Friday, May 01, 2020

I am Patricia. Patricia is Me. Dammit.

I often grow beards during Winter/Spring months. I am also usually employed during Winter/Spring months, which means I make an effort to keep the beard under control. But this is no ordinary Winter/Spring, given the virus and my unemployment. And as a result, this is now no ordinary beard. For the first time ever, I have refrained from any trimmage/maintenance. I'm just letting it go. And it's going. And greying, sadly.

I did not realize just how much my beard got away from me until my 12 y/o told me the other day that I looked like Lions coach (and ex-Patriots coordinator) Matt Patricia.

That, my friends, is a gut punch. He could've told me I looked like Kliff Kingsbury. Or Kyle Shanahan. Shit, I would've been okay with Joe Judge. But I got Matt Patricia. This guy.

My kids suck. I don't see the resemblance at all.


  1. i feel a recurring bit coming on. my children have told me recently that i resemble someone(thing?), as well. and it's not a flattering comparison.

    and danimal, that 9:30 coffee is number three of the day. i am not an early riser by choice, but circumstances get me out of bed earlier than i'd prefer.

  2. You look like Matt Patricia's dad. No play for Mr. Gray, as Clyde would say.

  3. Looking good TR. I think I've got enough of a beard to do another round of facial topiary this weekend.

  4. just went grocery shopping for the old dude and a cute chick answered the door when I delivered the groceries! an aid or something. finally got some worthy praise for my community service. also, took mark's tip and listened to some electronica while I was shopping, made the experience much better, despite my glasses fogging up bc of the mask.

  5. How long are you all in the grocery store to warrant listening to music? I'm usually in and out in 10 minutes.

  6. I make my shopping trips count b/c I need food/supplies for 4 pp for the next 3-4 days. I think through my meat purchases and try to mix up the fresh fruit/veggies I buy. I spend $200-$250 each time. Takes a while. I also am doing very little take-out. It’s usually only when I can’t stand the thought of cooking/dishwashing again.

    Maybe cranking Prodigy would speed things up.

  7. TR used to choose his meat randomly and compulsively.

  8. My compulsive meat buying at last year's farmers market greatly chagrined my wife at the time. But now that I can pull a nice chunk of grass fed beef out of the freezer and turn it into a few days of meals, she's finally seeing my wisdom. I suspect this weekend's impending facial hair chicanery may obscure that wisdom a bit.

  9. i am very slow in the grocery store. sometimes I am shopping for the family and the community service thing. mainly, it just takes me a long time to find stuff. i was in shoprite for over an hour the other day. and there is no social distance possible in our town shoprite (but people are wearing masks). i hope I've already been exposed to this thing . . .

  10. Zman’s joke works on multiple levels.

  11. This is one of the oddest NJ weather days I can remember. Torrential rain overnight, cloudy skies this morning, then partially sunny skies, then a rain/thunder/sun combo from now to dark. If I make my kids ride their bikes and they get struck by lightning, they’ll be fine b/c of the rubber on the tires, right? I need those bastards to leave the house for a while.

  12. I missed the setup in rob’s comment. Clearly he wants us to guess what his kids think he looks like. I’ll vote for a garden gnome.

  13. do you guys know that dave's serving his community? he's been pretty quiet about it. i feel like he'd want everyone to know.

  14. don't guess z. it'll be a post.

  15. ian and i went running today. ten minutes in, total downpour. soaked us. it stopped as we arrived back home. thirty-minute monsoon.

  16. TR and Dave are goading me into running with my 16.9 year old. He runs very naturally, but prefers nowadays to stay in a state of rest. An incentive laden opportunity to kick my ass may offer some hint of motivation. I don't really want to run, but have managed to get to 180 lbs, which I long ago set as a marker for subjecting my knees to running.

  17. Les Coole's May playlist it out. Check it out here.

  18. i am running more than ever, yet my weight has crept over 190-- which is heavy for me. there's just no way to lose weight during this thing. nothing replicates the work-out of actual work.

  19. I’m usually in the grocery store 45 to an hour. I make one trip per week and load up for the four of us. We’re eating all meals at home, save for 1-2 takeouts. I’m also grabbing extra chicken/beef each time I’m there so we have it in the freezer. Music makes the experience fat more enjoyable.

  20. I can’t plug in at the store. I’ve managed to drop five pounds during this, but I think it’s because I’m working, and stressing about navigating my small company through a situation I hadn’t considered. Often I don’t eat anything until 2:00 or later, so I guess I’m into IF? Been a breakfast denier for years though. Love the menu, but if I eat early I eat often. And I don’t work that hard.

  21. Rootsy get your ass to FB right now. Sisler is crushing it.

  22. sisler's outfit is fun. the band, not his dadcore getup.

  23. Don’t call what you’re wearing an outfit.

  24. Dude can wail on the gee-tar. And his bandmate Lori, well, she’s a peach.

  25. I couldn’t make it, but I know the dude is good. He started playing with some friends of mine when he was in 9th grade.

    I’ll see if it’s atill viewable this weekend when every corner of my house isn’t occupied with someone making noise. I went down to the spot where Whitney and I first hung out (as semi functional adults anyway). Sawed on my fiddle for awhile and then picked acoustic for a bit. I had the itch, and watching someone else make music wasn’t gonna scratch it.

  26. I hit the turntables again today. I think that’s 10 of 13 days. Besides shaking off the rust I’m also listening to songs I love. Nice way to waste an hour and change.

  27. Hi Gheorghies. Stumbled onto The Godfather on BBC America and, well, there goes my night.

  28. My pre quarantine dispensary trip was my best decision in recent quarantine memory. The 18 year old has lived with us full time since November. Bong hits in garage aren’t really an option. Hitting a wax pen does the job though.
