Monday, January 25, 2021

Time Keeps on Slippin'

Took my daughter back to college on Saturday. It was lovely having her home over this extended holiday break, but it was obvious early on that her heart and mind are in Richmond. Bittersweet, more sweet than bitter, to know that she's got one foot firmly into her future and she's stepping with more confidence that I recall having at that age towards what's next.

She connected me back to the past in a moving and meaningful way on Christmas. The photo below was taken during the Summer of 2005 in Brewster, MA, where my family has long had vacation roots.

My daughter surprised my on Christmas morning by giving me this:

It got a little dusty in my living room. In the best way. 


  1. Zman, sorry about the Bills, was pulling for them. Unfortunately they played to keep it close rather than win. You have to be willing to take an absurd # of chances against the chiefs, and risk getting get blown out early if you don't convert, or you're going to lose anyway.

    Anyone else bored by KC's offense? The extended plays are spectacular, but the bread and butter stuff? Rollout, find open man, gain 6-9 yards, rinse, repeat.

  2. That's awesome, Rob. Kudos to you and her. I'll file that under "type of thing I should never expect from my meathead sons."

  3. That's a cool painting.

    Last night's game turned zdaughter into a Tyreek Hill fan. She said "Why don't they tackle the number 10 guy?" and "Wow is he fast!"

    I am not bummed out. The Bills greatly exceeded my expectations this year. The offense became one dimensional with Zach Moss out. Hopefully they will draft or sign a running back who can chew up yards and clock for games like this.

  4. And I should add that KC is a goddamn buzzsaw. They have so much speed with all their little receivers and that opens things up for Kelce who is obviously superhuman. Mahomes is pretty good too. I will root hard for the Bucs but they have their hands full.

  5. Super Bowl will be fun. Guessing I won't be at a 15 person party again, like last year.

  6. Excellent painting — did Katy do it herself?

  7. And the thing where her mind was back at college... I definitely remember that from the student side. Best party days were when you got back to school a few days early before a semester began.

    That’s good she’s liking school that much. My college freshman is the same way. I don’t take that for granted. Ran into a high school buddy whose son is at JMU and hates it bc he’s been locked down all along and doesn’t like his roommate and hasn’t made any good friends. Sounds awful. Given that, I am pleased by how much my girl wanted to get back to South Carolina.

  8. That is a lovely gift. We have a picture of my dad walking with my brother and I from behind that's always been a favorite. Of course, neither of us was emotionally intelligent enough to be inclined to paint it.

    My boys are highly advanced at making fart jokes at the dinner table. Take that, girldads!

  9. So after my first weekend of gambling on my phone legally in Virginia, I am up about $300. That won't be the case moving forward, as FanDuels incentivized initial participation with a few gimmes. But I won a few (relatively, for me) big bets. Amusing.

    I will pull back mightily on the frequency and amounts for 2 weeks, then have some fun during the Super Bowl.I have enough vices, so I'll do it sparingly after that.

  10. Whit, Draft Kings just went live as well. They have a few layup incentives too.

  11. Um, how is news that the Apollo Group CEO paid Epstein $158 million invisible today? I know the news interferes w/ CNN’s perpetual Trump temper tantrum, but it is a BFD. The payments all came after Epstein’s 2008 arrest, btw.

  12. started my day with a clownshow yard sale as my dog pulled me down a hill across my ice-covered lawn. she was excited to get our walk in, and started moving fast as soon as we got out the door. my feet went completely out from under me and i landed on my shoulder and back with an audible 'oof-fuck'. shoulder's gonna hurt tomorrow.
