Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Musical Interlude

It's been as encouraging to watch a great number of folks across the country trying in earnest to listen and understand like never before as it has been discouraging to watch the sociopath in charge do (just about) everything wrong he possibly can.

It may be misguided to turn the GTB lens away from the breaking news and opinion pieces into the Style section, but it's not purely ignorant bliss.  Here are a few worthy songs of protest to acknowledge that the arts often reflect the times... and sometimes they reach people that would otherwise be unaware or unmoved. Feel free to suggest worthy additions to the list.


  1. i knew this was a whitney joint

  2. so, as it turns out, some of those that work forces ARE INDEED the same that burn crosses

  3. "Do you guys have any Raaaage Against the Machiiiiine? Or some weeeeeed?"

    Joke for 2-3.

  4. Drew Brees with a... curious choice to ignore every explanation offered and make an unsolicited proclamation that flies in the face of all that is currently being intelligently discussed. Way to go, dude.

  5. vcu announced today that students will start on august 17 and go without break through november 24. looks like my kidlet's going away to college.

  6. younger fella that works for me told me this afternoon that he's feeling a little uncomfortable as a political conservative with what he perceives as pro-protest language from our leadership. i told him to suck it up, snowflake.

    was that wrong?

  7. Fuck no. The fact that someone can even begin to equate their ideological discomfort with generations of systemic abuse suggests that young fella needs a bunch more life experience.

  8. Rob - from what I’ve heard w/ parents w/ high school seniors, the plan for many southern schools is to start in August, have no fall break, Let kids head home for T-giving, and have them do finals from home in December.

    Avoids having kids from the North head home, get covid cooties, and then bring that back to school.

  9. Re: the request for worthy additions to the list:

  10. University of South Carolina doing the same schedule, rob. Makes as much sense as it can during these questionable times.

  11. Given the President has seemingly declared war on his own citizens (especially here in DC), I feel like this is an apt addition:

  12. just found out that a girl from our town who's danced with my daughter for years got exposed on twitter and instagram for posting blatantly racist shit. she's headed to tennessee to be a cheerleader. seems to be a good fit.

  13. Rob - you aren’t wrong but you did just open yourself up to a valid HR complaint. Good luck with the snowflake.

  14. No one wanted any of my northern cooties.

  15. that was my internal narrative, marls. i used more appropriate language in the actual discussion.

  16. rob, diplomat. perhaps ambassadorship in your future.

  17. Drew Brees opened a big can of whoop-ass on himself. I kinda sorta understand where he’s trying to come from, and folks have the right to speak freely, but he could only get away with that tone if he had a history of supporting Kap’s cause. And he doesn’t. The powers that be behind the shield will protect him b/c he’s a marketable white QB, but it’s gonna be hard for him to dig out of this w/ his African American teammates.

    Would not surprise me to see Payton come out behind Brees and put his rich white foot in his mouth in the process.

  18. getting pretty heavy around here, great post rob.

  19. You mean the one from Tuesday? Keep up, Dave.

  20. He ain't heavy, he's my brother.

  21. added bob mould's newest single to the list. age doesn't seem to have tempered his righteous anger.

  22. Angry bob mould is the best kind of bob mould.

  23. i'm always a little behind on the news (sometimes 400 years behind) but whitney and i were talking about "daughter of time" a mystery about Richard III . . . and then this happened:

    reality seems really warped right now. i want to go back to coaching soccer!

  24. danimal, i assume you knew brad babcock, the former jmu baseball coach who passed away earlier this week.

  25. I'm back, with more reading materials. And some to-dos

    Something serious:

    The black-white economic divide is as wide as it was in 1968. 14 charts show how deep the economic gap is and how little it has changed in decades. The covid-19 recession is also hitting black families and business owners far harder than whites.

    Something inspirational & musical:

    Something you can do to help: Read the info, write to your elected officials, sign the petitions, donate to the mission

  26. Run the Jewels album released a day early. Free download: or wait till tomorrow for your music streaming service of choice.

    There might be a song or two on there addressing our current times.

  27. Yessir Rob, I did. Or at least as well as any of his son's friends who grew up with him which is to say not very. He wasn't exactly a chatty Kathy, on the tough and gruff side. His mom on the other hand was a second mom to a few of us. I exchanged texts w Whit yesterday. I said to my sisters, "How dad has outlived him is remarkable". Was a man among men physically and always looked 15 yrs younger than his age. And a hell of a coach.

  28. To other more urgent matters...I too have read or watched the content provided here. It's all consuming of the mind I must say, and depressing, though there seems to be real traction this time around. Hopefully. My last couple of hrs today involved being informed by a well known golf tour organization that one of our employees has been posting racially motivated comments on his facebook page. He'll be fired by the time most of you read this. I can't stop thinking about what to do to truly effect this guy, positively. Shitcanning him may wake him up, but doubt it.

  29. somebody give shlara posting privileges already. bet she’d figure out how to do it faster than fairbank.

  30. CO vs UM, 1994
    Kordell Stewart, Tyrone Wheatley, and 17 other nfl'rs. Keith Jackson in the booth, Swanny on the sideline. Still in the 3rd if you feel inclined.

  31. Watching it too, Danimal. Can remember watching the second half in my parents bedroom upstairs. The Rae Carruth cameos are a bit jarring.

    The relevance of RTJ4 is also jarring. This wasn’t recorded all that recently. Yet it’s relevant as hell.

  32. I may be oversharing, but many times in my adult life when I’ve had a sizable bowel movement, I’ve repeated Keith Jackson’s “Whoa Nellie!” call out loud to myself.

    I’m definitely oversharing.

  33. Invertebrates learn more quickly than me. Set the bar higher.

  34. who's taking us into the weekend?

  35. If you don't want to read long articles, Ben & Jerry's twitter feed has some good info and simple infographics to get educated.

    And, just a reminder...Ben & Jerry don't own or run the company anymore, so this isn't two white hippy liberals from VT. This is a Unilever brand.

  36. Good news guys - according to my email inbox, Chipotle is standing by us and our communities. That seemed like a heartfelt message.

    What you got to say, Jersey Mike’s?

  37. Walking in the Snow is a banger and quite prescient.
