Monday, May 10, 2021

Fuel for My Inferiority Complex

zson and I have competed in several Cub Scout Pinewood Derby events.  We had the third-fastest car our first year, largely because I was a Cub Scout and I knew there are a bunch of easy things you need to do to make the car faster, and I suspected that most of the dads had no idea how to use a hand saw let alone polish an axle, and I also suspected that most of the dads are also hyper-competitive type-A nut jobs so they would work themselves into a lather after losing the first year and watch all sorts of YouTubes on how to make these little cars go fast, so I put a lot of time into getting the axles smooth, polishing the insides of the wheels, and getting the car right up to the legal weight limit with most of the weight right in front of the rear axle.  As I predicted, the other dads came back with a vengeance after that and bought some woodworking tools (and possibly bought fast cars on the internet, but that's a different story). 

This year we decided to chase the best design category instead of speed.  zson thought a VW Camper Van would be cool and relatively easy.  He was right and wrong, respectively.  The project involved two blocks of wood to get the correct aspect ratio, lots of drilling and failed attempts to use Juan Carlos's palm router to remove lots of wood from the middle to get under the weight limit, a little sawing and a lot of sanding.  We found some groovy reflective iridescent paper for the windows, printed some Grateful Dead images for the rear, and got a VW logo from a brochure at the local dealer.  We were very happy with the results.

We took the first place trophy for design so the judges liked it too.  I felt pretty good about my automotive woodworking skills.  Then I saw this video.

I hope this guy doesn't show up at next year's Pinewood Derby.


  1. If you told me 25 years ago that Zman and son would be making a pinewood derby VW Microbus with a Dark Star license plate while I'm working my way through the Wu-Tang Clan discography, I may not have believed you.

    Good work by Zmen!

  2. I like to build stuff and have tackled some pretty big projects over the years. My children show absolutely no interest. Sigh.

    My pool and tennis club is starting up a beer program. Part of it requires converting a snack shed into a tap shed. In a moment of weakness, I agreed to expand the concession opening and build a bar top. I can't really start until I see how the kegorators sit in the shed.

    Yesterday I got a text from the president saying that the kegorators should arrive tomorrow and "we will have to hustle" to get the shed ready. Translation: "John, please take a day off from work to volunteer at the club".

  3. I thought that club is a beer program.

  4. I don't like being told to hustle. How pressing an issue is a beer shed?

  5. Zmen, fantastic job. That thing is sweet.

    And that video is completely insane. I watched the whole thing.

  6. Happy Birthday to Chris Berman (66), Bono (61), and Young MC (54).

  7. Commented on this hours ago but apparently not. The wood hummer is amaze balls. I myself can make an airplane out of a wood byproduct and that is the extent of it. The '21 Z is nothing to scoff at, nor is the bond it has probably created. Well done.

  8. This is our fourth Pinewood Derby car and it's always fun. Every year I let zson do increasingly more dangerous stuff with the drill. Next year is our last year and I might, might, let him use the bandsaw.

  9. that thing has shocks, working doors, engine details? jesus, almighty.

  10. To your knowledge, have you competed against an Amazon purchased derby car?

  11. little jersey license plate! so cute (aside from the fact that the dude driving that VW is way too stoned to be on the road.

    a beer program?

    i am applying coats of poly to a bar top i just built for a planter/bar next to my shed! everything is harder than it looks . . . but this cinder block planter/bar is fairly fun to build . . .

  12. The beer program is a club within a club, where beer loving members subscribe for the year and get access multiple microbrews and one macrobrew on tap in the shed. All you can drink.

    My cabinet maker neighbor said to use to seal the bar.
