Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Words Have Meaning

Chimichanga. Bad hair day. Erectile dysfunction. Kwanzaa. Punk rock.

Contrary to appearances, this is not Whitney's Google search history spelled out for all the world to see.

But there is a connection to many of us here in the Gheorghieverse.

Teppanyaki. Shambolic. Labradoodle. Guilt trip. Gigabit.

Any ideas yet? Maybe these will help:

Agent Orange. China Syndrome. Cut fastball. 'Fro. Strong safety.

Not exactly man, woman, person, camera, television is it? 

All of this fun comes to us courtesy of the fine people at Merriam Webster. The words and phrases in italics above all appeared in print for the first time in 1970, the year you were born, if you're cool. Follow the link to find your own birthyear firsts. (They may not have computers old enough to capture words for Fairbank and Mr. KQ.)

If you're postvasectomy, the Merriam Webster Time Traveler project will at least give you something to do to kill time.


  1. You just got a vasectomy?

  2. it's the global 'you're'. my junk is far too valuable to subject it to a surgeon's blade.

  3. It's a big day in the TR household. We are going to do a taste test to see if bone-in Berkshire pork chops are really worth the extra money. They run about $12/lb around these parts, versus $5-$6/lb for standard bone-in pork chops. It's allegedly more expensive b/c its Prime meat and has the fancy marbling.

    Amazing, I know. I'll report back tonight! As-salamu alaykum, Gheorghies.

  4. In case we haven't discussed Huey Lewis enough around here lately, I'll offer up this. I would have thought something from Sports charted higher.

  5. That sounds pretty delicious there, TR.

    And Rob, they use "lasers," not blades. 22 minutes, in and out. Tidiest surgery ever.
    This fucking hernia surgery, meanwhile...

  6. I'll second Whit's comments on how easy the procedure is. He did better than I, as I think he milked it for one trip to New Orleans, and perhaps another excursion too, all without actually getting the procedure done. I thought his vas deferens was still intact until I read the comment above.

  7. I detailed my experience in this space previously:

    I assume they broke out the high intensity microscope goggles for Whit's procedure. A laser beam would bounce right off my mighty vas deferens. My doc and I shot the shit about cars throughout the procedure, which was a comic experience about which I should write another post.

  8. Rootsy's memory is keen. I got a midweek trip to NOLA to see Wilco on back-to-back nights and a trip to San Diego to watch US rugby with some of our gang. I didn't end up getting the snip done then, as things went awry on the home front.

    A decade later, however, it just needed doing. My two daughters are all the legacy I need on this planet and I couldn't be happier about it. A good friend in town here didn't get it done for some of the same reasons I hear thrown about on this forum. He's 46 and now has a 2-year-old. More power to him, or something like that.

  9. That is expert level use of leverage.

    I'm not sure I'd want to start the parenting merry-go-round again at this stage, where my kids can actually feed themselves. They can't clean up after themselves, but they have the skills they need to be adequately fed while they wallow in their squalor.

  10. Rootsy, that Huey article you linked to is boss. Tomorrow's GTB post is an unrelated Whitneypedia music nerd shortie, and this article is exactly the type of chock-full-of-factoids piece that sends a dopamine spike through my system.

  11. As in I got myself a forty I got myself a shorty and I'm about to go and stick it?

  12. Anyone else read a Zman comment like the one above and wonder if he pops off like that in normal domestic life, or saves it all for us?

    Don't get me wrong - I appreciate it, but I'm not sure Zwoman would approve of it becoming part of the lexicon of Zchildren.

  13. Bidding for the Dormobile got fast and furious at the end. $30,500.

  14. the giuliani/borat thing has put me over the edge. we're absolutely living in a simulation written by teenagers bombed on xanax and pot brownies. the truth is too fucking bizarre.

  15. The weekend after the 2016 electrion, my jug band had two gigs in Lawrenceville, VA. We played a school show on a Friday morning, then a public concert on Saturday night. That meant we had a lot of time to kill in an area where there is less than fuck-all to do.

    We obviously spent a lot of time talking about the election results, and one of my mates kept saying "Shit's gonna get really stupid before it gets better". I'm wondering how much stupider it can get. That someone with any sort of public profile could get suckered into this is utterly absurd.

  16. Jeffrey Toobin is psyched that Rudy's such a dumbass

  17. I say all the wrong things in front of zkids so zson is a profligate curser. It wasn't a problem until he said "Fuck that Grandma!" to zmother-in-law. His current swearword of choice is goddam.

  18. Apropos of nothing, stumbled on this clip where young Jon Stewart interviews George Carlin. Pretty cool 12 minutes.

  19. I can’t speak on the Berkshire pork chops but I got a free Berkshire pork shoulder from the wife’s job last year and smoked it and it was fanfuckingtastic.

  20. I talked to Lew and he was ecstatic about what the Dormobile drew. Hell yeah.

  21. Holy crap, the W&M administration is a shitshow. The fact that they tried to push through a major violation of Title IX under the guise of “it’s not me, it’s the pandemic.”

    “Bryant said he was “really astonished to see not just that they were eliminating these three women’s teams in violation of Title IX, but they had published things open to the public admitting that they were in violation of Title IX and literally adopting a five-year strategic plan that would include interim goals to get them closer to compliance with Title IX by 2025.

    “My jaw dropped. Look, this is a federal law. Can you imagine any educational institution saying, ‘Hey, it’s come to our attention we’re violating the tax laws and so we’re adopting a long-range plan to violate them less within five years? They did that. … It was quite striking.”
