Monday, February 15, 2021

Apocalypse Update: Can't Keep Good (Weird) People Down

As Whitney noted last week, New Orleans mayor LaToya Cantrell closed bars for Mardi Gras, which followed the city's decision not to issue permits for the traditional parade. While those actions are particularly striking examples of the traditions the pandemic has altered, the actions of the locals in response have been downright uplifting.

Megan Boudreaux went through the stages of grief after the decisions, but she came out on the other side as a damn genius. Boudreaux announced on Twitter that she was going to decorate her house in lieu of a float, and the brilliant people of New Orleans jumped.

Boudreaux founded Krewe of House Floats to organize maps of houses across the city, and to raise money for the Greater New Orleans Foundation to assist restaurant and hotel workers impacted by the pandemic. Dozens, if not hundreds of residences in the greater metropolitan area are lit up in any number of whimsical themes. Like this one, which celebrates Prince:

Or Mystic Moai and the Escape from Kraken Coven:

How about, It's Mardi Gras Time and We Don't Give a Duck!?:

There are more in this WaPo article on the grassroots effort, which has raised more than $100,000 in the past several weeks. 

People, especially New Orleanians, are sometimes pretty awesome.


  1. I would kill for a po boy from Parasol and a few beers at Igors right now

  2. I just want to walk around with a double Jamison and hear the sounds. I'll even pass on the drink if that makes it any more likely to happen soon.

  3. a bayou philly from cooter brown's sounds just about perfect

  4. Rolling 7-day case numbers in US down 65% over the last five weeks. Appears to be no bump from super-spreader Super Bowl parties. Things looking really favorable for some semblance of spring/summer normalcy.

  5. rog bennett from men in blazers has interviewed big boi and rza over the past several weeks. it's been as sublimely weird and fun as you might imagine.

  6. nbc nightly news just featured yardi gras. mainstream media stealing from g:tb once again.

  7. leonard hamilton is 72! and his team is absolutely wrecking uva this evening.

  8. Knicks have a crunch time squad of Rose, Quickley, Barrett, Randle and Noel. It is a frisky and effective bunch. Too bad I emotionally divorced myself from the Knicks a decade ago. I theoretically could like a team like this.

    In other news, Obi Toppin does not look good thus far. And Kevin Knox and Frank Ntilikina are officially donuts. Brutal stretch of drafts for that team. At least Quickley will be a stud. You can see that right away.
