Monday, November 16, 2020

Humans, Occasionally Cool

Dylan Efron (yes, he's from that Efron family) has a pretty cool gig. He's billed professionally as an adventurer (while he also acts, writes, and produces), and he travels the world (or did, until recently) doing cool stuff and seeking ways to help people live more sustainably. He also hosts a video blog series for Firestone Walker Brewing, which is where he came to my attention.

Entitled 'Flow State', Efron's series sees him taking professional athletes and celebrities from Los Angeles to do things that take them out of their comfort zones. In Episode One, he goes rock climbing with badass professional skateboarder (and self-professed acrophobic) Leticia Bufoni. It's a cool watch, featuring folks that seem genuine and good-natured. 

Dig it - it's a nice week-starting vibe.


  1. Anybody think Bonds and Clemens get into the Hall this year? Perhaps some voters change their minds during the pandemic? Yeah, unlikely. Oh, well.

  2. The Suns trading for Chris Paul, eh?

  3. Joey Bides saying real words that are coherent right now. I don't like all of them, but they are honest-to-goodness real words that convey real policies. He hasn't said "bigly" or "fake news" once. So refreshing.

    And Biden is treating Trump like a gnat that is annoying, as opposed to a foe, at this point. Love his dismissive tone.

  4. "It's more embarrassing for the country than debilitating to my campaign" - Biden on Trump's behavior. Perfect response.

  5. usmnt served up a tasty morsel today. the kids played really well for the most part, hanging 6 on panama.

  6. ralph northam is a hip, hip lady

  7. Everything about Chris Berman’s hair is mesmerizing.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. If I were a 41-year-old man with five broken ribs and a collapsed lung to go along with two Offensive Player of the Year awards, a Super Bowl ring and MVP trophy; more passing yards and TDs than anyone ever; and almost a quarter of a billion dollars in career earnings, I would retire.

  10. He should. If Tom Brady did not exist, he probably would.

  11. He'll keep playing b/c he's afraid of getting punched by Michael Thomas.

  12. Don't know if you sneakerheads are down with Puma but they just teamed up with Porsche to do different colorways based on different 911 models.

  13. gregg marshall walked away with $7.7m after being credibly accused of serious abuse. now he has even more extra g's.

  14. bitly is your friend, squeak

  15. I'm down with Puma and Porsche although I currently own nothing made by either. I had a pair of gray nylon Adidas adiracers that looked a lot like those Speedcat Turbos. It appears Adidas ceded the driving space to Puma.

  16. Gregg Marshall joins Tiki Barber on the list of list of Roanoke sports figures to experience public shame. All those g's no doubt indicates a heftier buyout.

  17. Gregg Marshall out at Wichita State? Shocker.

  18. Theo Epstein stepping down. What the hell does he do now other than put his feet up and bask in it?

  19. To be clear, Zman does own two red Ferrari sweatsuits.

  20. Epstein probably sits out a year and then awaits a mammoth offer from a despite franchise. Reinsdorf should pay him and GTF out of the way.

  21. I’m not a huge Buick Enclave fan, but 0% APR for 84 months is kinda ridiculous, even if if high yield savings accounts are yielding < 1%.

    My lease espires in less than a year. Are there others doing 7 yrs and 0% APR?

  22. Doubtful TR. Go drive one, you'll feel better about it.

  23. There are a lot of 0% deals for 60-84 months out there:

    Toyota is practically giving Mirais away, along with a card good for $15,000 worth of fuel, perhaps because there's nowhere to actually fill them with hydrogen.

    0% for 60 months on a VW GTI? Yes please. Make mine tornado red, plaid seats, 6 speed manual.
