Wednesday, January 06, 2021

Presented Without Comment



  1. Impressive theater last night, although I went to bed before things wrapped up. Good for America (I think), but not for the tech stocks we own in 401-k/brokerage accounts. I guess the message here is that campaigning with a klansman is NOT helpful.

    Unrelated political news - a former W&M grad and current neighbor of Juan Carlos was just named mayor of the town where Zman and I also live. So we are all one step away from big-time, small-town POWER.

  2. As others have pointed out: Dems may end up with nominal control of the Senate, but 50-50, and Joe Manchin.

  3. I think she's president of the borough council and the smart guy is still mayor.

  4. A scene from zkitchen earlier this morning:

    zwoman: I don't get it, who would vote for Warnock but not Ossoff?
    zman: Sexists.
    zwoman: Oh. That makes sense. [Walks away looking bummed out.]

  5. baby steps is right. if nothing else, this outcome blunts mitch mcconnell's power, and that's a fine thing. it's also absolutely the case that trump's petulant bleating was a major factor in the gop's losses in georgia, and that's some glorious schadenfreude right there.


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  6. Rob is 100% right on that last part, which may be the real lasting impact here. Trump fucked over the Rs with all his histrionics. Hopefully that emboldens a couple on the margin to back away from their loyalty oath to him today. I'm not holding my breath on that.

    Would be a great coda on Trump's shitshow tenure if Pence does his goddamn duty today and certifies things. And would be doubly great if Trump has a hissy fit into the ether afterwards.

  7. I worry about how much stupider shit could still get.

    This is the Georgia themed tune I've been sawing away at on my fiddle. I think it's really the Georgia Pause, but record execs in 1927 may not have deciphered the title correctly.

  8. rootsy (and everyone else) feel free to add anything georgia-related to this post.

  9. I added a song, in honor of our honorable outgoing GA senators. And it has bonus beefcake appeal to our ones of female readers.

  10. If DC cops want to show they are not biased against the BLM movement, they should start billy-clubbing the shit out of these rioters/terrorists.

  11. When do we start the “the cops let them in” argument? Everybody knew this was coming, and it’s one of the most sacred buildings in our country. How do cops and the National Guard whiff so badly in their effort to protect the building? There are dickheads running around the Senate chamber.

  12. i can't tell if i'm feeling blind rage or abject sadness. i think it's the former. fuck anyone associated with trump forever.

  13. I saw one video where one single solitary cop was in one section of the Capitol to keep out the entire mob and he kept backing up further and further. Because of course he didn’t want to get killed. Woefully understaffed considering what could have been predicted.

  14. i have rarely felt so empty about being right about something. the entire trump experience is so obviously and outrageously un-american. to the point where i need to reexamine my notions of what 'american' actually is.

  15. I will say that the inauguration ceremony had better sport another officer or two or uh... it might be a problem

  16. Any fuckstick Republican who keeps the electoral debate active after this dies down deserves to be strung up and pelted w/ rocks.

    I went for a run and cranked metal. Needed that 30-min distraction.

  17. I spent the afternoon outside digging holes and installing signs. Went to get another bag of concrete to finish up and learned all hell broke loose. This should do lasting damage to the people who encouraged it.
