Friday, April 03, 2020

The N-U-C Playlists


Whit recently gifted me a few months’ worth of Spotify. He’s a mensch, to be sure, and famously generous. But the cynical Yankee jackass in me notes that this effectively doubles his capacity to find good music (I frequently text him stuff I find) and serves as a balm to his ego (I tell him that the stuff he sends me is outstanding, furthing the legend of his impeccable musical taste).

Snark aside, it’s a great gift. And it gives us something to do during these odd times.

The other day Whit proposed “dueling playlists with the same inspiration within one post” and asked me for “three one-word sentiments/principles/themes for the playlists.” I love this shit.

My first response was “nooners.” If I didn’t have kids this shelter-in-place order would be great. Nooners all the time! Nothing cuts through monotony like a nooner. If you haven’t tried it you’re missing out.

Then I said “uplifting.” We all need some uplifting music right now.

I concluded with “cocaine.” So many great songs involve booger sugar. I could just do 15 Rae and Ghost songs. Hell, I could just make a playlist out of Cuban Linx and call it a day. Or I could pull together a bunch of Boogie Down Productions stuff. But cocaine crosses all musical genres. It seemed like a great idea at the time, if not a great fit for the current state of the world.

Whit’s response was “Ah, the old N-U-C.” And thus two playlists were born. Enjoy them while locked at home alone or with your kids, not getting any noontime action.


At my advanced age, I just enjoy when people are sporting. Something about taking life less seriously. Like when I chuck out a goofy idea and somebody says, "Yep, let's do it."

Zman is that kind of dude. And a wealth of music suggestions that are not on my radar.

You down with N-U-C?


  1. I knew Prince would have a song about nooners, I just couldn't find it.

  2. RIP Bill Withers. "Lovely Day" made the extended version of the NUC playlist.

  3. Happy Birthday, Tony Orlando. Knock Three Times, everybody.

    And Doris Day. Que Sera Sera.
    And Don Gibson. Sea of Heartbreak.
    And Jan Berry. Surf City.
    And Richard Manuel. I Shall Be Released.
    And Richard Thompson. Don't Renege on Our Love.
    And Eddie Murphy. Party All the Time.
    And Mike Ness. Story of My Life.
    And Sebastian Bach. 18 and Life.

    Playlists abound...

  4. I guess no one likes nooners.

  5. early-morners? that's pretty much the only option . . .

    the NJ numbers are skyrocketing. crazytown.

  6. 1 in every 300 people have tested positive for the virus? 9 million divided by 30,000 . . .

  7. Maybe everyone's shagged out from a nooner today

  8. Packer Shoes, the sneakerhead shop in Teaneck is having a sale. 20% off and 20% of the proceeds go to help Holy Name Hospital. Free shipping on orders over 100%. Do some good while staying fresh to def and go to the link below.

  9. Z, I just bought these

  10. ark9:21 PM, April 03, 2020
    I didn’t have a lot of Vin Scully in my life. My baseball announcers were Harry Caray because WGN was everywhere and on during the day in the summers and Jack Buck because of the Cardinals. Skip Caray’s monotone sounds we’re highly involved as well (and oddly fit the vibe of the pathetic Fulton County Stadium/Bob Horner-Dale Murphy Braves of the time because TNT was the cable station of the south- their two main properties were the Braves and NWA (Ric Flair era). I watched a fuck ton of baseball as a kid.


  11. Corona Chronicles: We’re largely cooking at home. I assume most of us are. Getting takeout once or twice a week to support the locals. Got some takeout tonight from a local raw bar, Bunkys. Teej and Marls know the place. Had a great meal. Wings, oysters, potato skins and peel and eat shrimp. Both kids (8 & 18) are teasing each other and having fun. Out of nowhere the eldest takes it to 11 and frogs the 8 year old at full force. Tears ensue due to physical and emotional pain.

    I’m a stern Dad but not a yeller. Tonight was an exception. I ripped the 18 year old. All is well now but that whole thing pretty much ended the family portion of the night. Why are teenagers such dicks?

  12. Just got around to reading this post. A lot of tastes the diverge in different directions musically round these parts. We should randomly pair folks up and have them make dueling playlists. We’d expand some horizons for sure.

    And Z including “Freak like Me” slayed me. And he sent me a link to some vintage Stefan Edberg Adidas this evening. I love that guy.

  13. An underrated aspect of the Baseball Extra Innings package is exposure to hometown announcers of all the clubs. I had the ticket for a handful of years starting in 2003. Back when rob and I chronicled most every game our teams played. (Helps when you have newborn kids.)

    Vin Scully was worth staying up late to hear. Some clubs' booths were starved for anything decent. Hawk Harrelson in ChiTown grated but amused. The YES Network guys bugged me, with a few exceptions. Remy and Orsillo were great in Boston. Harry Caray was gone by then, Sutcliffe and others were pale substitutes. Jon Miller in SF (Angelos is an idiot), Harry Kalas in Philly, Marty & Thom Brennaman, Psycho Lyons, the list goes on. And then there's Uecker. So good. Oh, yeah, and the Mets' transition from Kiner, Rose, and Healy to Cohen, Darling, and Hernandez was terrific.

