Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Even More Emergency Filler

The premise: a young, German sound engineer named Marten encountered a street musician who inspired him. He hooked the man up with some recording, and it kind of went from there.

Next up, he rolled around Europe in a van with recording equipment inside. He recorded street musicians of many nationalities, instruments, abilities, music styles, and states of homelessness or otherwise. The project is called Smells Like Van Spirit.

This is his story. It's now an album that probably should be supported by lots of folks. Later it will be a documentary. I love this kind of shit. 

Check it out.

And this is one of the street bands he recorded. They're called Ramm Tamm Tilda.  This song is called... "Ramm Tamm Tilda." Enjoy. I did.


  1. I bet van spirit smells like body odor.

  2. Challenging times in the 'Burg.

    The Flat Hat letter to the editor: Why I Have Stopped Donating to the College

  3. that same dude wrote a good op-ed in the richmond times-dispatch. righteous anger. go on, hildebrand.

  4. This:

    "Or, perhaps, Ms. Huge is just lazy, not the least bit bold, and wants fewer staff to manage.

  5. There is a dearth of bold leadership all around these days, at a time when it's sorely needed.

  6. This was my favorite part: “ Huge’s eighth stop is no ‘full-circle dream come true,’ but one more mile marker to pass on her journey to satisfying personal ambitions, as evidenced by her recent application to work at Vanderbilt.”

    BUSTED! Was that widely known?

  7. Yeah, DR Hildebrand deserves to be an honorary Gheorghie.

    I just hope he wasn’t an SAE.

  8. yes, huge's interview at vandy was mentioned in the faculty letter that was making rounds.

    in other news, my blood pressure went up last night just from following the "debate" on twitter. i might've stroked out if i'd watched it.

  9. those videos are phenomenal. i see a smells like van spirit rabbit hole in my future.

  10. This is amazing. This rabbit hole journey will be a good one.

    In related news, check out this bandcamp special compilation that is only available this Friday. Some of you will recognize a lot of the artists but tons of music for every discerning Gheorghie. All proceeds go to Voter Rights Lab.

  11. So, do we think AD Huge will lose her job?
    I couldn’t stomach the shenanigans last night. Some of the family did - I saw a couple minutes. Good Lord! I chose an old Samuel L. Jackson film on cable. I like the suggestions of him as next moderator.
    In my world, I posted on my personal FB page recently how the lack of a national response to the public health crisis is reprehensible, shows disrespect by the President to the families of those who have died of the virus, and a church member responded that she’s leaving the church now, and I have no business making political statements. Ughhh!
    I took the convo off FB, but responded to her, making the distinction that my personal page is personal/doesn’t reflect the church’s views, and that Jesus/the Gospel certainly was political - he lost his life standing up to the empire/religious hypocrisy!
    The good news is another church member spoke up for me. Sometimes I hate what I do. Ha!

  12. 25 G:TB posts this month. Most September posts we've had since 2014. Not bad, people. Not bad.

  13. The Flaming Lips, Connells, and Patton Oswalt played at the soon-to-be-renamed Trinkle Hall.

  14. I don't remember what/where Trinkle Hall is.

  15. Emergency Filler Week is helping pad our stats. And I'm all for it.

  16. The Minnesota Twins' soon-to-be 18-game postseason losing streak is stupefying.

  17. I refuse to watch the debates. What could possibly be said that would change my opinion of our current president? Biden is far from perfect but I’m not looking for perfect in this race. Far from it.

    I watched the first episode of Fargo season 4. Good start but I’m a sucker for the TV versions of Fargo. Only season I didn’t love was season 3.

  18. First day with temps in the 70s all day here since early March. Fucking glorious. Sitting outside at my kids LAX practice. Youth football practice on the field next to me. Only thing I’m missing is a good beer.

  19. MLB playoffs and NBA Finals bode poorly for my chances of getting to sleep at a good time. Could be a three scotch Wednesday. #tsw

  20. 9 pm start is brutal. I’ll watch first half then listen to radio feed of second until I fall asleep.

  21. Rob was right about the Yankees.

    TR was wrong about the Yankees.

  22. This game was probably already over (Miami needs a new plan for AD) but no Dragic means I’m going to bed early.

  23. That Yankee game...Oy veh. 19 walks, all kinds of sloppy play. My 10U kids play crisper games than that.
