Thursday, February 06, 2020

Rock the Vote, Please - Right Now

Ladies and gentlemen, GTBers, FOGTB, and gheorghies: I have a quick favor to ask.

I need your vote.

No, I'm not running for office.  Neither is Clarence.  Neither is Igor.

I need you all to vote on one side of a pending decision I need to make.  It's crucial. It's critical. It's totally asinine.

It's controversial.  Well, it's totally not, at all, but it's a subject that's hotly debated 'round these parts.  And I sense that I already know the snarky answer, but I'm going to ask, anyway. Postcount and all.

My little sister reached out to me last night. She received as a Christmas gift from her husband four (4) tickets to a big concert in a big city.  She now has two extra tickets to it, and she asked if a date and I would want to accompany her.

(If you translate that as: she spent a month looking for a better companion and failed... well, so did I.)

So, here goes.  Should I make it happen, or should I let it go?
There's a Clash song that paraphrases that sentiment, but this sure as shit ain't The Clash, for obvious reasons, or I wouldn't bother asking.

So it's more like this: Should I be in a New York state of mind, or should I leave a tender moment alone?

Yeah, that's right. It's Billy Joel.
Cue the B&B video when Beavis says, "Oh . . . it's Rush."  Sorry, guys.

He's a Hall of Fame act I don't think I've ever seen. I say "think" because lately I've reviewed a few festival lineups of yore and realized I have watched bands play that I would have otherwise told you I'd never seen.  Like the Foo Fighters, Radiohead, and ATCQ.  Huh. Getting old.

He has his once-a-month residency at Madison Square Garden. A cool concept made more impressive by playing 72 months in a row, all sold out.

Okay. Here's the deal:

  • February 20
  • It's a Thursday. Bad because I have class that night, good because I don't have work the next day.
  • It's at MSG. Never seen a show there. I don't think. (Saw a hoops game with Marls. Thanks, Marls.)
  • He's a Rock and Roll Hall of Famer. 
  • Probably my only shot to see him.
  • It's undoubtedly a fun time.
  • Plus, NYC afterwards.
  • Though I am going to be in the City a month or so later for Dave's birthday.
  • WHICH YOU SHOULD ALL GO TO. Brooklyn 3/28.
  • Setlists look to my Billy Joel taste, with the most tunes from the 3-album pinnacle of The Stranger, 52nd Street, and Glass Houses.
  • I'd have to fly up and back, most likely. Ain't a backbreaker, ain't free.
  • And stay over.  Same story.
  • And missing class... doable, not ideal. I'm missing a week later for a conference (plus DBT's with GTB).
  • Most importantly, I do actually enjoy BJ's music.  Not my favorite by a very long shot, but I'll know virtually every song, and I'll have fun.
  • No clue how good the seats are. Don't have the lead to ask my sister before deciding.
I'm usually a sucker for a singular opportunity.  But I'm on the fence on this one.  Looking for a helping hand here.

Please cast your vote, all gheorghies!


  1. I cannot stand Billy Joel (I used to live in Hackensack) but if you pick up what he puts down go see him while he's still in something close to his prime. MSG isn't a particularly amazing venue to see a show (I think it's too big) but as you noted you can go out in NYC afterwards (and before).

  2. Who needs a house out in Hackensack?
    So do you like Fountains of Wayne?

  3. I am a Billy Joel hater. The crowd will be awful Strong Island Italians searching for their youth. He has a whole lot of terrible “hits.” And he’s banging out these shows for the money.

    I would love Pressure, You’re My Home, Downeastern Alexa and Captain Jack. But if I had to hear 18,000 people singing Piano Man, or that gawdawful Scenes From an Italian Restaurant, I would jam chop sticks into my ear holes and eye holes simultaneously. Fuck Brenda. And Eddie.

  4. How is it possible you didn’t see him at Hampton Coliseum in high school (1987?) with all the shows you go to, Whit?!
    I say, go! But I’m feeling the year, as we’re about to turn 50!!

  5. I love how TR skates on his bitterness while I’m the bitter poster boy.

  6. I’m not bitter. I just think there are always better options in life than being next to 55+ y/o couples from Ronkonkoma.

  7. i'm a strong meh on billy joel. lunatic will always remind me of my dad, and i do like downeaster alexa and still rock and roll to me. but i wouldn't go through all that to see him. vote warren.
