Sunday, May 17, 2020

Corona Files: Here I Am Now, Entertain Me

TR and Whitney have shown us little glimpses of their personal Corona habits (and we're thankful that it's only been little glimpses, for obvious reasons), and since we love a recurring bit, I'm happy to do my part.

I've been binging a ton of comedy of late, which seems a fairly obvious response to a time of Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee. If you aren't familiar with it, the show runs about 20 minutes per episode, and features Jerry driving a different (usually old) car to pick his guest and take them for coffee. As the title might suggest. I'll post the definitive list of best episodes when I've completed the series. Spoiler alert: Jerry and Patton Oswalt don't have great chemistry.
darkness and uncertainty. I don't claim to be original. I've made it through about half of the episodes of Jerry Seinfeld's series,

In addition to Seinfeld, I've enjoyed the work of Hasan Minhaj, John Mulaney, Neal Brennan, Mike Birbiglia, Bo Burnham, Tig Notaro, Sarah Silverman, Aziz Ansari, and Ellen Degeneres. I did not enjoy the work of Tom Papa.

All of that stuff is on Netflix, as is Abstract: The Art of Design, which is a series of mini-documentaries on different creative professionals and their processes. Mark and Zed will enjoy the episode on Tinker Hatfield, Nike's lead shoe designer. My favorite thus far has featured Bjarke Ingels, a Danish architect, who designed VIA 57 West in Manhattan, among other things. Because I'm a 12 year-old, I enjoyed the fact that his website address is

The English Game is also on Netflix. It's a six-episode fictionalized telling of the story of the first workingman's team to win the English Football Association (FA) Cup. The story pivots around two men: Fergus Suter, a Scotsman who becomes one of the first professional footballers, and Arthur Kinnaird, an Old Etonian blueblood who chafes at some of the strictures of his upperclass lifestyle while fighting to retain the Cup. It's directed by Julian Fellowes, the creator of Downton Abbey, and it's similar in its observations of the differences between upstairs and downstairs, societally speaking. It's a fast-moving series, and a fun distraction. Kinda like sports. I miss sports.

But I did get to watch three Bundesliga games this weekend, which was nice. And my wife is so starved for novelty that she willingly turned on a NASCAR race today and is excited about the final two episodes of The Last Dance this evening. She ain't much of a sports fan, but Corona makes for strange bedfellows.

In addition the things that have entertained me via screens, I've been making a weekly trip to Vanish Farmwoods Brewery to stock up on 32 oz. crowlers. At three for $28, they're a bargain, and if I can support my favorite local brewery while ensuring I have enough high-octane tipple to get me through a week, all the better.

Some people have gotten into DIY projects to fulfill their nesting instincts. My wife has gotten into buying patio furniture and hiring our landscaper to do a bunch of new projects. I shouldn't complain, because we're so very fortunate compared to many, and so I won't. Our back yard looks awesome, and will look even more so by the end of the week, when we're having a bunch of new work done in time for my daughter's high school graduation party.

Yeah, about that.


  1. That vulture list is clearly wrong because it never mentions the cars. “Cars” is in the title fer chrissake!

  2. Excited and sad for the series finale of The Last Dance. As a basketball need of the highest order, it’s been a true highlight of the quarantine.

    Random Last Damce related note: Will Perdue is from around here. He had a summer basketball camp at his old high school (Merritt Island High) each summer in the 90s. I worked it for two summers as a counselor. Perdue would occasionally jump in to the post camp pickup games. Nothing like that to make you realize how goddam good even an average (or worse) NBA player is.

  3. i played in a soccer tournament on merritt island when i was 12. i learned two things on that trip: people in florida have pools inside their houses and florida kids were a lot better at soccer than alabama kids.

  4. Merritt Island is 20-30 minutes from where I live. Florida kids are indeed good at soccer. There’s a house on the street behind my house that has an indoor pool.

  5. Also, my daughter was just standing on the couch dancing to KRS-One. Yep, she’s mine.

  6. You know he's my favorite MC. Which song? Step Into A World is featured in The Last Dance and it still bangs.

  7. That’s the one. I was rewatching episodes in the lead up to the finale. I love that song. Don’t think she’s ever heard it before.

  8. On the topic of hip hop, I found an old school AM/FM transistor radio in the house where we are staying. It has a broken antenna held together w/ tape. I plugged it in and tuned the dial for old time’s sake. I immediately found a station that only plays old school R&B and hip hop. We now keep it on as ambient house music during the day. K-Ci & Jo Jo, Biggie and Snoop were among the earliest tracks. Winner winner chicken dinner in this place.

  9. And I’m partial to Kool Moe Dee’s How You Like Me Now as my favorite old school hip hop deep cut from The Last Dance.

  10. Yoodge day here. I am glad I didn’t choose to be a kindergarten teacher. It’s too hard.

  11. I'm glad TR didn't choose to be a kindergarten teacher too!

  12. just got interviewed by the local newspaper in conjunction with a giant kerfuffle around our soccer club's handling of the cancellation of the spring season. super fun. glad i don't have a job that requires frequent media interaction. other than blogging, i mean.

  13. I'm being interviewed by local media Wednesday morning. Workforce development and such. Um, do I need to shave my beard?

  14. Also, I hesitate to chuck crap news up on a place where we take life less seriously, but depression sucks so very, very badly. My longtime radio co-host's ex-husband couldn't see his way through it and took his life this weekend.

    He's the drummer in this band below. Punk rock can be a salve, at least for me.

    Do your best with what you got, and God bless us all.

  15. fuck. puts my problems in perspective. that's really sad.

  16. watching a fall out boy show with my kidlet. they had four number one albums but no number one singles. that seems odd.

  17. They also did a song with The Roots. Weird combo and I don’t hate the song.

  18. they had some bangers. i don't know their whole catalog, but they've got a handful of songs i'd listen to by choice.
