Wednesday, March 18, 2020

G:TB's Official Post-Apocalypse Soundtrack

Every good disaster needs a soundtrack, right? So let's get that ball rolling. I am beginning what I hope will be a collaborative series - the creation of a Post-Apocalypse soundtrack. We will donate all proceeds to our official charity - The Human Fund.

Track 1: "(Nothing But) Flowers" by Talking Heads - TR

I know I am preaching to the choir here when I praise David Byrne. He's a social commentator with the unusual gift of providing real-time, cogent critiques of popular culture in which he's immersed. The amazing Naive Melody (and its use in Wall Street) is one example (h/t to Ollie Stone for creating one of my favorite 80's montages ever). Link here.

(Nothing But) Flowers was released in the band's last album, 1988's Naked. I dig it. There is very much a Gen X vibe to the song, but its wistful, ironic lyrics still resonate today. Perhaps it influenced Douglas Coupland, who published Generation X three years later.

Track 2: "99 Luftballoons" by Nena [Live 1983] - Rob 

Track 3: "Down With Disease" by Phish [Live 12/11/97] - Whitney

In point of fact, I'm not the hugest Phish fan. I like 'em; I've seen them once live (Portsmouth 2011) and watched them via live streaming a dozen times or more because a number of my friends enjoy them and will put it on the big TV with folks over. They entertain, they have some virtuosity, and they don't take themselves seriously.

The cassette for the album Hoist was hurled into the air by some radio deejay at a pre-Preakness outdoor music show in the streets of Baltimore on night in 1994. I caught it. I listened to it.  I liked it a lot. I've learned virtually no other Phish stuff through the years (save "Bouncing Around the Room," "Wilson," "Tweezer," and one or two others), but I know this album pretty damn well. It's a rock album more than a jam album. Anyway, this song seems to be unfortunately fitting, so here's what is deemed by the Phish peeps as one of the best-ever renditions, Rochester '97.

Track 4: "Dirty T.B. Blues" by Victoria Spivey - Rootsy

[Pulled from the Rootsy-recommended John's Old Time Radio Show and their pertinent playlist OTRS 104 “Corona-Crazy – Early American Songs About Epidemics and Health Crises”]

Track 5: "The End" by The Doors - TJ

"It's only Wednesday, but I am very much Martin Sheen in the opening of Apocalypse Now at the moment..."

Track 6: "Mad World" by Tears for Fears - Squeaky

Track 7: "Ghost Town" by The Specials - Rob

Track 8: "People Get Ready" by Eva Cassidy - OBX Dave 

Track 9 - "Synchronicity II" by The Police - Rob

Track 10 - "Bullet with Butterfly Wings" by Smashing Pumpkins - Shlara

"Not sure what this says about my head space at the moment."

Who's got Track 11?


  1. If you're into old rustic tones like me, the latest episode of John's Old Time Radio Show has a really good selection of of early American songs about epidemics and health crises, direct from the 78rpm platters. Some heavy tunes, some with levity (what else would you expect from Pigmeat Pete and Catjuice Charlie?). Check it out if your earholes need something different.

  2. clarabenet90 is such a positive, motivating force in all our lives. can we add her to the GTB editorial staff?

  3. I would add Death Letter by Son House (or the White Stripes cover) and Death of a Party by Blur. Does Pigmeat Pete know Pigmeat Markham?

  4. pls stop letting President Fucknuts address the nation daily

  5. TR, I would like to add a classic as Track 5. It's only Wednesday, but I am very much Martin Sheen in the opening of Apocalypse Now at the let's add "The End" by The Doors.

  6. I would assume all folks named Pigmeat would know each other, but I could be wrong.

    I'm having to do a fair amount of stuff in the world today, and it appears that the elderly most at risk from this virus are the least concerned.

    Now I'm off to get some groceries for my parents, who both turn 71 in the coming weeks, and are flying home from Arizona today. I had to really push my mom to let me do this, and she has less than stellar lung function already.

    Then it's time to build an outdoor pull up bar in my backyard.

  7. I went for a runny/day. First time in a month. Went about 3.25 miles, farther than I would have thought. Am so sore that walking up/down stairs is killing me. I was in decent shape from other cardio stuff I do regularly, but having plenty of things on my mind helped me run farther than I thought I would. Was easy to think about the end of the world instead of being tired.

    I have a goofy set of Bowflex dumbbells that adjust from 5-52.5 lbs. That, along with some exercise bands from my surgery rehab, are all I have. I see lots of push-ups in my future in my makeshift basement gym.

  8. How about "People Get Ready"? Many versions, but I'm partial to Eva Cassidy's. Late D.C. chanteuse, voice of an angel. Died from melanoma at ridiculously early age of 33. Listen to Mick Fleetwood talk about her.

  9. nice TR. now buy some asics! that's one of my dumb stock picks . . . because everyone is running.

    i will have a track soon enough-- i'm working on a coronavirus creeping phlegm anthem.

  10. had my mri this morning. i can see how people freak the fuck out, even in an open mri. had to take some deep breaths at the beginning to calm myself down. that's not something i look forward to doing again. scheduled for an epidural tomorrow, so maybe i'll sleep at some point this week.

  11. could they make that thing any louder? it's like it was designed by manowar.

  12. One of my best high school friends was scheduled to have the same exact disc replacement surgery I had. Was set for 3/23. His 3 y/o kid jumped on his neck, which triggered his issues.

    He has numbness and weakness and quick surgery is needed to avoid permanent damage. His doc called him y/day and told him his surgery is indefinitely postponed. They are clearing the decks at all NJ hospitals for the virus rush, and his surgery was deemed non-essential. I feel for him. He’s a tennis pro and needs both arms.

    I hope the epidural does its job, Rob!

  13. Rob, good luck, buddy.

    In the meantime, I see you are hogging the playlist. I guess you've earned it.

  14. CLARA WHAT’S YOUR FUCKING SONG?? Don’t answer that.

    I’ll go with Fugazi - Give Me the Cure
