Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Veterans Day Word Salad

I think about my Dad a lot. Right about now, I think about what he'd make of the world we live in. Outwardly, I imagine he'd still delight in playing the contrarian to piss me off (and, in an interesting turn of events, my Mom, who's become a serious and vocal lefty over the past few years after being a quiet moderate for a long time). But I think he'd recoil at the divisiveness in our society, and I'm quite sure he'd be viscerally upset at the President's* contempt for our armed forces and the foundations of our government. 

I wrote a piece here around this time of the year in 2015, and I think it holds up, which saves me from having to do a lot of deep thinking (or at least off-the-cuff writing) today. Instead, I'll just think about Dad, and hope that 70-odd days from now we can begin to regain our equilibrium as a people.


  1. Here’s to Rob’s dad, who was always quick with a quip and solid as a rock.

    That post from 5 years ago more than holds up. It’s actually somewhat prescient. Good shit, dude.

  2. And here’s to Veterans Day, to the current 17.4 million veterans in America, and to those no longer with us who ever served in any form or fashion, and here’s to the far too many who went either willingly, dutifully, or forcibly into the worst arena humankind ever conjured. I can’t much imagine that and try pretty hard not to. Today’s a day for a nod or a salute to them all.

  3. Ditto. And here's to Shlara, to whom I missed tipping my hat in the previous comments. Danimal, feel better. You should try binge-watching Suburra on Netflix. It's like a modern day Peaky Blinders only in Italian. It even has gypsies.

  4. I made it through most of the Camper/Cracker doc last night. Pretty good, and I appreciate that David Lowery didn't mind his band mates saying he was an asshole sometimes. My quick reaction is that they weren't wrong, but neither was he.

  5. In other news, I just got another (8-10 a day, still) email from our outgoing president's super pac. The subject line was a double googly eye emoji, and the body says if every patriot gives $45, they'll have what it takes to defend the election and win!.

    I can't abide any of what these clowns are doing, but I do feel a bit sorry for the suckers who believe this shit. The grift goes on forever, it seems.

  6. Rootsy - did you read the fine print and see their comments about where the money is going? I’ve heard the news that a majority goes to his general purpose PAC, but haven’t read that myself (or spoken w/ somebody who has).

  7. i hope we can all agree that the fuckstick deadenders that remain in trump's thrall until the bitter end shouldn't be employable and should spend the rest of their days eeking out a living on the soul-deadening crumbs of white resentment.

  8. I think that's only fair Rob.

    TR - the super pac lists I'm on don't have that disclaimer. They all share email lists and are fucking shady. No amount of unsubscribing and spam blocking has worked, so I just whiff the craven desperation for a second, then delete.

  9. Interested to see the list of Rootsy super pacs.

  10. From Reuters:

    But any small-dollar donations from Trump’s grassroots donors won’t be going to legal expenses at all, according to a Reuters review of the legal language in the solicitations.

    A donor would have to give more than $8,000 before any money goes to the “recount account” established to finance election challenges, including recounts and lawsuits over alleged improprieties, the fundraising disclosures show.

    The emailed solicitations send supporters to an “Official Election Defense Fund” website that asks them to sign up for recurring donations to “protect the results and keep fighting even after Election Day.”

    The fine print makes clear most of the money will go to other priorities.

  11. well done, past rob and present rob.

  12. hold on just a cotton-pickin' minute, teej. you're trying to tell us that trump is trying to run a con on the people who support him the most? this is an outrage. i'm shocked. shocked to find that gambling is going on here.

  13. i learned today that wright thompson just released a book called pappyland, described thusly: The story of how Julian Van Winkle III, the caretaker of the most coveted cult Kentucky Bourbon whiskey in the world, fought to protect his family's heritage and preserve the taste of his forebears, in a world where authenticity, like his product, is in very short supply.

    i also bought it today. much excite.

  14. of interest to many gheorghies, there's a benefit show for tipitina's on saturday night:

  15. Question for the ones of you that regularly hit the gym for your nautilus sessions:

    Have you changed your habits in the last week? I dropped my pricey gym in March. I joined a Planet Fitness a few weeks ago. It was $40 to join and costs $10/month. They have an app w/ a crowdmeter, they have high ceilings, and I am nuts about hand sanitizer and handwashing, while keeping my distance. I go 2-3x per week for the bike/treadmill/stairs.

    Wife is not happy, given the recent news on spread at gyms. What do you all say?