    And emulating Skip Caray saying "Chipper Jones" in that unmistakable nasal tone is still a knee-jerk reaction when I see ol' Larry.

  14. And tonight's effort to support local restaurants was a bust. 2 hours to deliver, cold food, bungled multiple orders. Such is life.

  15. Yeah... our wings were not quite as ordered. I’m not much of a baseball guy these days but I’d kill any of you for the MLB Package at this point.

  16. happy teejday, gheorghies!

  17. Gotta do curbside to for it to have a chance of being good. We’ve got more river and rail pickles (w/ the worlds best burger for me + ribs for my wife) on deck tonight, which means pickle brine gin drinks will be back on the menu soon.

  18. I took a much needed night off the sauce to give my liver some rest. Had 10 hours of sober sleep and feel mentally ready to get a good run in today.

    We may do BBQ takeout and take the whole family on the drive b/c it’s a scenic ~15 min jaunt. Our spring break has officially started. Gonna be a looooonnnnnng week.

    We have been doing dirty martinis w/ plenty of olive juice. We have plowed through our vodka stash. Running low on olives too. Has anybody ever finished a bottle of vermouth?

  19. It has been said that a southern man tells better jokes. There is also something special about the way an old southern man talks about his cars. And what else do you have to do right now?

  20. the teej is crossing streams in his zoom b-day party. it's no less weird than dave's.

  21. Mine was "where-i the hell-i am-i?"

  22. why-i-am-i-as tiny-i as a shrimp in a bucket-i?

  23. That was a fun Zoom. We should probably plan a G:TB Zoom at some point.

    Also, apparently my phone autocorrects Zoom to Zook. My phone fucking sucks.

  24. Pour a little out for Bob Burke. Rob’s Dad and my college coach passed away today.

  25. he got to see his son coach at the division one level, so that’s something.

  26. Thanks, Whit. I knew it was coming. Still tough when it actually happens. Saddened more for his family than anything.

  27. That’s true Rob. Pretty significant that he was able to see that toward the end.

  28. Sorry for that news, Mark. Always tough to lose a role model.

    In much more immature news, today is the 69th anniversary of the discovery of oil in North Dakota. About 12 years ago, the technology finally caught up to develop it commercially.

    With all that said, oil is going to crater on Monday after a dead cat bounce late last week. Saudis and Russia are having a temper tantrum about the virtual OPEC+ meeting. No bueno for the US.

  29. actual question, not trying to provoke: if oil completely crashes in the u.s. and it leads to a society in 15 years that's not dependent on fossil fuels, would the short-term pain be worth it?

  30. I get what Rob’s trying to say, metaphorically. Is his current bout with crotch rot ultimately worth it if it teaches him to manscape and save himself and his wife the routine annoyances and agonies on a permanent basis?

  31. I think Rob found the correct button; I contemplate the same it too, but 15 years seems ambitious, given the present state of things.

    Nice seeing lots of you and your questionable facial hair today. I photodocumented last weekend’s beard removal progression, but have yet to compile the evidence. It won’t be pretty.

  32. My facial hair was questionable long before the Rona. Now I just have an excuse to keep it going.

  33. The double edged sword w/ oil in the US is that the industry is a massive employer of skilled labor. And while we all agree a transition away from fossil fuels is necessary (and inevitable), we’re not burning banana peels today. Crushing the US market just means the country will rely on foreign oil more than it does today. The pivot to renewables and EVs will be measured. We can’t jam that change overnight, for a number of logistical reasons.

    It is a complex issue and I understand and value the push away from oil. But global oil demand will grow into the early 2030’s, if not later. 80% of oil demand is ex-US. We need to have a two-pronged approach. And a coherent leader who is not a bloated Oompa Loompa.

  34. hi gheorghies!

    Had a good quarantine Saturday. TJ bday call was fun, then z’ed with my dad/stepmom and my sis and her fam in PA. Then picked up at the neighborhood Greek joint, they did great with their Pegasus wings, gyro pizza, and Greek salad. Dinner with my daughters. Then some Scattergories, Heads-Up, Scrabble, and a handful of Trulys with them. Good dad and his girls time.

    Cheers, everybody. ‘Night...

  35. Pegasus wings sounds brilliant

  36. They are. Char grilled. A+.

  37. Sharknado marathon on SyFy channel

  38. Uh, Teejus, I can think of some content we need to see

  39. Have you considered getting your book into the hands of beta-readers ? This will help give your book a good launch and gain visibility. Try Initial reviews matter a lot

  40. no, but dave's got some meta-content from time to time

  41. I have a betta fish but he can't read.

  42. I'm late to this, but David Byrne has a hopeful essay on the interesting site he founded: Reasons to be Cheerful.
