Wednesday, January 27, 2021

I'm Not a Pedo. Honest.

I canceled my $10/month Planet Fitness subscription earlier this month. It wasn't because of the cost. It was because of the idiocy. The place was a moron's Shangri La. Given the low economic hurdle to attend, it drew folks from a wide swath of life (but mostly the idiot sub-tranche within that swath). Many attendees were either extremely old, extremely obese, or both. It was a big building with high ceilings, and I could check attendance before I went. But every time I went, I would see multiple folks on cardio machines with masks below their chin/double-chin, people lifting with masks below noses, or folks wearing loose masks that were not remotely air-proof. 

To handle this, I would keep my distance, regularly wash hands and use sanitizer, and sometimes give my best stink-eye to make folks begrudgingly address their mask situation. I even went to the front desk a couple times. But all in all, it seemed pretty unsafe, for them and me. And it's too much negativity. I'm there to wail on delts, not snitch on dolts! So while I missed having access to cables, heavy dumbbells, stair climbers and the like, I wasn't going to miss potentially catching the 'rona. This group failed the "do you think they would self-quarantine if they had a symptom" eye test. In retrospect, I should have expected as much from a gym directly across the street from a restaurant called Manny's Texas Weiners. And no, Manny's is not cool. I wanted it to be cool. I went with my sons a couple times a few years ago. I wanted to buy a t-shirt. Was a bit of a bust. A flaccid weiner, if you will.  

So lesson learned on the gym, at a de minimis cost. With that said, I continue to make incremental purchases for my modest home gym set-up. I decided to buy a pair of slider discs. They are useful for stretching/cardio/interval exercises, they don't get in the way, and they are cheap (< $8!). 

I ordered a pair on Amazon. They arrived yesterday. Not sure where it was mailed from, but it was made in China. And it bummed me out when it arrived. Usually Amazon packages come in a box or a plastic bag, right?  Not this. It was "as-is" in the box, leaning against the molding next to my front door. Not sure who the Chinese Photoshop wizard is who designed this picture, but it's far creepier than I realized when making the purchase. It looks like the creatives there said "put a 14 y/o Russian girl in skimpy gear and give her a lot of lipstick."

Haven't used the sliders yet, but I already threw out the package.  Hoping that not too many dog-walking neighbors of mine saw it. The Amazon delivery person was nice enough to properly lean it so all could see the picture. Good times. 


  1. In VA masks are not required 'while exercising'. Apparently flapping one's jaws in a weight room qualifies as exercising, cause the masking rate in there is about 15%. I do the same distancing/ stink eye combo. A while back there was a rather large guy, excitedly bellowing about his 315 lb bench. I was so annoyed, but also didn't really want to get into a scrap with a guy who outweighs me by 150 lbs.

  2. "I'm there to wail on delts, not snitch on dolts!"

    GTB line of the year thus far.

  3. This from the guy who had a mail order bride catalog shipped to our apartment circa 1998. Twenty-five-year-old TR looks at you with disdain.

  4. Pretty sure that didn't happen. And if it did, there was one oddball and one sociopath who also lived there who could have been the culprits. And I didn't turn 25 until the next year. Some lawyer you are...

  5. Yet another detail from Zman and TR living together that makes me glad that my now wife did not end up as their roommate.

  6. There were a plurality of oddballs in that crew, myself included.

  7. Reading an article by a baseball writer who voted for Schilling but won't again.

    He writes: Still, I can’t accept the easy escape hatch that his performance wasn’t worthy. Without boring readers with statistics, let’s just say he won 51 games more than Sandy Koufax, and his postseason resume under pressure might be the best the sport has seen.

    Um, Sandy Koufax was one of the greatest of the great, but his Win total isn't why, at all, in any way. He is tied for 211th all time. He had wicked arthritis and had to retire at age 30, in his absolute prime. He pitched 2324 innings in 12 seasons compared to Schilling's 3261 over 20 seasons. Not that Wins are regarded as a powerful indicator of talent any more, anyway. Lies, damned lies, and statistics.

    Otherwise, it's an interesting read, but dammit, man.

  8. you know what kind of person denies being a pedo?

  9. Democrat politicians that own pizza parlors?

  10. marls has current events bingo

  11. I’m too demoralized by Man U’s loss to Gary Sheffield United to engage.

  12. compelling tv = the folks that repo airplanes and boats. discovery channel. i could watch it all day long.

  13. TR - you are welcome to use el gimnasio de garaje. It's not heated, but it does have a Frank Frazetta poster in it.
