Thursday, February 25, 2021

Three People Who Have Never Been in My Kitchen

Speaking of streaming media, as we have been in this space over the past few days, I usually fill downtimes in my day with the live feed from KCMP - The Current - from Minnesota Public Radio. This morning, a song stopped me cold because it featured a voice I hadn't heard in some time.

My friends, did you know that Barry Gibb (yes, that Barry Gibb) recently released a new record? And that the record in question, Greenfields, is a country and western joint? That features Brandi Carlile and Jason Isbell, among others?

I did not, until Gibb's duet with Carlile, entitled Run to Me, came across my airwaves. It's a cover of a 1972 Bee Gees tune, and it's pretty great.

Gibb and Isbell team up on Words of a Fool, which Gibb wrote and recorded in 1986 for a solo album that was never released. If you didn't know Gibb was new to country music, you'd be hard-pressed to guess it.

Barry Gibb, closet country star. Who knew?


  1. Solid stuff. It seems to me that most musicians like country music, even if their fans may not.

  2. The Bee Gees were the shit.

    Happy 50th birthday to Samwise Gamgee/Rudy/Mikey.

  3. Check out the Bee Gees documentary on HBO if you haven't already.

  4. Nights on Broadway is my jam.

  5. Jive Talkin' or gtfo, Jamboni

  6. I thought I had come here a month or two ago to recommend the Juan Carlos-touted Bee Gees doc, but I apparently did not. It's worthy.

  7. C'mon, Whit. Get your shit together.

  8. Lamelo Ball is averaging 15/6/6 this season, along w/ almost 2 steals per game. He’s also shooting 35% from three. And he’s 19 years old. That kid has a high ceiling. As does Charlotte

  9. I might be breaking with my longstanding tradition of clunker-loving and buying a 2017 model car later today. It will be for my wife, as she was starting to get tempted by the 0% financing of a new Subaru.

    The one I'm driving/getting looked at today has 68K miles, so there's a nice milestone ahead if I take the plunge. At half the price of a new one, I may have to claim a small victory where I can.

  10. One of the companies I’m working for has been doing a ton of work with COVID testing and vaccination efforts in a number of states. Florida being one of them. We’re working with Dade, Broward and Duval counties and want to get the word out to the press. Would our resident former newspaper man have any pointers for how best to make contacts with the press to get this ball rolling?

  11. And I’m with TR on Charlotte. They’re really fun to watch and LaMelo is fucking good. He’s going to be a monster as he grows into his body.

  12. Hey Mark, first, make sure company has testing/vaccine info organized, ready and available. This sounds like 'no duh' stuff, but it's surprising how many folks and places want something publicized, but can't answer easy questions.

    Is there a press release prepared? If so, is it easily understood? No jargon. English.

    Find someone who can communicate info verbally. Call news outlets. Explain what you have. Don't just email. Reporters and editors are buried under email. Offer to meet reporters face-to-face, Zoom call, whatever.

    South Fla. has plenty of large media outlets. Somebody oughta bite. Hope this helps.

  13. It does. Thank you!

    We’re working on the press release now. I’ll start making some calls next week.
