Tuesday, March 03, 2020

A Pompous Lecture on the Curve of Drunkenness, Illustrated

TR recently opined on various states of drunkenness. My experience with this subject matter leads me to conclude that it can best be described as an inverted parabola with disposition as a function of fun along the y-axis and drunkenness by time along the x-axis. The slope at any particular point on the curve dictates how you're doing--this is why you should've paid attention in calculus. As a general matter, the upward slope from time 0 is euphoric, the peak is the fabled “sweet spot of drunkenness,” and everything after that is literally downhill into dysphoria.

Here's a curve for the principle generally.

As you can probably imagine, there are lots of other things you could overlay onto this plot. To wit:

Things can get really bad too. Then you're in the negative. This is "abject misery" and includes vomiting, bed wetting, waking up in jail and so on. This is where "too drunk to fly" happens.

We've all been there.


Further, the shape of the parabola varies from person to person, and it varies for a person depending on the conditions at hand like hydration state, nutrition levels, degree and nature of concomitantly administered substances, health status, age, and so on. One’s drunkenness parabola can therefore be used as something of a fingerprint for their general drinking capacity, or a snapshot of a particularly memorable round of boozing. I’ll show you what I mean.

Much like Costanza in the pool, the SSOD of drunkenness shrinks with age. In my twenties I could drink a lot, sometimes even epically, before I tipped over the edge of the SSOD into dysphoria. My SSOD was a broad plateau, a mesa of fun. In my thirties the SSOD shrank to a mere hill. Now, in my mid-forties, my SSOD is like the dip of a dull spear and about as useful. So it goes.

As a result, I frequently and accidentally fall into the dysphoria side of the curve nowadays. I assume you're similarly situated. Here's a graphical representation with some examples from your inner monologue along the downward slide into abject misery.

As I said before, some people have wildly different curves. Here's TR circa 1994:

When we were kids TR had an egregiously large bad decision zone. It started at the end of his SSOD and ended well into abject misery. Apex TR was often the coolest guy in the room, picking out great music, making funny jokes, playing pool and beerpong well. After that things could get weird. He might do something that isn't that funny, but you let it go. Then it gets stranger and stranger until you find yourself with a dead woodchuck propped up in a lawn chair with sunglasses, a cigarette and a handful of naked lady playing cards and telling people "This is Lambo's new shake, they nicknamed him Chuck!"

TR's curve was also unique in that he had this amazing plateau of negative fun which coincided with a certain look in his eyes. Many of you recall The Look. When you saw it you knew anything could happen. Anyway, at a point where any normal person would have passed out, TR powered through, wreaking havoc and causing mass discomfort. Naked bike rides in hurricanes? Head positioned between two speakers blaring Bathtub Gin on repeat? It's enough to give another guy a panic attack and make him to pass out.

After the negative plateau phase things got dark. Someone usually wound up on the wrong end of a beating, perhaps with their own flip-flop, or there was a trip to 7-11 for diarrhea dogs. None of this happens nowadays.

Here's a curve for FOG:TB Ian:

Ian still has the capacity for epic drinking. His SSOD is broad and flat. That said, his descent into dysphoria is a thing to behold. For hours he can be the life of the party, cracking jokes and telling great stories. Then, in a flash, he's suddenly breaking things. Seconds later he expresses tremendous remorse for his outburst and engages in self-flagellation. He then staggers away into the night and eventually passes out someplace familiar like the back of his truck or under the Martha Wood. But because of his amazing ability to metabolize alcohol, this negative fun plateau can get dragged out for hours.

Feel free to print this post out and carry it with you so you can identify where you are on the curve of drunkenness the next time you go out. Then you'll know where you stand. And knowing is half the battle.



