Tuesday, December 01, 2020

Screw masks. Let heavy metal cure COVID-19!

This video is quite silly. But it effectively relays the time-consuming, often inane, efforts others make to amuse folks on the internet (while padding our post count). Good for a Tuesday guffaw. Makes me want to crank some Slayer and gain some antibodies. 


  1. I just finished my 50th book of 2020! first time I've read 50 books in a year in a long long time. "why we're polarized" by Ezra klein. highly recommended. I'll try to summarize it in tomorrow's sentence.

  2. There's a whole lot of gasbaggery that could be improved with musical accompaniment. This shows the way.

  3. This post amused me. Thanks, TR.

  4. This is great stuff, but why no metal up your ass tag?

  5. wow. that guy has some really cool guitar videos. i like this one


  6. Random thoughts. I have them.

    - I’ve read a lot more books this year than previous years, but not 50. Closer to 20. Maybe I’ll make a books you should read list for Gheorghemas and use it as a way to talk to down to people like Dave does.

    - Congrats to the kid on making the travel team, TR. I learned a lot (probably too much) due to AAU tournaments and on campus basketball camps. Sucks that the season is off for now. The local league my daughter plays in, and I coach in, canceled the season weeks ago.

    - I love Asheville much more than the next guy. I’d move there. It checks many of my needs and wants: good bars/food, a vibrant pickup basketball scene, beautiful natural scenery and weeeed. That said, can we stop with calling the tournament currently being played in Asheville the “Maui Invitational”?

  7. Hahaha on that last point. I saw the Maui Invitational and wondered how the hell all those schools got to Hawaii. I guess that explains it.

    Turns out my kid’s travel team can practice this week, but the shutdown seems set for 12/5 - 1/2. Not sure that will help. Thanksgiving looks like it was a massive superspreader here in NJ.
