Friday, March 06, 2020

Having an Average Weekend

Just minding my own business yesterday, dicking around on Twitter when I should have been working, and what to my wandering eyes should appear, but news that The Kids in the Hall were trending.

For those of us of a certain age, the Kids were a blast of insanity that spanned our college years, incandescent in their gender- and genre-bending comedy, in the pantheon with The State and The Young Ones among shows at the same time weird as hell and subversively normal.

The Twitter trend was telling us that the Kids are coming back. Ten years after a one-off special, the original cast of Canadian comics returns via Amazon for an eight-episode run.

I, for one, will be making a pitcher of Sex on the Beach and hunkering down to binge.


  1. how white are you?

    i can't believe whitney hasn't heard of this thing . . .

  2. To Dave’s comment in the last thread...can you post a training montage for your daylight savings training?

  3. yes. i'm working on a post but perhaps i can do a rocky style video. i'll get to work on it (although i fell off training this morning because of pub night).

  4. nathan knight, caa poty and dpoty. dane fischer, caa coty. shoulda been tony.

  5. I think you and Marls have some ‘splaining to do

  6. kids in the hall! i hope you all have a good attitude about menstruation.

  7. The NJ legislature is working on a bill that would allow college athletes in NJ to sign endorsement deals. Greg Schiano is likely licking his chops. I have no idea how this would interact with NJ's legal sports gambling industry but I bet (pun!) it will be fun.

  8. been dealing with neck/shoulder pain and numbness in my right thumb for ten days or so. doc originally tried treating it with anti-inflammatories and steroids. that ain't working, so i've got an appointment with a neck/spine guy on tuesday. four days and me without any painkillers. sure wish ichiro was around.

  9. 30 Helens agree, this is good news.

  10. Yikes, Rob. That was the first step on my road to spine surgery. I had pain so bad I couldn't sleep and had to leave work one day. I went to urgent care and got some valium from them. Not exactly perfect REM sleep.

    I had an impingement b/w C6-C7. That give me a numb index finger, which is still numb today. I think the numb thumb means another disc. Godspeed and don't wait too long to deal with it.

  11. took a fall playing soccer a week ago saturday. didn't think much of it at the time - happens all the time in soccer. woke up the next day unable to move my neck. hasn't gotten a ton better. fun.

  12. Neck issues aren't good. I know there are mixed opinions on chiropractors, but I had one help me out a lot when I torqued my neck by hitting my head hard on the center beam of my house when I was moving in years ago.

    I go a few times a year now, and also subject myself to a shiatsu massage every six months or so. The massage is not at all pleasurable, but it works, and my tormentor/healer gives me feedback of imbalances to address.

    Hope you get some relief soon Rob.

  13. I had a 90 minute massage this morning. She crushed me.

  14. TR has an app for finding great massages in any major city. It’s the Uber of rub n tugs.

  15. So instead of being on a plane to Paris and Munich for a week we are doing a dinner at a French restaurant in Williamsburg. Yeah, that’s the same. Didn’t feel like battling traffic to come up here on a Friday night but felt obligated if I want to stay on course for at least getting the 1.5 credits for this kick in the groin.

    I just got a speeding ticket driving into town by college landing. Where we used to go an drink a bottle of Bounty Fijian rum circa 1990.

    I guess I’m glad to get pulled now rather than then, but Williamsburg can suck it. I’m a bit pissy at the moment, needless to say.

  16. Sacre bleu! That’s a bummer.

    In other W&M news, I found out on a Bill Simmons - Zach Lowe podcast this week that Zach got a master’s degree at W&M in the early aughts. Zach was joking about how everybody used to smoke at bars, especially at the one grad student bar there. I thought - Paul’s!

  17. I first learned of Zach’s Tribe degree from Shlara.

  18. True TJ.
    Zach and I had a nice chat about the wonders of the Burg a few years ago.

    Also, you know this is the year the Tribe will go to the tourney. And this is the year that the tourney will be played without spectators b/c of COVID-19. We're all going to have to watch it on TV.

  19. not gonna lie, kinda bummed that my subtle cry for weed-based help fell on deaf ears. whiskey is is, then.

  20. Too subtle. There’s some pretty good cbd topicals our that are legal in the old dominion. At least I assume so after a customer gave me a sample of some stuff that’s going to be orderable soon. Probably not sufficient to mitigate the kind of neck trauma you’re dealing with, but great for standard middle aged guy inflammation.

  21. I knew Lowe had attended W&M but forgot until he mentioned during his podcast with Simmons. Lowe has the best NBA podcast for my money.

    As for your neck, Rob, don’t fuck around. You may remember my post from many years ago about my disc herniation in my neck. I was able to avoid surgery but I’ve never regained full feeling in my right index finger or the tip of the right middle finger. I also lost one of the heads in my right triceps due to nerve damage. But, as I said, I avoided neck surgery. I don’t sleep as well as I once did and I have to be aware of and manage my body/posture. But I’m also a legal weed smoker as a result of the injury. Win some. Lose some.

    Godspeed, sir.

  22. Ain’t a damn thing changed boy. Protect ya neck.

  23. Mark - embarrassed that I don’t remember the details of your neck issue. I too lost the lateral head on my right tricep. Sounds super vain, but accelerated atrophy before the surgery (and in the 6 wks after) was profound. Surgeon said fascicles die and don’t come back. Good times. I’m 3+ months into working out again, and it’s looking dicey for full recovery.

  24. rob, before you do anything crazy, read "healing back pain" by dr. sarno (even though it's your neck).

    i am awake because of my daylight saving training program.

  25. FYI - you don’t need to stock up on water for a viral epidemic. Your taps will still work. You should stock up in canned and frozen goods and pasta etc. But the lady ahead of me buying 240 bottles of water is confused.

  26. TR- my atrophy happened pretty quickly as well. The nerve damage was significant. I lost about 20 lbs of muscle due to the neck injury. I had to dramatically change my weight program but I found a high rep/lower weight regimen that worked for me. I also had to re-teach myself how to shoot a basketball due to all the damage to my right arm/hand. Not great times for me.

    I wouldn’t say I’m as good as new but I can do everything I did before the injury (it took a long time to get here) and for that I’m truly grateful.

  27. My goal is to be 90% back by Memorial Day. I think that’s as good as it will get for me. But I now have a cool neck scar. And ladies dig scars.

  28. Florida blew an 18 point second half lead to Kentucky today that cost them the 2 seed in next weeks SEC Tournament. Not gonna say I don’t care, but the combination of how maddeningly inconsistent this team has been all season and being at lunch/drinks with friends whilst Florida was blowing said lead helped to ease the frustration and anger.

  29. you guys are making me superglad i have no neck. hope everyone recovers as much as humanly possible.

  30. I iced my neck multiple times a night for a good 5 years after my injury. Next year will be ten years since the injury. Life is not the same as before but it’s good and manageable. I’m able to play sports, run, lift weights and be a relatively normal Dad/Husband. I don’t take that for granted anymore and I am very thankful for my recovery. May you have it work out similarly, TR and Rob.
