Tuesday, February 02, 2021

Bite Me Randy Newman: The Return

Little dudes are having a moment, garnering headlines for their general superiority and swagger. So we're back, baby with our first BMRN since August 2020. This one's a triple-header.

Leading off because he won't be leading off any longer, one of my favorite ballplayers of all-time. Dustin Pedroia won a goddamn American League MVP at 5'9". (Editor's Note: If he's 5'9", then I'm at least 5'7".) He was a world-class shit talker and classic little dude scrapper, but his athleticism and coordination were otherworldly. Pedroia retired today after a precipitous injury-marred decline. All-timer, as he tells you below:

The world's most handsomely compensated athlete, also a diminutive fella. Spanish newspaper El Mundo (which is Spanish for "The Mundo") published a report this week detailing the fact that Lionel Messi, all 5'5" (yeah, okay) of him, signed a contract in 2017 with Barcelona worth a total of $674m over four years. The deal included certain performance bonuses that Messi didn't hit because of the pandemic, but he's still on track to earn a guaranteed $96m in salary, with a signing bonus and loyalty bonus that total over $200m. Not bad work if you're small enough to get it. 

The news of Messi's contract caused a massive kerfuffle in the global game, with both the player and the club threatening to sue over the disclosure, and a bunch of observers saying "holy shit, that's a lot of money, but if anyone's worth it...". In the midst of the maelstrom, Messi did this over the weekend (it's worth watching with your eyes closed the first time in order to get the full Ray Hudson Experience):

And finally, as TR pointed out yesterday, we're long overdue to fete one of the key contributors for the University of Maryland Baltimore County's men's hoops squad. According to no less an authority than Ken Pomeroy, Darnell Rogers is the shortest player in Division I men's basketball since at least 2007. The 5'2" Rogers comes from short-dude hoops royalty. His father Shawnta was the Atlantic 10 Player of the Year in 1999 before embarking on an 11-year pro career in France and Italy. 

The younger Rogers averaged 14 points per game last year before getting injured. He's dropping 8.7 per game this season, adding 1.8 boards and 2.2 assists. In December, he was the game's leading rebounder in the Retrievers' 76-61 win over Delaware, pulling down eight boards while scoring 16 points. And he's fun as hell to watch:


  1. the current out of minneapolis just played the 'saved by the bell' theme song. solid.

  2. To be sung in your head or aloud as Marilyn... (Manson, since he's in the news of late)

    ♪ ♫ ♬

    H A P P Y
    B I R T H D A Y,
    M I S T E R
    M A R L S

    ♪ ♫ ♬

  3. Darnell Marls could ball back in the day.

  4. Thanks Whit. My age and the 85 Bears defense are now the same.

  5. aggressively stingy and led by a lunatic?

  6. I'd assume most of your have never heard of the rap group People Under the Stairs. I also assume you'd like them if you listened to them. Sadly, one their two members (Double K) passed away today at 43 years old.

    I got to see them at a small club in Orlando about ten years ago. One of the most fun shows I've ever been too.

  7. Mark is "Unknown" by the way. Working on my new computer and haven't bothered to log in to blogger.

  8. zman - who needs a gym when you can shovel snow? More snow = more reps. TR's delts are are burning so bad he doesn't even need to shovel. The snow just melts.

  9. It's actually my gennies that are burning. For undisclosed reasons.

    There has been just enough melt to make the snow wetter and heavier. Yippee. Will keep snowing until 6 PM. And we're expected to get more on Sunday.

    And not sure about the rest of you Northerners, but I'm the a-hole who pulls my car in the street and then de-snows it. Makes a huge pile of snow in the street that can freeze, but if I clean the car in the driveway, it's that much more for me to shovel.

  10. I came to make a snarky comment about how else TR might remove snow without a shovel, but he outdid me before I even started.

    We got about 6.9 inches from this system in western va. Most we've had in two years.

  11. Sammy the Bull's hometown, which is about 15 mins NW of Juan, Z and me, got 30". Was the highest recorded level in the tri-state area for this storm. Lucky them.

  12. Would be lousy if in anybody in Mendham actually shoveled their own snow.

  13. darnell rogers got 17 today for umbc in a win over njit. power of gheorghe!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. i did not. trying to limit my gambling to weekends. no idea why.

  16. fred van vleet is going off. 54 points late in the 4th.

  17. New Les Coole and the Cukes single out today (to the masses, not the gheorgherati). Moose out front shoulda told you. Meaning me. Search Spotify or YouTube if you want to, but you already heard the song here.

  18. homeboy, throw in the towel. no more girls gettin’ dicked by ricky powell. pour some out.
