Monday, April 12, 2021

A Quick Hot Take on COVID Vaccine Passports

Some people don't like the idea of COVID vaccine passports because it somehow infringes on liberty or human rights or something like that.  This includes Ron DeSantis, the governor of Florida and an alumnus of Yale and Harvard Law School and a former JAG Corps officer at Guantanamo Bay (which is to say a smart guy who knows a thing or two about liberty and human rights).

I think this position is wildly overblown.

If you want to attend public schools you have to show proof of vaccination.  Yes, you can obtain a waiver in many states for religious or philosophical reasons, but either way your local school district knows whether your kids have or haven't been vaccinated for various things.

Many other countries require visitors to get vaccinated for Yellow Fever before they can enter.  So, for example, if you want to visit Angola or Benin you have to show proof of vaccination.  To make this easier, WHO even has an international certificate of vaccination or prophylaxis, or ICVP, to carry with you to these places.  A vaccine passport, if you will.  So when you go to these places their governments know you've been vaccinated for various things.

If you want to leave the US and go to another country, you need ... a passport!  I have one and you probably do too.  Getting it required a bunch of paperwork, a photo, a fee, and an inordinately long wait but now I can leave the country and get back in.  As a result, the government knows a bunch of things about me and so do the governments of the foreign places I visit.  That's just the cost of travel.

Sharing information about yourself with your government is the cost of citizenship.  We share health information all the time (see my school example above; see also anyone over 65 who uses Medicare).  This circumstance shouldn't be any different.

At the end of the day which is worse: a bunch of bureaucrats knowing that you got the COVID shot, or dealing with more masking/distancing/shutdown precautions?  So lighten up Ron.


  1. If we can manage mask mandates, we can have covid passports.

    I get my first shot today. Clicks.

  2. I just finished reading this with a "right on Zman" reaction. Clicked over to my inbox and have an email from Candace Owens telling me to sign a petition to stop vaccine passports.

    I had shot #2 last Tuesday. Never felt any side effects beyond mild soreness at injection site.

  3. my second is scheduled for two weeks from wednesday. i plan to celebrate by getting a tattoo of a vaccine passport on my chest.

  4. The politicization of everything is insane. The inability of rational, balanced policy to be even discussed because of the din of social media algorithms, media profiteering, and political pandering is so fucking depressing. The system sucks and I fear most of us are resigned to that fact, which means things will continue to get worse.

  5. A wise and reasoned take, z. And a discouragingly accurate comment from Tim. Way too much zero-sum benefits and profits from stoking conflict. Media does indeed merit a boot to the nethers for playing along. Not day-to-day journalists covering communities and laboring for peanuts and dodging the reaper, but corporate media chasing viewers and ad dollars.

  6. no time to read this yet, i have a meeting-- but here is my take on kong and godzilla-- without too many spoilers

  7. Surprisingly efficient vaccination center in my neck of the woods. Besides the the older, unhealthy looking gentleman behind me in line who ignored the social distance protocol, it was a reasonable experience. They played Turner and Hooch on dual screens in the resting area as a bonus.

  8. i had to get vaccinated for yellow fever and typhoid before we went to syria. and some other stuff. hepatitis? it's a miracle to be able to introduce your immune system to a scientifically neutered version of these diseases, instead of an uncontrolled virus. but some people like their miracles to have a more spiritual bent.

  9. Hey, if I can't be forced to bake a cake for a gay wedding, I can't force you to show your vaccine passport before you come into my bakery. Liberty! It all holds together. Except for requiring voter IDs, but that's for a different post.

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