Saturday, October 31, 2020

2020 . . . Spooky Stuff (The Safety Dance vs. The Chinese Curse)

Yesterday afternoon, the EB English Department held our 9th Annual Scary Story Contest. We write scary stories on a theme, throw in twenty bucks, read them anonymously, and then vote and award prizes. 

The theme was "It's Perfectly Safe" and I had no desire to write anything, let alone a fully developed short story. I was sick of screen time because of the technological soul-sucking abyss of hybrid school. Stacey and I usually collaborate, but we couldn't find time to flesh out her idea. 

So instead of a story, I wrote a scary poem. I framed it as a Facebook post, ostensibly written by a woman who thought she might have some magical powers and wanted to use them to change the course of this fucked up year. Over the course of the post, she descends into madness.

It was fun to write, but, I didn't realize how hard it would be to read. The poor lady who got my piece (Cunningham) nearly descended into madness trying to perform it. I snagged third place, which was an accomplishment-- the stories were really good this year.

Here's my scary poem-- which is both appropriate for Halloween and the looming thing which may not be spoken of. If you like it, post it on Facebook . . . maybe it will work.

                                                 The Chinese Curse

What’s on your mind, Blair?

video photo feeling

What’s on my mind? Do you really want to know, Face-suck? 

Or do you just want to mine my data? 

What’s on my mind?

The Chinese Curse, that’s what. May you live in interesting times. 

October 31st, 2020. Interesting times. Four more days until the election. Two more months left in this mess of a year.

Interesting times suck. I can't get them off of my mind. Or out of my mind.

But maybe, I can change things. Have some control. Do some lexical magic. 

At least over you, my so-called Facebook friends . . . in my so-called life during this so-called pandemic. Maybe you’ll pass my incantation along and this year will turn itself inside out.

What if I could cast a spell?

Dissipate this weary hell?

I should at least give it a try. My mom used to do tarot readings. I might have some kind of gift.

Hocus-pocus, maybe I can learn to focus?

Zuckerberg’s clairvoyant vision

Find this with your algorithm:

Make my post go super-viral

Pull us from this deadly spiral.

It was the year of twenty-twenty,

It is the year of twenty-twenty . . .

Twenty-twenty, twenty-twenty

Why do you rub me

in this way?

Why can’t you love me?

You push and shove me

Day by fretful day by day.

Boil and bubble, Trump is trouble, 

O Lord don't let him win the double

Yes! Let my soul turn to lead 

and sink to hell if he were dead.

If he were dead, if he were dead.

Banish these thoughts from my head!

My busy brain should not be fed

By such bitter vengeful bread.

Ring around the rosy, pocket full of posies 

covid covid we all fall down . . .

Safety, safety, safety first

Safety dance, the Chinese curse

Living safely is the worst

But is it better than the hearse?

Lady liberty not Trump tower

Used to give our country power.

Hippies filled their hair with flowers.

Now . . .

abortion makes Coney Barrett sour.

Blues and reds, they all glower--

Children at the border cower.

They say the pen is mightier than the sword.

But what if the Populus is polarized and bored?

Pandemic, plan-demic

A fiction Democratic.

You have my word 

November third

It disappears like magic.

Meatpackers work, shoulder to shoulder

The policy gets colder and colder.

Carcass, virus, 

virus, carcass . . .  

Cut that meat or they will fire us.

Covid covid, we all fall down.

Black lives matter, blue lives matter,

George Floyd’s ashes we must scatter.

Pitter-patter pitter-patter

The blood of Rayshard Brooks did spatter--

Tasers, guns I’ll take the latter.

Breonna Taylor’s door got battered.

Some say the world will end in fire,

But for migrant workers, 

ICE will suffice.

That’s great, it starts with an earthquake,

Birds and snakes and aeroplanes,

Dave Chapelle is not afraid

Eye of a hurricane, listen to yourself churn

While the outback burns and burns.

It’s the end of the world as we know it,

Grandma don’t feel fine at all.

Covid covid, we all fall 


Fly of Pence, tongue of Stone,

Bannon’s nose hair

Kushner’s throne

Ivanka’s fabric

Mnuchin’s money

Tongue of Miller

Pompeo’s arm

Mix these for a deadly charm.

Yes! Let my soul turn to lead 

and sink to hell if he were dead.

I make this bargain readily,

Like Faustus with Mephistopheles . . .

I wear my mask and then I sneeze

Don’t stare at me, pretty please.

Here we are now, entertain us.

TV shows to make us famous,

Social feeds will try to change us

We bare our souls, can you blame us?

Bail out the airlines and the banks,

To Donald Trump we give our thanks.

The rest of us must share the wealth--

And hope he subsidizes health.

Plumes of smoke, tear-gas, fire

Men in armor, guns for hire

We're all so very very tired

But am I preaching to the choir?

Twenty-twenty when you end

Will our fractured country mend?

Or have we gone around the bend?

I see two paths, both portend.

Yes, two roads diverged in yellow wood . . . 

One repulsive, one not so good

Three roads, four roads, five roads, six,

There will be no easy fix

Epstein’s minors turn their tricks.

Safety dance, safety first

Safety is the Chinese curse

Will November make it worse?

What rough beast slouches towards Washington to be reborn?

Once I pondered weak and weary, on a scientific theory

Then I learned of QAnon and thought: “Fuck yeah! IT IS ON!”

Now I fight the pedophiles,

Me and Trump, we do battle

The rest of you are sheep and cattle

Do your research on Seattle

Protesters, they mass and gather

Law or chaos, would you rather?

