Tuesday, October 06, 2020

This...is a Public Service Announcement

Okay, not really a public service announcement. But this is a call. 

A call to all my Gheorghies. We did a thing. You're going to enjoy the thing we did. But I need your address in order to let you know what the thing is. NOVA Gheorghies, I'll find a way to get the thing to you. But if you're not in the DMV, send an email to batogato15 at gmail dot com and stand by for the thing. (If you're saying to yourself, "I've already given him my address", you're correct and I still need it.)

The thing is glorious. And it'll make your friends jealous. Or confused. Probably confused. But you'll know. Yes you will.


  1. Rob, I mailed you a package yesterday with someone else's thing enclosed. I included a return label and postage, so you'll just need to tape it shut and mail my thing to me. I look forward to being met with bewildered looks when showing it off in public.

  2. People often look bewildered when I publicly show my thing.

  3. you already have your thing, whit

  4. I can't help it if I like to share my thing with the world.

  5. My thing is extremely cool. And big.

  6. The steroid they gave Trump has some side effects:

    Dexamethasone can also have concerning side effects, ranging from blood clots, blurred vision, and headaches to “psychic derangements,” such as insomnia, mood swings and “frank psychotic manifestations,” according to the drug label.


  7. pour some out for a huge mistake

  8. Let's be honest - Tribe Athletics has really suffered since Slick 50 and I left the football program. The 2v2 game in August '95, played(between the hash marks)in a deluge on the newly returfed Scott Stadium field was a personal highlight.

    I don't think Jimmye Laycock saw us out there, but he would have been pissed.

  9. Let's go back in time to October 1995. It is fall break weekend. I stuck around town to get into mischief w/ Rootsy and Slick. Slick offered me a great deal. Do you want to work the football game w/ us, he asks? I was offered some money, a free lunch and a W&M football shirt to help out. It was Saturday and I didn't have shit to do, so I said yes.

    To get fully prepared late that morning for our work, we aggressively got in the right head space. We were interrupted midway through by alum Steve Hall, who was a nice guy. Was awkward for 15 seconds as he stared at us on a couch and we stared back at him, wondering why he thought it was okay to barge into a college kid's room.

    Anyhoo, I stumble out to the field with Slick, ready to make some cash and watch football from the sidelines! What Slick 50 failed to disclose was that: a) I would only be making $5, b) I would not be with him, but be with others on the sidelines, having footballs ready for refs, and c) my other "team members" were all ~11 y/o boys. So that was my fun day in the 'Burg. Good box lunch though.

    Final point. I put that football shirt on another day and decided to wander the sidelines which was not hard to do. I was again in a special head case. I found a football on the ground, picked it up and started wandering around the opponents' bench pretending to be in some official capacity. Some low-level assistant coach saw me and unloaded on me. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE? GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!" I realized I had lackadaisically wandered right next to the bench where the O-Line was sitting and getting instructions. I quickly made my way out of there. Last time I did that.

  10. TR, I saw you do more questionable things than that for less than $5, a box lunch and a T-shirt.

  11. Also, fucking bummer about Eddie.

  12. yikes. that's a piece of my youth.

  13. I did most of that stuff for glory, Rootsy. Can’t put a price on that.

  14. stephen miller caught the covid. i might be rooting for the covid.

  15. Fair point TR. I guess the risk of ignominy is high enough that any glory procured is deserved.

  16. For some reason Eddie Van Halen dying took me by surprise. Should it have? He smoked like chimney, was 65 (wow), and apparently had been sick for a long time. It should not have.

    It bums me out. Should it have? He was a super rich rock star whose best work by far was pre-1985, and I never met the man. I even put him in the Top 20 Douchebags in Rock and Roll in 2009. It should not have.

    It sucks? Does it suck? It sucks.

  17. happy to see bam back in the lineup. gonna be squeaky bum time for the lakers if they drop this one.

  18. Yanks are 3+ hours into their game and it’s the middle of the 7th. Oy veh.

  19. I know there are all kinds of sports on TV tonight, but Twitter is the best show by a mile. Trump is having a total meltdown (even by his low standards), and The Lincoln Project just released an incendiary Evita spoof on Trump that is well worth your time.
