Sunday, April 19, 2020

Music Documentary Project: The Origin Story

I've already had productive and fun conversations with you cats about my quest to watch way too many music documentaries this quarantine.  I'll keep you posted, and please keep the suggestions coming.

I somehow forgot to mention in the previous post why I got to compiling the list of the best-ever rockumentaries and set about watching them.

It's this. Arriving at AppleTV+ next Friday:

It's an interesting format that could potentially bleed into the contrived and talky, but hey, it's two of the three MC's and they're on the go.  (Abednego is missed very badly.) And it appears to be tons of old footage and stories.

This has to be worth my time and then some. 

And speaking of upcoming documentaries, one that needs no additional hyping from the likes of me starts tonight. Curious what the level of interest and commitment to watching among the gheorghies is.

Happy watching.


  1. ok, i might watch once upon a time in Hollywood tonight . . . keep forgetting about it. highly recommend "bone tomahawk" if you're looking for something tarantino-esque (and grotesque) but really fun.

  2. To belatedly answer Whit’s question - the family and I are very excited about the MJ doc. My kids know there is a myth around him. The preview podcasts/articles I have dug into have said it gives some great insight.

  3. I’m all in on the Jordan doc. Looking forward to the Twitter flame wars between the youngins/LeBron stans and the MJ crowd.

  4. I’m quite excited to the Jordan doc. I was pumped when I forts heard about it. ESPN pushing it up for the quarantine is a fucking godsend.

  5. Jordan was never my favorite player. Not by a longshot, but I also never pretended he wasn’t the absolute best in the game and a killer. Can. Not. Wait.

  6. also much excite for the documentary. tr, make sure you turn to espn2, where they’re showing the version that’s edited to remove the copious f-bombs that’ll be in the version aired on the mothership.

  7. Be forewarned, if kids are watching: everybody swears like, well, athletes and coaches. No bleeps.

  8. Scottie Pippen is my most underrated player in NBA History. Would be even better in today’s game.

  9. I like that they played the entire Alan Parsons Project “Sirius” to close the episode... they always played the opening 20 seconds at games, but it’s a decent instrumental all the way.

    What a dork. I know.

  10. That was great. Give me the other eight episodes right now

  11. That was Lit as the youngins say

  12. Only watched the first episode. Loved it.

  13. where do you watch it (with the f bombs?)

  14. Who had the 4/20 content? Teeghe?

  15. TR, I’m guessing oil dropping to below three bucks a barrel is “crossing the streams” bad?

  16. It’s complicated b/c when one sees an oil price, they are really seeing the futures contract that will expire soonest. So while the front month is about to go negative, that contract expires tmrw. The next contract expires in a month and is ~$22.

    There is a “physical” market for oil (in addition to a financials market). The drop today shows folks’ disinterest in receiving physical crude b/c there is a storage glut that will get worse. Further complicating things is the ETF market. There are oil ETFs, and the managers of those have to roll forward their contracts on a schedule. So they exacerbate things.

    It’s a good time to own a crude tanker. You fill it, let it hang out offshore for a few months, and then you sell it back into (hopefully) a better market. Anybody know any Greek shipping magnates?

  17. Maybe Z can find one on Bring a Trailer

  18. I upped my kid's running game to 1.25 miles. He did it w/o any problems. In high-tops. I don't want to brag, but he may be the next Alberto Salazar.

  19. I understood a fraction of what TR said. So there's that.
