Thursday, October 29, 2020

De La Soul is not Dead

 De La Soul is not dead.  In fact, they have a new song featuring Pharoahe Monch, Talib Kweli, Styles P and Chuck D.  Enjoy.


  1. I guess no one likes De La.

  2. Nope. It’s just you, yourself and you.

    I like them. I would like them more if their music was available on iTunes.

  3. They made all their albums available through a free download a few years ago. I can give them to you.

  4. And I would like The State more if it was on YouTube. I tried to show my sons the “Dip My Balls In It” sketch b/c they only know Ken Marino as the dad figure in lame comedies. And b/c it is epic. Was unable. Bummer for me. Wife is probably okay with this.

  5. I pulled all the De La tracks when they did that. It seemed like they used whatever limewire/napster/etc. files that were floating about, as the info on some of them is laughably off.

    Someday I'll have a private office with booming speakers where I can listen from my desk, but now I have to put in earbuds to listen. I'm looking forward to checking it out later.

  6. Strongest white to fellow Long Islanders De La.

    I’m glad to see that Rootsy was able to get past Starner’s constant playing of M,M & I sophomore year.

  7. I love De La but I’ve been my ass kicked at the cracker factory all week. I’m also busy looking for a new cracker factory to work at. My company manages to getting shitter/cheaper and more demanding each year.

  8. Good luck, Mark. Sorry to hear that it’s a nut-grinder these days.

  9. The starner selections I couldn’t take were dmb and Jeff Buckley singing ‘hallelujah’ on repeat. He didn’t really like the hippy shit I was into either. Not a great roomie situation. I upgraded to living with zman in 308.

  10. dig that jawn, z. cracker factory also kicking my ass, but in kind of a good way. if that's possible.

  11. we're doing a leadership training and just completed a personality inventory. friends, it fucking nailed me dead to rights. will post excerpts so you can nod knowingly.

  12. In the past week, I have painted a child’s bedroom and successfully installed a WiFi extender. Feeling all kinds of competent right about now.

    I went with the Eero 2-pk WiFi extender. I bought a NetGear piece first and it sucked.

    And for my painting, I did it the proper way. I taped edges, did 2 full coats and was attentive with the trim...

  13. I see you, TR. only Reggie Hammond is more attentive with trim than TR

  14. rip travis roy. from an unimaginably unfair tragic start to his public life to a brave second act. gone at 45. hope he's skating fast in heaven.

  15. Good call, TR. I bought my own WiFi router and mesh extender a couple years ago because the local provider was absolute garbage. Also, because my wife spilt water on the router and ruined it. I’d been wanting to do it and that pushed me to it. I wasn’t about to pay the cable company for a new router.

    Was a bit a chore to put in. But our home lives are much better as a result. Little to no outages and no dead spots in the back of the house. I recommend doing it for anyone who hasn’t.

    As for domestic accomplishments, I carved a massive pumpkin tonight.

  16. As for my company was purchased by Humana (40) and a hedge fund (60) a couple years ago. The hedge fund is doing hedge fund things and its killed the previously solid company culture. If not for the pandemic I’d already be gone.

  17. You guys heard me talking about DJ Uigaleilei last year. The true frosh QB for Clemson will start vs BC this Saturday. He is 6’4” and 250 lbs. He will destroy BC.
