Saturday, March 21, 2020

A proper homage to a legend

Folks, I bring two things to these digital pages now and again: filler, and the Muppets. Well, sadly, today I bring you both to pay homage to Kenny Rogers, who died today at the age of 81. I actually got to see Kenny perform 2 or 3 years ago at a Smithsonian event - he could barely move around stage, but got damn did he crush some classics. Anyhoo, enjoy:



  1. RIP Kenny. Have you ever heard Marls do ‘The Gambler’?

    In reference to another recent GTB musical post, Stimulator Jones posted a short vid on his insta the other day of him shredding on a Randy California tune.

  2. I remember watching this when I was a kid and I loved it. This was my favorite song for a while there.

  3. Upon reflection, I can probably draw a straight line from my childhood exposure to The Gambler to my love of storytelling music generally.

  4. Muppet Show was the shit when I was a kid. I remember this b/c it was the only ghost muppet I remember seeing on the show.

    I also remember John Denver and Paul Williams.

  5. John Denver and the Muppets xmas album is our go to for tree decoarating.

    I just watched the vid - the flatfoooting muppet gambler ghost is pretty epic.

  6. In the tributes to KR Country Star, they/we should give a nod to his time with the First Edition. “Just Dropped in to See What Condition My Condition Was In,” “Reuben James,” and especially “Ruby Don’t Take Your Love to Town” are all worth dusting off today.

  7. About 6 years ago, I staffed an exec for an interview @ Bloomberg TV
    Kenny was in the green room when we arrived--I didn't recognize him at first, because he seemed to have some work done.
    But then he started talking and we were both like "OMG--that's Kenny Rogers!"

  8. The Reno 911 episode with KR and Patton Oswalt is fantastic.

    The man also made some damn fine chicken.

  9. The Killers did a great cover of Ruby Don’t Take Your Love to Town. It’s on their Sawdust album.

  10. "If I could move I'd get my gun and put her in the ground." Further proof of my theory that country music and hiphop music are the same thing.

  11. Our kids love “The Gambler” and this Muppets video is stellar.
    Hope everyone stays well!

  12. Unrelated by still music: I really love “Althea” by the Dead. Listening to lots of music while quarantined.

  13. Never knew KR did a rendition of “Just Dropped In...”. Gonna have to check that out.

  14. I’ve run through Fugazi’s 13 Rooms twice while in my basement/makeshift gym. That band fell through the cracks in my high school years. I wasn’t hip enough. I was still listening to Motley Crue and The Doors.

  15. So thanks to Mr KQ for that.

  16. my dad loved kenny rogers - lots of memories of car trips listening to him

  17. “Just Dropped in to See What Condition My Condition Was In" makes the Lebowski soundtrack.

  18. My WCSAGD is something like this:

    You have to watch the video for the full effect.

  19. Many of my neighbors have millennial-age children with their own apartments. Most of them have returned home to be with their parents. This stuns me, perhaps because I would have rather lived in a cardboard box behind a Costco than live with my mother when I was 24. This means that 24-year-old zman would've hunkered down with 24-year-old TR in their Money Earnin' hovel. I can't imagine the stories that would've come out of THAT misadventure.

  20. Althea is the best. I just put the finishing touches on another Les Coole monthly playlist for April and Althea is on it. Good call, Mark.

  21. Z, that BaT video is unbelievably good. You should buy it just for that. And to meet that guy.

    Is that Perry Como singing For the Good Times? Just for the full circle, here’s Kenny Rogers’ take:

  22. I knew that song was on the Big Lebowski soundtrack because I love that damn movie. Didn’t realize it was the Kenny Rogers version. Shit is dope.

    And I’m with Z. You couldn’t drag me back to parents place once I had an apartment/house. I stayed in Gainesville for 4 straight summers. And I love the beach in the summer. Never understood why you’d choose to go home and not be able to take bong hits on your couch or hook up with randoms on a Wednesday night.

  23. these Millenials are weird. they can actually hang out with their parents and enjoy it. the music/tv/book difference between our generation and our parents is usually a gaping chasm. i could watch the giants and cheers with my dad. these kids are different.

  24. They are not millennials, boomer. They are Generation Z.

  25. And I have less overlap than Dave and Rob with progeny. My girls listen to hip hop I don’t know and watch shows I’ve never heard of. I quizzed them today on the faces from a framed picture in my music room. John, Johnny, Joe, Joey, Jim, Jimi, Janis, Jerry. They fared poorly. They got Lennon and Hendrix. Boo. The kids today.

  26. The kids today! They smoke the marijuana and drink the Bud Lights!

  27. little uzi vert is all the rage.

  28. when are we having a zoom g:tb happy hour? not tonight because i'm too hungover from yesterday's outing . . .

  29. I actually bond with my step kid on music pretty well. I prefer older and obscure hip hop but I also appreciate enough of the current shit that we can compare notes (Drake is kind of our dividing line) and appreciate each other’s taste. I’ve also put her on to some other shit she likes, Tame, Sturgill, Cage, etc. that she respects my current taste.

    If the world doesn’t end, we’re actually supposed to go see Tame in Orlando in late June. Not counting on it.

  30. Good time to DVR some 30 for 30s. The 3-part Celtics-Lakers doc is so good.

    We watched Knives Out this afternoon. Was decent, but nothing special.


    I’ve been railing against the incessant fawning over that movie for months

  32. I see Statler and Waldorf are with us.

  33. Saw it in theaters with the fam and loved it! Hate you guys.

    Cheers TR, I believe it's 13 Songs but who's counting! Opening five tunes are fire IMHO.

    Currently waxing KQ in gin rummy.

  34. Finally finished The Irishman. Parasite is next. Also going to catch up on Moonlight and others I never saw during this time. In the meantime I’ve watched Frozen 2, Space Jam and SpongeBob the Movie with my kid In the past two days. I need some adult movies.

  35. played cards against humanity as a family. haven't lived until you've argued about the relative value of horse cock jokes with your daughters.

    1. Zooming with fiends from Brooklyn to Colorado is a way we’d never do otherwise. There’s some connection to be gained from this if you try hard enough.

  36. Cards is always brutal to play with young adult types.

    I have to confess that my sports ball interest was somewhat satiated for a moment last night watching my son try and do 30 pushups for 30 min of addl screen time. He got 29.5...bad beat for him. He got 15 minutes, but he was soooo close.