Widening on the turning gyre, 

the center cannot hold

Things fall apart, it’s getting cold

The virus once again grows bold

Airborne particles

Fake news articles,

Winter is coming, enjoy the carnival.

My thoughts grow wild, I can’t control them, 

I wish that I could turn them off,

I wish I were allowed to cough 

I wish that I could turn them off 

I wish I were allowed to cough 

until my lungs come out my ears and throat

The devil is inside a goat

Bubble, bubble Trump is trouble

Will he be elected double?

Twenty-twenty, a dozen more?

Will he change the terms to four?

Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan

Let’s enact a travel ban!

Illhan Omar and AOC

Want us all to work for free.

Socialism . . . not for me . . .

We mourn the mighty RBG.

Twenty-twenty, you have offended,

But in a year, will all be mended?

Perhaps we have just slumbered here

While these visions did appear?

No . . . this is no idle theme--

It’s not a dream, it’s not a dream

I give you full consent to scream.

Stop these thoughts, away begone!

Yet they continue on and on . . .

What’s on my mind, Facebook feed?

I can’t choose which way to proceed.

I cannot do a single deed.

I’m paralyzed and by booze and weed

Safety safety, safety first

The safety dance, the Chinese curse

Living safely is the worst

My brain won’t stop until it bursts.

I poke and scroll on my phone

There’s no such thing as home alone.

O lord I feel so weak and weary, fatigued and futile, eyes so bleary,

My mask lies soiled and forgotten, dirty, dusty smelling rotten

Fallen from the special spot on my car mirror to the floor--

Now I need it, I must retrieve it, I’m on an errand to the store.

But can I enter? Dare I enter? I do not want to touch the door--

The doorway entrance, a deadly sentence, full of germs I can’t ignore.

What’s on my mind?

Only this and nothing more.

Facebook-- make this post go super-viral,

Release me from this deadly spiral,

I’m feeling mad, my mind is wild,

Like a surly red-faced child--

I want to stomp and throw a tantrum--

Redrum, redrum! REDRUM!

Murder mayhem bloody-mary

Twenty-twenty, you shock and scare me

Like some spider black and hairy.

I can’t sleep my way through this disaster

Twenty-twenty: you are the master

Of my whirling anxious brain--

Release me from this grisly reign.

Dash these thoughts against the stones,

Let them live among your phones,

Free me from these dreadful times

Cast this spell, release these rhymes.

What’s on my mind, what’s on my mind?

It was the year of twenty-twenty,

It IS the year of twenty-twenty.

Only this and nothing more.



  1. WOW. This from the guy who used to issue one-sentence emanations.

    Fantastic, Dave. Michael Stipe, Macbeth, and Men Without Hats. Robert Frost, Kurt Cobain, and most appropriately, Stephen King and Edgar Allan Poe.

    Brilliantly penned.

  2. thanks! i had plenty of material to work with . . .

  3. there's also some frost, yeats, and midsummer night's dream in there . . . probably other stuff too.



  5. This is our generation's Howl.

  6. this was fun to read in escalating panic and frenzy. now i need to lie down.

    in other news of the not so great variety, they put one of ours in the morgue. pour some out, shaken, not stirred, for the great sean connery.

  7. I love your poem. Definitely scary!
    Heard the Connery news on my way home from buying Halloween Krispy Kreme as breakfast treat for fam. Might impact my family movie pick this weekend!
    We’re readying for Halloween — 20 foot candy chute from 2nd floor to deliver “safely” ...we shall see.

  8. Sean Connery! Need to watch The Untouchables for the millionth time. So good.

  9. And I mentioned Frost, Dave. He’s my boy.

  10. Our Connery tribute was 2 months early.

  11. This is your reminder to play some Geto Boys today.

  12. Mark won GTB today. I’m bummed about Sean Connery. I love that Dave had no time and simply threw together a 2000 word poem with a flick of his fingers.

  13. I forgot to mention that Dave included references to The Lead Game as well. Brilliant.

  14. Starting to feel like “one of those” CFB Saturdays.

    Rough debut so far for TR’s Clemson QB homie.

  15. Or not. He’s over 300 yards. And Travis Etienne is a fucking stud.

  16. Florida’s already shitty defense will be without 3 of 4 starters in the secondary tonight. Put your money on Mizzou is you’re into gambling.

  17. threw together a tasty spiked hot cider recipe with bulleit bourbon. serving me nicely as i sit outside and toss candy at yoots.

  18. My boys had football at 9 in 30 degree weather. They both had baseball in the afternoon in 40 degree weather. And then they both were out grabbing candy for two hours. 99.69% chance they have a cold by Monday.

    My scotch on the rocks sounds feeble compared to Rob’s drink. It’s definitely hot toddy weather.

  19. i was supposed to go to a fun outdoor Halloween party with all our friends. instead i ended up in quarantine, doing contact tracing, email spreadsheets, and lots of frantic texting. jv soccer is quarantined for six more days-- which is a great result-- and it looks like they are going to let varsity play on Monday. one of my players is pretty sick, and his family is really sick. i called him and it was pretty scary. luckily, we are on fall break so i don't have to miss work, but what a mess. i don't think my school is going to open after break anyway-- people are traveling and cases are exploding. we went from making appetizers to calling everyone and informing them they might want to get tested (as we are tomorrow morning). a truly scary Halloween . . .

  20. The kid did the the trick or treat run in the neighborhood with her friend and their family. Then we went to the fancier neighborhood for round 2. All while watching the Florida game. This is challenging Halloween.

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