. It can be a day for spring cleaning in general. Not only could you replace your lumpy rug, but you could mop the floors, vacuum carpets, clean sinks and countertops, and get everything else in your house ready to go for warmer weather."
Get out there and celebrate something, people.

...but maybe not Lumpy Rug Day. Come on.


  1. I don't remember what Lumpy's rug looks like but I will celebrate it nonetheless.

  2. I think there's a vaccine for that now.

  3. man, way to stomp on z's content, bigfoot

  4. We made a deal for a post to be named later

  5. Happy 69th birthday plus one for Christopher Cross.

    And 87th for Frankie Valli.

  6. My content will be back like cooked crack, unstomped.

  7. Lumpy messaged me awhile back to see about getting lunch. If I catch a peek at his rug I will report back.

  8. If only there was a restaurant that celebrated each of these holidays that we could all drink at together.

  9. Hey Mark, came across this and as a Floridian I'd be interested in your take -- and that of anyone else familiar with the state. I know that Fla. is big and diverse and nobody is capable of speaking for everybody. I'm unfamiliar with the author, but he appears to be a Polk County rouser of rabble.

  10. Bill and Melinda Gates are getting divorced. I cannot imagine what sort of bender Bill will undertake but I'd love to be there.

  11. Watching Steph right now is amongst the most fun I’ve ever had watching basketball.

  12. W&M’s Luke Loewe goes to Minnesota.

    I did not know he is from Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, which is where my beloved grandmother was from (and told me about 1,000 times).
