Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Home Is Where the Studio Is

In between your binge-watching completism and maybe working on your novel, you've probably watched some musicians of varying celebrity record and/or play stuff live.

For the masses, the Stones did so in a grandly publicized manner.

For Rob, we have some Crowded House.

For kicks, here's a high school classmate of mine (also a Monroe Dormitory resident at the same time as Dave, Rob, Hightower, and several other Pi Lams) having fun.

And for me and only me, here's this. The video and sound quality are terrible all because of me. I was caught slightly off-guard by the timing.

Keep the creative light in this dark time!


  1. Z: https://uproxx.com/music/the-best-jason-isbell-songs-ranked/

  2. Monroe Hall spawned all the greats. And Zman too.

  3. You can be sure that Stewart Ransom Miller thought “Whitney” was a chick.

  4. Way to be a dick, Marls. You're "just sayin'"?

    Yeah, I know.

  5. Clara is either the best, or worst, literary agent of all time. I haven't decided yet.

  6. If any of us is going to write a book, I think it has to be Dave. Right?

  7. He did. I bought a copy.


  8. I can’t believe that we failed to celebrate the 20th anniversary of SNAFU.

  9. can't play the monroe music yet because my wife is loudly (and rudely) teaching fractions remotely in our main living space.

  10. Sickly and rudely? Teedge would write an awesome crazy book.

  11. I would write a pop up book...

    ...about erections.

  12. SNAFU!

    love that book . . .

  13. he's got some good reviews, but the used copies are outrageously priced . . .

  14. "the daughter of time" is also a winner.


  15. Hold up- Pip wrote a book? I did not see that plot twist coming. The copies are expensive, but my old band mate found a copy of the first NRJB CD from 2002 on ebay for $91.95 today. With free shipping, but still.

  16. Whit, did you actually read Pip's book? From the reviews it sounds like he just wrote about Pi Lam. Wondering if the scale party made it into the book.

  17. i read it too, or a fair bit. i think that was in there. it was a fairly accurate transcription of frat life (with an overuse of the word "procure" . . . everyone was "procuring" stuff). it might be more fun to read now, since there's some distance from back then.

  18. my 16 year-old stayed up to watch the sunrise last night. because she's becoming nocturnal. covid is doing weird things.

  19. Assuming she’s not drinking blood, I think you’re good.

    I bought Burger King for the rest of the fam for dinner. No dishes and it cost less than $20. Glorious.

  20. My wife and I have been threatening each other with getting a whopper for lunch for some time now. We both want one but neither has gotten that far just yet. Whoppers are delicious and neither of us have had one in years. If not now, when?

    Things are going great here in Florida quarantine. Thanks for asking.

  21. I didn’t eat any of the BK. Each of my kids gets a custom Whopper, which makes the drive-through wait annoyingly long. But they look and smell damn good. I’ve had some bunless double bacon cheeseburgers from BK in the last year. Sooo good.
