Wednesday, March 03, 2021

A Pivot to the Kids

Martellus Bennett played 10 seasons at tight end in the NFL for six teams, winning a Super Bowl with New England in 2016 and making the Pro Bowl in 2014 with Chicago. If he has his way, his football career will be a footnote. 

Bennett is an imaginative soul who retired in 2018, at the age of 31 with tread remaining on his tires, to focus on creative pursuits. A writer and illustrator, he dreams up fantastical characters and adventures aimed at young black people. Bennett told Howard Bryant in a story published in The Atlantic, “A lot of my work is me subconsciously trying to validate my childhood, because the childhood I had as a black boy does not exist in the media today. I was more like ‘The Goonies’ than ‘Boyz n the Hood.’” 
Indeed, Bennett and older brother Michael Bennett, who also was an NFL player, grew up in Houston. Their father was an IT tech, their mother a middle-school teacher. He was an elite prospect in both football and basketball, as well as an honor student and school band member who built computers with his father as a hobby. 

Bennett decries what he sees as structural racism in the NFL and society in general. As a player, he spoke out about the need for police accountability, along with brother Michael and, famously, Colin Kaepernick. Following the deaths of Philando Castile and Alton Sterling at the hands of police officers, Martellus wrote a book called “Dear Black Boy,” aimed at young blacks who won’t have professional sports futures.

Using simple and encouraging language he implored them to cast a broader net and to aim higher. “The value we place on the athlete is greater than the value we place on the scholar,” Bennett said in The Atlantic piece. “Two kids walk into the barbershop, and one is a pretty good basketball player. People will be like, ‘You gotta watch him. He’s got a jumper. He’s got a shot at the NBA.’ And if a kid comes in and has won two science fairs in a row and got a grant? No one says, ‘That’s the next Mark Zuckerberg.’ Or ‘He’s going to be Bill Gates.’ They don’t celebrate him.” 

Among Bennett’s current efforts are children’s fantasy tales, the “Hey A.J.” series, with his young daughter as the basis for the central character. For example, in “Hey A.J., It’s Bedtime,” when her parents turn out the lights, her room comes alive with various toys and creatures who want to party. A.J. must choose between sleep and partying with her friends. Bennett signed a deal last June with Disney to develop an animated series based on the books. 

Children’s books have the added benefit of creating bonds between parents and kids, Bennett said in another interview. Kids aren’t simply given a book and left to read for themselves, he said. Parents, or other adults, sit and read to them and with them. “Black people are treated as second-class citizens in reality and fantasy,” Bennett said in The Atlantic. “I want to build worlds where kids and families of color can come and know that they own it, they belong there, and it’s a magical place.”


  1. Nice, OBX Dave. I thought this was a rob joint until I saw the by-line. Shoulda known your style.

  2. Happy Birthday, KQ! If you still come around these parts.

  3. fairbank is nosing his way into my beat. which is primarily child-like wonder. and child-sized clothing. (beat you to it, whit)

  4. Missed opportunity to post Gheorghe’s “Score one for the kids” ad


  6. As for Gaetz and W&M, it may be a little like the old joke: What do you call the guy who graduates last in his medical school class? Doctor.

  7. There's a relatively prominent candidate for the Republican nomination for Virginia governor who was in school in Tribeland at the same time we were. Don't know that you'll be much prouder of him. Fortunately he was such a wiener in college that I was privy to an embarrassing story to his detriment at the hands of our chum Highcheese.

  8. Said candidate is also on the BOV that completely trampled their own wangs with regard to the Samantha Huge debacle

  9. He is? I don't see him on the list.

  10. Also, here's a how the Republican candidate for governor will be selected, to which I say... Good luck with that.

    "Republicans will choose their nominee at a May 8 convention at Liberty University in Lynchburg. To participate as a convention delegate, voters must be elected by their local Republican committee.

    A traditional, day-long convention would be illegal under current pandemic restrictions because it involves assembling about 10,000 delegates under one roof. So the party’s State Central Committee has opted for a drive-in convention, to be conducted in parking lots on Liberty’s campus. Under that plan, participants would remain in their vehicles to vote and listen to speeches from the nominees, possibly piped in through car radios. However, Liberty University said after the party’s decision that no formal agreement had been reached yet with the state GOP to use its campus for the convention.

  11. Trampling your own wang requires a long wang or short legs.

    Three of my friends from high school are also fully vaccinated so we can meet up and dine indoors with impunity. We are going to travel around New Jersey sampling pizza and casting pods or blogs about it as "Two Fat Brothers and Two Bald Lawyers." We are too lazy to actually do it but it's fun to talk about.

  12. we can host that shit right here, zed. give the people what they want, jalen and jacoby-style.

  13. Sure, adding travel to it will certainly make it more likely to happen.

    I'm not saying it would be great if someone hacked the liberty nominating convention, but I'm not NOT saying it either.

    Also, great piece OBX Dave. Kinda mature for this corner of the internet, but I like it.

  14. And we pronounce that word ma-TOOR.

  15. Nice post, OBX Dave. The Bennett brothers are unique in a great way. I hope they continue to have a positive impact.

  16. Does anybody watch Snowfall on FX?
