Saturday, May 09, 2020

Jaguars' Best Product in Years

I really needed to get on the GTB post count board. Though I had nothing to do with it, I'm full of pride right now. 
Enjoy. Happy Saturday. And take care of those mom's tomorrow as I'm sure you will.


  1. pretty pretty prettttty good

  2. Did Les Coole & The Cukes compose the score for this?

  3. This is why we have two cats.

  4. If our band works really hard for a long time, we will get to that level

  5. Wonder what they would’ve done if the Jags played the Washington pro football team.

  6. we've had two cats for a long time. they're well-loved members of the family. introducing a dog into the mix has ratcheted the animal comedy up to 11.

  7. tutti frutti no more, pour some out for little richard

  8. The weather here has been absolutely fantastic this week. Beaches are now open. The results are very predictable.

  9. Four cats, and a dog, here at the suburban farm. Thank goodness I’m not allergic to cats and dogs, and holed up al day with them. That would be bad.

  10. Our house is a very very very fine house

  11. Dumb question for you guys: can somebody bring their Apple TV device somewhere else and just plug it in? Is it all good if it can get a wifi signal?

  12. anybody here a cpa or play one on teevee?

  13. I believe that’s a Yes, TR

    Rob, I just took a Managerial Accounting final if that helps. (Grade still pending, and it was brutal, so no, it’s doesn’t.)

  14. I hope you all have the DVR set to record all SNLs. They show classic episodes at 10 PM. This week has the 1993 show w/ Cristina Applegate that has Farley doing Matt Foley. It’s the first time he did the sketch. Also has a coffee talk sketch.
