Thursday, September 03, 2020

Gheorghe: The Logo



  1. slap that thing on some t-shirts and hoodies and let's sell some merch!

    next step...well, you know.

  2. Why does the shooter have a penis in his armpit?

  3. gene simmons is the shooter. that ain’t a penis.

  4. If someone wants to send me that monstrosity I can vectorize it and clean up the eges (and really enhance the armpit penis). Unless pixelation is part of the brand, in which case I don't mean to offend.

  5. so we're just going to ignore the Gheorghe posse image in post below? zman's friend who ginned that up for us (many years ago) will be very sad

  6. An epic monstrosity, but those jagged edges ruin it for me.

  7. Rootsy must not have been an Atari 2600 fan.

  8. rootsy is an artist. let him do his thing.

  9. I was never allowed video games at home as a kid. That probably didn’t help me freshman year. I’d try and write all nite papers on jugs carlesimoff’s tiny little mac, and got sucked hopelessly into tetris.

  10. I’m late here but huuuuge recommendations on both Fleabag and Killing Eve. Wife and I blew through Fleabag pre-Quarantine. Started Killing Eve a couple of weeks ago. Phenomenal.

  11. last episode of the first season of narcos: mexico tonight for me and my lady. one more season to go. excellent stuff.

  12. Thoughts and prayers for Kyle Lowry’s ball bag.

  13. Raptors-Celts ending was pretty bonkers. OG was an original gangster on that shot.

  14. I was watching the game on a delay. Boston-Toronto Game 3 was the game of the bubble so far. Wow.

  15. Narcos: Mexico is tremendous, Rob. One of my favorite shows of 2020.

  16. Two weeks ago I started watching original Narcos - am three episodes in - love it.

  17. Much to look forward to....each season gets better

  18. and there is a new doc on Netflix called The Last Narc, the story of the dea agent in the last season. Watch it after finishing Narcos. Crazy.

  19. Both Narcos are good. In prefer Narcos:Mexico. Not knowing the story as deeply may play a role in that. That said, I do think the acting and storytelling in superior.

  20. For the record it was I, not any friend, who ginned up that Gheorghe the Blog has a posse logo.

    I've said it here before, Narcos is the best show on TV and I'm including Mexico in that too. The guy who played Pablo Escobar did an amazing job and I had no idea how fucking nuts Escobar was. Mexico is great too but no one is as good as the guy who played Escobar. Pacho Herrera is the second craziest guy in the series.

    I missed Narcos so much that I got sucked into El Chapo on Netflix. Not as good as Narcos and I hate the dubbing but it fills that crazy coke lord void between seasons.

  21. Final point on the Atari 2600 graphic - the defender is definitely fouling the armpit penis shooter. There’s clear contact with the wrist.

  22. there are so many amazing characters in both narcos stories. the dude who played navegante in the colombian episodes was malice personified. javi pena was excellent. watching limon get sucked into the game was heartbreaking. pacho herrera was amazing - homo mas macho.

    and the felix gallardo resurrection scene in the last episode of the first season in mexico is some holy shit television.

  23. Not a foul. See the updated photo comparison.

  24. From the College:

    As part of William & Mary's comprehensive review, the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics has completed its own assessment of the path forward, building on a series of prior studies. Our goal is to provide excellent support and a world-class experience for our student-athletes in the sports that we offer. However, the costs associated with operating a department that sponsors 23 varsity teams – and what is now required for them to excel at a high level – have grown dramatically over time. These have become unsustainable. The pandemic has made these budget constraints acute and has brought us to a point of reckoning.

    With the full support of the William & Mary Board of Visitors, we have come to the decision that William & Mary will discontinue seven of our 23 sports programs at the varsity level. At the conclusion of the 20-21 Academic Year, the following will no longer be sponsored as Division I sports: Men's and Women's Gymnastics; Men's and Women's Swimming; Men's Indoor and Outdoor Track & Field; and Women's Volleyball.

  25. Et tu?

    He had already blocked the shot back into Hakeem’s hand.

  26. no, i mean w&m committed a foul

  27. At least we still got cross country...

  28. which is going to die a slow death as runners who would normally have track seasons to build and sustain conditioning will look for schools that offer track.

  29. Stupid question: how expensive is it to have swimming and track? The pool and the track are sunk costs, you just have to pay the coaches and buy some speedos, goggles, and spikes. Volleyball seems cheap too.

    I understand the scholarships cost money, but couldn't they just give out fewer? Sure, the teams won't be as competitive, but kids will still have the opportunity to participate.

    Another stupid question: if travel is the most expensive cost, couldn't (dare I say shouldn't) other nearby schools facing a similar situation form some small alternative conference and just play each other? Have I said this here before?

  30. my guess is that we'll see an evolution of college sports into something a lot like that, z. and i know blogger has been confusing the two of us lately, but i wouldn't have expected you to do it, too:

  31. I’m with you, TR. We were going to watch it tonight. I like my daughter to watch the non princessy Disney movies with girls in leading roles. She was into it but we had dinner at my parents tonight and got home late. We’ll watch it this weekend.

    Unrelated: Bucks-Heat is a fun series. Bucks are gonna get roasted for losing this series but I honestly think Miami is the better team. They’re deep, versatile and hitting their peak.

  32. Also: the decision to not resign Malcolm Brogdon last offseason is going to haunt that Milwaukee franchise for years to come.

  33. I still smarting over “monstrosity”. Honestly, Rootsy. You’d better come up with something awe-inspiring.

  34. Zman is dropping a Rootsy diss track soon. Or at least that what I’m hoping for.

  35. I really touched a nerve with that word. I apologize if anyone was offended. I'm here for the diss track. I can take it.
