Friday, December 04, 2020

Cue the Mariah Carey...Gheorghemas is back

What a year it's been, amirite folks? No, seriously, what a goddamn clusterfuck. A tip of the cap to everyone reading this who has been riding out a pandemic for the past nine months, with perhaps a glimmer of hope down the road...though still over the hills and far away. 

I think it falls to this small corner of the internet to try to provide a little positivity, and what better way to do that than kick off the world's 169th most popular holiday, Gheorghemas. The folks at the corporate office have been on my ass for days (that asshole Hanrahan) to post Day 1, and in a fitting tribute to how the pandemic has disrupted every bit of our lives, from work to school to yes even birthday parties, I give you the best damn pandemic birthday gift one could receive to kick off this whole faux festivus fortnight... 

 On the first day of Gheorghemas

Big Gheorghe gave to me

A Cameo that will go down in history


  1. wasn’t hanrahan a pederast?

  2. Periodic update on the shitty world of newspapering: Hartford (Conn.) Courant, nation's oldest continuously published newspaper, shutting its newsroom at end of December, courtesy of Tribune Publishing. Everybody works from home, and paper soon to be published in Springfield.

    Tribune spokesman cited pandemic and economics. Said they're constantly evaluating their real estate needs. That's at least five newsrooms they've closed. Eff those guys with a cattle prod.

  3. The contradiction in the wardrobe preferences between Wilbon and Kornheiser is somethin

  4. Kornheiser has always had a radio wardrobe/look and Wilbon, TV.

  5. Hanrahan was indeed a pederast. Good pull, buddy.

  6. Queen’s Gambit is mighty good.

  7. Watched all of it in a 14 hr window. Great show. Great performance.

  8. Finally pulled the trigger on year free of apple tv + yesterday. Watched ep 1 of Ted Lasso, then the Beasties doc. Pretty good.

    OBX Dave - do you have any fantasies about how local journalism can survive? It seems like the playbook is for a conglomerate to acquire them and strip them down to where there of little service to their communities. I don't think this will help promote informed discourse in our society.
