Thursday, December 31, 2020

Rear View Mirror, Motherfucker

While we wait for our Norfolk correspondent to put a bow on this turd of a year, a short, simple message for 2020 from JMU's own Everything.


  1. Are the Avett Bros. JMU's own everything? I had no idea.

  2. Was not intended as a burn, though my lack of affinity for the Avett's music is well known. Looks like a different video now, so I may actually press play when my tape of Georgia fiddle music runs out. I'm alone in my office, so I can play whatever the hell I want.

  3. i've had that happen to me recently, rootsy. a video from a previous post will show up in a current one. but i'm guessing you won't necessarily love everything's hippie-dippy vibe, either.

  4. Watched Soul with the fam last night. Kids fought it a bit at first, but loved it when it was on. It's a bit more adult-themed. Pretty heady concepts, all in all. My kids liked it, and I think they came away liking jazz at least 1% more.

  5. Welp, my 2020 sales are down 24% from 2019. Not ideal, but better than some in our industry and way better than a lot of other industries. The govt. programs were quite helpful in easing the pain for us.Got some things up my sleeve for 2021 to help my bottom line and give me more discretionary time.

    I'm not counting on the panacea that some seem to be expecting from the coming year, but with some luck I'll keep the ship afloat and moderately profitable.

  6. Marls- what’s your position on the duke’s mayo bowl? I love the stuff, but don’t know about a bowl of it. It is a key component of cheese shop dressing.