  1. RIP that supercool woodchuck

  2. post of the year, says me

    our friend from norfolk has a massive ssod to this day. there's a mean drunk curve that intersects when the rest of us mortals with smaller ssod plateaus punch out in order to minimize dysphoria which results in our getting belittled for it. small price to pay for so much fun.

    my mom once remarked to me that i was much happier drunk than was my father, who got moody when he tipped past the ssod. on the one hand, that's nice of her to say. on the other, it made me wonder if i was drunk too often in her presence. i'm a pretty silly drunk until the surly mode kicks in.

  3. Zman - well done, but you neglected to characterize yourself! For you, the tail end of your SSOD is when you start aggressively cursing in mixed crowds. Your inner Jersey bursts out. I can still talk that guy into all sorts of bad decisions.

  4. “Descent into toolishness” is a prominent aspect of my curve.

  5. Love the parabolas. Did you forward to Ian?

  6. And I thought rob was calling me a mean drunk, but I think I misread it. I'm a lot of things drunk, many of them dysphoric and lousy, but very rarely mean.

  7. I have an irrational hatred for mock drafts that forecast trades.

  8. That is actually a rational hatred.

  9. Good to know!

    Is it also rational to order $119 of jerky at once? Asking for a friend.

  10. wow. great work zman.

    i have gotten really good at using the irish goodbye to avoid the down-slide of that curve. and back in college, when i went under the x axis, instead of passing out, i got "the look." bad news ensued . . .

    i will show this to my children (one of whom drank the punch at a party last month and di some puking) and explain this to them, as i wish someone explained it to me.

  11. It is perfectly reasonable if some of that jerky is elk jerky.

  12. I think the key thing your kids need to understand is that the euphoria does not continue to increase forever. At some point the additional drinks only make things worse.

  13. warren won my family by a 2-1 margin today. my lefty daughter voted for bernie. damn socialists.

  14. Warren is hurting Bernie by staying in the race. I think she knows it and I think Team Biden is fine with that.

    Bloomie needs to go away. Sad to say this b/c he was a damn good mayor, but it's a fact.

    Savannah Guthrie wears too much eye makeup. My sister wears too much. People think...

  15. Wife and I are going to an 80's party in a couple weeks. I get irrationally excited about costume parties. I'm not a huge fan of the theme (70's theme is 69,000% better), but a costume party is a costume party.

    Wife and I couldn't settle on a theme. We pondered Hall and Oates, but it would be hard for her to be Hall. So we decided to go our own ways. And I just ordered 10 items that should make me the coolest Hulk Hogan I can be at that event. $50 for real yellow wrestling boots is probably the best purchase I've ever made.

  16. She could be the lovely Elizabeth.

  17. You aren’t going as the Iron Sheik?

  18. Shirtless is a bit much. And the cheapie costume boots are weak. And I'd have to wear a bald wig.

    My #1 choice was to go as Cher from the "Turn Back Time" video. But not sure I want to wear heels.

  19. Whoah. I missed this yesterday, but this is the type of content the readers of this blog need. The analysis of TR and Ian's parabolas is spot on.

  20. TR, you seem to have a post ready to roll... and another hilarious one nearly ready.

  21. I may put the kibbosh on that one. It may come off as mean-spirited if folks in my town saw it.

    If Zman reads it and he's on the wrong side of the parabola, he could spam it around.

  22. On the other if hand, if TR is in proper parabolic position and happens to log in, we could still see it.

  23. New in the G:TB store: "What's your parabolic position?" t-shirt.

  24. This is fantastic. I suppose I’m glad you don’t know me and my para that well. Rob, Whitney and Marls are learning.

  25. I read the draft. After 27 years’ worth of stupidity and debauchery, THAT’S what you’re worried I’ll talk about.

  26. Your standing in town’s loss is postcount’s gain. You could always post as Rhymenoceroua.

  27. I can always expound on nasal polyps.

  28. zson has adopted my propensity to use the word damn. He says stuff like “you did the damn thing!” or “Just turn the damn thing on!” or “where’s the damn iPad?” It isn’t very popular with my distaff family members.

  29. I’m using the word damn on my scotch couch right now. Seton Hall spit the bit at home against Villanova.
