Friday, January 29, 2021

The Green Fields of the Mind, Among Other Colors

"What goes around, comes around" -- Beastie Boys

The human mind is a hell of thing. Mine took me on a journey this week, a detour down rabbit holes that enlightened and amused me. And so I invite you to take a trip with me to visit my beautiful mind and see what I saw.

I was reading a news story so forgettable that I've, well, forgotten it. The piece was illustrated by this starkly beautiful painting of a winter scene. 

The piece, as it turns out, is entitled 'Winter Blue'. The artist? His name was Zoltan Sepeshy

I think you understand what synapses fired at that point. So I did some digging into Z Sep. Turns out he was a Hungarian-American artist of reasonable renown, serving as the Director of the Cranbrook Center for Collections and Research in Bloomfield Hills, MI, a suburb of Detroit. His work was alternately realist and cubist, and his subjects were both pastoral and urban-industrial. This 1947 work, entitled Factory Rhythm (Back of Hudson Motor Plant), is more of the latter.

That painting lit up a different pathway in my mindtunnels. It reminded me a lot of the streetscape from this legendary video:

At roughly the same time, another brainprecinct weighed in with something for consideration, combining the two things I know about Detroit and art. 

This work is entitled Sunday Neurosis. It's an early-ish work by Doug Malone, a Detroit-based artist and teacher at The College of Creative Studies, as well as a FOG:TB.

That's where this particular journey through my mindtunnels ended. I do hope you kept your seatbelt on, and that you enjoyed your trip.


  1. Are any of these people related to Ty Cobb?

  2. That last photo could alternately be titled "TR, wondering why he is doing dry January"

  3. Speaking of Detroit, today is the 75th of Betty LaVette. I had the privilege of watching her from the front row at The Harvester a few years ago. There were a couple of times when she strutted over to me, locked eyes, and sang straight to me. Pretty awesome.

  4. Colonoscopy complete. A “tiny” polyp that they will do the pathology on and tell me about. Hopefully inconsequential.

  5. And I love this post. It’s got Malone (one of the more talented artists in multiple media forms I’ve ever met) and the Beasties, and best of all, it makes me realize I’m not the only crazy coot prone to ridiculous rabbit holes.

  6. pour some out for john chaney. legend.

  7. Some Friday p.m. music. I was unaware of a slide guitarist named Jeff Plankenhorn until recently. The strummers and Americana folks in the audience may be familiar with him. He appears quite stout. Here's a sample. His stuff is easy to find on the interwebz.

  8. absolute horseshit that it's been 4 weeks and yet dry January still extends through this weekend


  9. I fell off the wagon 2/3 of the way through the month. Oh well.

  10. dry january is for quitters

  11. The Teej is doing it!? Wouldn’t know it, given your Twitter feed full of cats looking at wine glasses.

    I am tentatively thinking I’ll hold off until Super Bowl. Sunday will make 28 days for me.

  12. The cats are boozehounds, or I guess boozefelines, what can I say

  13. Hubie Brown needs to be put to pasture. He just did a 20-second rant about why you should foul a shooter b/w his wrist and his elbow so that he can’t get the shot off. Oy veh.

  14. My college coach was best friends with John Chaney’s long time assistant. Father of former Houston Rocket Matt Maloney. Never got the chance to meet John, though I heard plenty of stories about what a badass he was.

    On another note, my previous neck issues have resurfaced a bit. Nothing to terrible but enough to seriously affect my ability to sleep for long stretches. As a result, I was up at 5:45 this morning and at the gym before 6:30. On the bright side, the gym is very empty at 6:30 on a Saturday.

  15. While I’ve not had a dry January, I have been off the devil’s lettuce for the past few weeks for employment reasons. That’s in the past now though!

  16. Chaney was awesome. As the grandchild of two Temple grads I spent a bunch of time at McGonigle Hall as a kid. Just a great dude who really loved his players.

  17. I can't believe Temple named an arena after a Hogwarts professor.

  18. Fun fact: McGonigle opened in 1969, which is nice.

  19. my gambling career is starting slowly, as the fanduel location tracker doesn’t believe i’m in virginia.

  20. Did Loudoun County secede without telling you? Stealth statehood campaign! New Freedonia, a la Marx Brothers in Duck Soup.

  21. the gods owe us a baylor/gonzaga national title game.

  22. gonna get the first decent snowstorm in two years in this area tomorrow. went to the store for a couple of necessities this evening. they were out of the most random things: tortillas, jalapeƱos, blueberries. someone’s making a wickedly fucked up chili tomorrow.

  23. I’m a bit disappointed that Rob doesn’t have tortillas on deck. I make some form of tacos every week.

    The Stafford-Goff trade is a doozy. I’d plunk a bit down on the Rams for next season if I lived in a state where gambling was legal.

  24. that is an excellent bit of foreshadowing, mark

  25. I guess McVay REALLY hated Goff. Stafford is a 32 y/o who has taken a ton of hits. Rams gave up a lot. Lions got a nice haul of draft picks in return. But they’re also stuck w/ Goff.

  26. If you aren’t buying masa harina and making your own tortillas, you’re doing it wrong. So easy and superior.
