Monday, February 08, 2021

I Think Many of You Already Know This, but Pappyland is Fantastic and You Need to Read It

One benefit of my 35 days of sobriety (which ended Saturday night) was the ability to read every night with a clear head, even if I am now a full-time "readers glasses" guy, a new enough phenomenon to disappoint me and remind me of my own mortality. I have been happy to get back into the reading routine that I followed for the first 40 years of my life, which became more sporadic and less productive after 2-3 scotches over the last 5+ years. 

Around 10 PM each night, I head upstairs, put the electronics down, put my Warby Parkers on, and dig into a book. While I'm not eating books like Dave does, I have been chugging through them in 2021. I recently finished Zucked, written by veteran venture capitalist (and former Facebook investor) Roger McNamee in 2019. It is as timely today as when it came out. It describes how Facebook amplifies negative news and disinformation, allowing it to bounce around echo chambers because negative news holds peoples' attention more than positive news. Zuck and Sheryl Sandberg surely don't like the book, but the message matters. Worth a library rental.

But I'm here to recommend Pappyland. If my scotch-impaired brain serves me correct, a few of you have already promoted Wright Thompson's book in prior comments (Mark? Rob? Both? More?). I ordered it through my town's library, it arrived and I promptly devoured it. It's a simple read. It was ironic to me to read a book about the history of Kentucky bourbon and Pappy Van Winkle while abstaining from alcohol. It made me think about the full bottle of Johnny Walker Blue sitting on my bar more than once. 

The book is about the history of Pappy, but also about the dynamic of kids and their fathers - how kids deal with their father's legacy, how they communicate with their parents and how they pass on their values and legacy on to their children. 

Thank you to you gents who gave the written nudge for me to dive into this fine prose. I learned a lot about bourbon and a little about myself. For you guys and gals that haven't dug into it yet, I highly recommend you do. Wright Thompson is our type of dude. 


  1. g:tb's favorite politician, john fetterman, is officially in the 2022 race for the senate in pennsylvania. giddyup.

    in semi-related news, both chambers of the virginia legislature passed bills legalizing recreational marijuana use last week. lots of work to do to reconcile the two bills, but governor ralph northam has signaled his support for legalization. so it's looking like legal retail weed sales in the commonwealth may be a thing as early as 2024.

  2. That puts the old dominion four years ahead of the schedule I'd been predicting.

    I gave two copies of Pappyland as Christmas gifts, but have yet to read it myself.

  3. Congrats on the V Mark. Stellar defense. Wonder what the odds were of KC not scoring a touchdown.

    After much stress and consternation, 15-16 prop bets with a not insignificant total downside, and I know you won't care about this at all, but lost $8.75, plus $120 in squares. Had the Chiefs scored a tuddy on their last drive, Ida been in Whitney territory. Worth every penny and the in-game texting chatter.

    I wonder if Brady imbibed at all last night.

  4. He ate an entire tub of kale ice cream.

  5. i will check out zucked and pappyland. why not? what else is there to do . . .
