Thursday, April 16, 2020

Cool Human Tricks

Starting about a week ago, my team started a ritual in which one team member has to start each day by sharing a song via our Microsoft Teams chat. Some of it has been predictably middle of the road, and some has been a fun glimpse into my team members' personalities. For example, the youngest member of my team, a late twenty-something, has an old soul. He rocked us with Hall & Oates, Skynyrd, Kansas, and Tom Petty. And a few things have genuinely been revelations to me.

Like today, when one of the women on the team played a song called Pretty Lady by an Australian solo artist named Tash Sultana. It's a catchy enough tune, with a fun, affirming video - watch it, because affirming is a thing that's really good right now.

But the video isn't what I came here to share. I let it play past the end because I was multi-tasking, and a Tiny Desk Concert featuring Sultana started playing.

It blew me away.

They're a damn force of nature (and they're nonbinary and use the pronoun they), all joy and pain and love and heartache and music. They use a ton of effects to sound bigger than a one-man band, but it's organic, if that makes any sense at all. Do very much enjoy, my good people.


  1. Not sure “one-man band” is non-binary, but I like this a lot. Using looping on the fly like that is its own skill above the musical ability.

  2. What songs have you played br'er Squirrel?

  3. 1 - fair to excellent point about my word choice there, whit. i'll try to do better.

    2 - i'm gonna blow their everlovin' minds with my mix of alt-country and power pop next week, z. and i'll turn it into a playlist post for the gtbverse. birds, stones, dead!

  4. have you guys seen my rollerblading video?

  5. that's a fun video. i wish i had an effects rack like that. i just have a looper, distortion, and a delay-- and that's hard enough to manipulate.

  6. Anybody have a home printer recommendation? Looking to spend under $300, if possible. I have a history of buying crappy printers that chug toner and die when I have a lot of toner cartridges.

    Color printer that can do photos would be great, but doesn't need to be anything fancy. Gracias.

  7. Pour some out for Brian Dennehy.

  8. And for legendary WFF announcer Howard Finkel.

  9. RE: the late Brian Dennehy -- an amusing anecdote from 15+ years ago from Patton Oswalt.

    4:35 is where it begins

  10. TR, I think the trade off of cheap printers is that they die. I need to get one too, even though I work surrounded by them.

    I'll ask on my printowners list if anyone has a recommendation. There's nothing I hate more than buying shitty printers. I just want a decent black and white laser. It's not that expensive to get your photos printed.

    However - your spouse could find an old disposable camera and get it developed. And it could turn out to have spring break '97 pictures, including a surprise sighting of the fabled "Red Rocket". Or so I hear.

  11. Never responded to TJ’s question from last night but, yeah, I’m game for another G:TB Zoom this Saturday.

  12. Favorite roles for Brian Dennehy were in:

    5. F/X 2
    4. Silverado
    3. Tommy Boy
    2. F/X
    1. First Blood

  13. I’ll post the GTB Editorial Mtg login info tomorrow.

    Saturday, 420 ET
