Monday, August 10, 2020

Felt 4 U

Mark turned me on to Murs' chill rap stylings several years ago, and I learned about Slug through his involvement with Minneapolis collective Atmosphere. I was yesterday days old when I realized the two of them had recorded three albums together as Felt.

The pair, elder statesmen in the indie rap game at this point, just released Felt 4 U, their fourth album. It's a head-nodding slow jam celebration, two dudes talking about wives and kids and remembering their youth in all its joy and dumbassery.

Here's 'Don't Do Me Like That'.

And if you've got 40 minutes, here's the whole record.


  1. The first two Felt albums stay in heavy rotation for me. I’ve also seen Slug (as part of Atmosphere) at least a half dozen times in concert. Always a great show.

  2. I dig that track. Not sure it merits bumping Whit and his daughter from the top of the page (that was lovely), but it's good. Maybe I'll turn my kid onto it to up my cred as being hip to stuff other than scratchy old roots music.

  3. a post every other day, regardless of how absurd, rootsy. it's in the bylaws.

  4. Never heard of them before, but I only scratch the surface when it comes to rap/hip hop/soul. That's why I rely on you all for the deeper cuts. Lot of good tunes from them after streaming several of their albums yesterday.

    Speaking of music streaming, Google is killing off another product, Google Play Music, in October. This has been my music streaming service of choice since it came into existence. They are forcing users over to Youtube Music which I find atrocious. So I need to find a new service.

    What music streaming service are you all using? Any pros/cons?

  5. My family uses Apple Music. I think it’s $15/month total for me and my kids.

    Everybody laughs b/c most use Spotify, but I like it. When I find a new artist/song, I like searching for playlists that include that song to get exposed to more new stuff. They have a Radio function, which I guess is their Pandora, but I don’t use it.

  6. I laugh at TR but not for Apple Music. I use Spotify (h/t Whit).

  7. Just buy the music you want. Remember selling your textbooks back at the end of the semester, then hitting up the schwag dealer and the bandbox? Bring that back. Not the schwag, but the purposeful acquisition of a work of art that deserves to be purchased.

    I realize streaming is convenient, but your phone can hold enough music to not repeat anything for days. You can stream the stuff you already own.

  8. Rootsy, I was of that view until someone (maybe Squeaky) explained that when you buy the music you aren't helping the artist any more than when you stream. If you want to support the artist, go to a show and buy some merch. Oh, wait.

  9. Streaming revenue is wicked low. Most artists do not earn much from it, even with lots of spins. Actually purchasing it does help.

  10. Who do you folks have in your Biden VP pool? I’m hoping Demings, but thinking Harris. If it’s Warren, Biden will lose.

  11. i don't think it'll be warren, but if it is, she'd bring more bernie voters than any other candidate and i don't think she'd have a material impact on biden's overall chances. this race is about trump and nothing else.

    i'm hoping for harris, thinking susan rice. demings would be excellent, but i don't think she's got quite enough visibility. hoping that's not stacey abrams - just don't think she's got enough experience.

  12. Warren has made a lot of statements that terrify centrists and Republicans. She would weaponize the “radical left” argument Trump is trying to make (IMO).

  13. It can't be Warren. Demings is almost as preposterous a choice. "She was the police chief of Orlando" is not a legitimate qualification. If Biden dies, could she be President? It has to be Harris given that he promised to pick a woman of color. Tammy Duckworth is another reasonable option but I think he feels the need to pick an African American woman.

  14. Has the candidate for veep been the deciding factor in who wins?

  15. Zman, that advice might have been from JP, not me.

  16. indeed. how long until trump gives her a nickname? my money is on kamalalaladingdong.

  17. I'd guess one factor is there's no obvious one word rallying cry for Harris, like there would have been for Warren or Rice, and she's been around enough that they can't argue she's inexperienced. I guess she'll be the crazy liberal with a dark past as a hard ass state AG.
