Tuesday, February 11, 2020


The word in the title of this post means 'Go Forward' in the Zulu language. Today, Ladysmith Black Mambazo founder Joseph Shabalala went forward into the great beyond, passing from this life. Personally, my interest in world music traces directly back to hearing Shabalala's group play with Paul Simon on 'Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes'.

So, for the great Joseph Shabalala, here's Ladysmith Black Mambazo doing Shosholoza:


  1. His surname is something of a song.

  2. Greetings from Indianapolis. Anyone with eating/drinking recs, please fire away.

    I feel like I asked the same question a couple of years back when I was here for a conference.

    Also, I looked at the local docket for potential music viewing over the next 48. Richard Marx is the only name I knew. Egads.

    I feel like maybe I already said this whole comment before. Hmmm.

    Also, I drink.

  3. downtown indy is pretty cool, but it's been so long since i was last there that i don't recall the names of any places to eat/drink/see. you're very welcome.

  4. Whit, if you are around tomorrow night might try these:

    Calexico & Iron and Wine at Egyptian Room At Old National Centre -- sort of mellow music, think Bon Iver
    Mike Doughty at HiFi - got be a few Soul Coughing songs in his set.

    Any tv series/movie recommendations I can download for my trip to Aruba on Thursday?

  5. The answer is always Narcos. And Hip-Hop Evolution.

  6. I like to consider a ladysmith. I work in fine females like some artisans work in copper or iron.

  7. Biden and Warren - nice knowing ya!

  8. Dooger - nice! I’m a fan of each, maybe Mike Doughty best.

    Pollstar letting me down...

  9. Not a fan of Brian Williams. Not a fan of Rachel Maddow. Brian and Rachel together...not bad. Can we get a turtle neck for Rachel tho? The neck. It's all I see.
    When does Bloomberg get into this? Does Boot Ah Judge have a chance? I think he does. Biden toast. Klobuchar making a move. What happens this go around when Bernie doesn't get the nod again?
    Anyone see the nd/uva finish...glad to see Brey has rid himself of the t shirt/jacket ensemble.

  10. My influence is vast and I am clothed with immense power.


  11. They will catch mistakes even you or a proofreader didn’t catch...

    Like “Hopping to be in the top 100 genre lists”...

  12. shared an elevator with former gator and nba player david lee at my hotel in san fran - he’s a tall fellow.

  13. clarabenet90@gmail.com is a kangaroo, she really is hopping to be in the top 100 list.

  14. All caught up on Hip Hop Evolution. Will check out Narcos, that one sounds PG and I'm sure all my seatmates will enjoy me watching it on the plane.

    Whit, I think songkick might be a hair better sometimes.

  15. We’re seeing Doughty in Annapolis next Fri.

  16. Squeaker... or any Fugazi fans... or punk rock fans:


    I like the track they released.

  17. Narcos: Mexico is tremendous.

  18. Went to see 1917 with my old man tonight. Good movie. Intense. Not best picture level, but really well done.

  19. saw kurt rambis in a restaurant in manhattan beach this evening. been a good couple days for random tall dude sightings.

  20. Hello Gheorghepeople...and Dave.

  21. Dave, I played darts and did my usual get way better as I get a bunch of Guinnesses in me... and then our group quit playing and we left before I got to the other side of the parabola and started missing the board! They think I’m a great dart player. This is how I should have always done it. Constanza-esque departure.

  22. "The other side of the parabola" is my new favorite euphemism.

  23. nice! you need a parabolic meter that tells you when to stop playing.

    for once, super-great bigly huge news! someone forward this to trump


  24. your tribe, losers of four of their last five games, host mid-table drexel this evening. w&m favored by 5.5, which seems like a lot. nathan knight has been consistently excellent. his teammates, consistently inconsistent. gut check here for young dane.

  25. So the big storms in North Carolina today have dictated that my colleagues and I won’t make it home tonight. Drat. Spending the night here in Charlotte. On the plus side, I’m going out for beers with one of my best chums from college, Vicky.

  26. insane clown posse just announced a show at a little venue in my town. that sounds interesting, in the sense that the juggalos interacting with the natives will be high-quality people-watching.

  27. Tough beat if you had the Tribe giving 5.5 tonight.

  28. Brutal loss for me as a coach of my 6th grader’s rec basketball team. Rec playoffs get very intense for the 5th/6th grade rec league. Even playing time goes out the window and most coaches embarrass themselves w/ their intensity.

    We lost to a team that had three kids well over 5 ft tall. They need to take puberty into account when making teams.
