Thursday, July 16, 2020

It's Different in Alabama

On Tuesday, former Auburn University football coach and Trump-backed political neophyte Tommy Tuberville defeated living Confederate statue Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions in the Alabama Republican Senate primary. Tuberville will face incumbent Senator Doug Jones in the general election in November.

Yesterday, the Alabama Democrats Twitter feed (@aldemocrats) gave a little taste of how the game's gonna be played:

Shots. Fucking. Fired. And popcorn grabbed. Jones faces an uphill climb in one of the country's most regressive states, but Alabama Dems know how to hit a man where it's painful.


  1. Too bad nobody that isn’t already voting for Jones likely follows that handle. They need to start calling into Finebaum.

  2. the redskins' story is gross, and predictable, and also not enough to get snyder to fuck off.

  3. I didn't really forget our anniversary today. At 10 pm last night I thought it was yesterday, so I looked inside the Nantucket basket we got as a wedding gift and was relieved to see it is July 16 (it's engraved in the bottom of the basket--I can never lose that basket). So I thought I forgot it, and I sort of forgot it, but I was ok. This morning I got us bacon egg and cheese sangwitches for breakfast. The 10th anniversary gift is tin or aluminum, and the BEC were wrapped in foil so I think I did ok. zson and I also went to the local home decor store and he picked out a vase with a fake plant in it (it looks identical to some flair you can buy on Design Home, zwoman's favorite iPhone game) and a lamp (I love lamp) so I'm probably covered.

  4. pawwwwwwl, tommy couldn't lick 'bama. how's he gonna lick obama?

  5. I had to have a super adult conversation with my now collegiate (but doing an official HS graduation next week that I can’t attend) stepdaughter, and her Mom, after work today. Ultimately productive but tough. Parenting (especially ahead of schedule) is bullshit.

    I’m sitting by the pool drinking a Todd the Axe Man. Pretty sure I’ve earned it.

  6. Mark - that sounds serious. Hope all is well.

  7. All is well. She’s 18. She’s a good kid. But she’s 18.

  8. Bryson DeC had a 423 yd drive. Made me think of the 1998 HR Derby at Fenway when McGwire was hitting balls all over town.

  9. AXS Classic Albums just aired Lou Reed’s Transformer album. So damn good.

  10. our family just got our covid tests back-- all negative! so we can go down to the beach with my parents and not infect them. good news for the folks who went on the obft . . .

  11. It would be wonderful if Mark, Whit, and Rob could document for me, the "Manual for Parenting, Girls 12-18".

  12. I'm happy to contribute to the chapters for "16 and goddamit shouldn't you act like an adult now"

  13. i have contemporaneous notes on 'i'm 16 and you fucking people don't know anything about anything'.

  14. My sidebar "Yes, I'm smoking weed outside before I cook you dinner but no you cannot do that" is a good read.

  15. I need more lessons in hypocrisy.

  16. Parents can't be hypocrites, z. I'm sure your parents told you that.

  17. My oldest son called my wife a hypocrite a few months ago. I did not go well for him. I need a "You're seventeen - why the fuck aren't you driving?" lesson.

  18. ooh, i've got one of those.

  19. I retained very little from what my parents told me, aside from the time my father said "you aren't as dumb as you look."

  20. tribe announces all fall sports cancelled. right thing to do.

  21. I’ve got an addendum to TJ’s weed chapter. Tentatively titled “Well I have a fucking prescription for this joint”.

    And honestly, there’s no way you can encompass 12-18 in one manual. Two, or maybe even three manuals would be best.

  22. Ok. Whatever you think is best.

  23. I take it personally when Tiger is not in contention.

  24. got a whole new chapter for y'all this evening. anyone want to adopt an 18 year-old?

  25. Well, that’s an awkward question to pose to the World Wide Web.
