Monday, January 04, 2021

Palate Cleanser

Two weeks from Wednesday, folks, and all of this disappears.


I suppose we have some work to do. While we figure that out, I think you might enjoy this bit of stylized spoken word from Australian/English comedian, musician, actor, raconteur Tim Minchin.


  1. i highly recommend the cnn documentary on jimmy carter and his relationship with music and musicians. it aired last night, but i assume you can find it on the interwebs and via streaming services. as the years pass, carter's dignity and grace are increasingly impressive, and the documentary goes pretty deep into his relationships with people like willie nelson, gregg allman, bob dylan, dizzy gillespie, johnny/june cash, etc. jimmy's a righteous dude. and rosalynn is a hip, hip lady.

  2. I feel like I've lived out this video before.

  3. Watched the Jimmy Carter doc this morning as I’m laid up. It’s killer. Some outstanding performances from an array of artists, most of which I’d never seen or heard. Aretha Franklin singing “God Bless America” a capella at the inauguration stands out, Buffett turning the tide in Oregon, and tons of ABB.

    Paul Simon played a song in ‘76 which he dedicated to Pres Carter for a restoration of righteousness and dignity. Amen to that.

  4. Also, Bob Dylan reciting Ronnie Van Zandt’s lyrics as they pertain to Jimmy Carter was extremely cool. As was the former President’s disclosure that Willie Nelson got baked in the White House.

  5. got baked in the white house with carter's son!

  6. Meant to tape that, but didn't. When I saw that, I immediately thought of the SNL sketch where Akroyd plays Carter and a guy calls him up, tripping. Carter talks him down and tells him to put on some Allmans.

    Agree on all the sentiment about him as a compassionate, righteous, thoughtful guy. Have different views of him in the role of POTUS.

  7. I thought of the very same sketch, TR.

  8. Carter is a compassionate, righteous, thoughtful guy. He was also a lousy President. These things are not mutually exclusive.

    Of course, after 4 years of Trump I’ll take a lousy President over a terrible human being any day of the week.

  9. Jimmy's presidency was not served well by his honest public assessments of issues facing the nation and world. His successors have not had that problem very often.

  10. Jimmy was the wrong man at the wrong time. The social, economic, and international issues that he faced were hard and required a transformational leader. That was not Carter. Had he been elected in 1992 instead of Clinton, he might well be remembered as a fantastic president of high moral character who led us through an economic boom.

  11. The US needed Jimmy Carter’s heart to fully heal from Watergate. I expect we need something similarly humanitarian right now. To Marls’ point, we can and should couple that with intelligent economic and foreign policy, but I’ll take his level of decency and zeal for democracy and humanitarianism as a start.

    Backing that up with some good American music doesn’t hurt.

  12. The J, the I, the M, the M, the Y, the J, the I, the M, it's Jimmy! It's Jimmy!

  13. zdaughter powered through a potentially catastrophic trip to the dentist. Two of her adult teeth are coming in behind the baby teeth, like a shark. I had the same issue. The solution is to have the dentist wrest the baby teeth out with a pair of pliers. She was initially terrified of the needle but was a complete trooper for all the twisting and pulling. I'm very proud. We would've had to strap zson down and use laughing gas to get this done on him.

  14. Have to take my daughter to the dentist to have the same thing done on Friday.

  15. my kidlet had a rapid test today that came back negative. she's still feeling subpar, and we're still having her isolate until we get the initial test back. fingers crossed.

    she is not, to be sure, a baby shark.
