Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Keeping Pace

Working on some actual content, but 'til then I feel obligated to live up to Coach Whitney's exhortations regarding the volume of our 2020 posts. If we're all gonna die, we're gonna go out working hard at our craft.

And so here's the newest Best Coast single. It's got a Joan Jett vibe. Which is pretty bitchin'.


  1. Nice work, buddy. I’d love to get three new posts in the next four days and cross the 20 threshold again. Let’s go, gheorghies.

  2. Seriously, get going, you bunch of slackers.

    Fun time for equity markets these days! Between that and the fate of energy stocks and the covfefe virus, I am feeling very good about my decision to have a second double-scotch at Houston airport right now.

  3. See my comment re Trumpster in last post. Yiu can relax. He's got it! #MAGA

  4. It may be the scotch talking, but I found an airport bar playing amazing tunes. The Killers, Spoon, The Who, Meatloaf. Its like they are playing a mix I came up with. It's aiding in my questionable decision-making.

  5. Two out of three ain’t bad, TR

  6. And the mystery DJ follows that up with Little Red Corvette -> I Got the Feelin' (James Brown).

    It's like they're telling me to get black-out drunk.

  7. Do you have any other form of drunkenness besides black-out drunk?

  8. Shit yeah I do! There’s the basic “too drunk for the situation,” such as with family during a holiday, or with lame people at a work function. There’s too drunk to drive. There’s “too drunk this early during a function,” which happens if I’m underhydrated or haven’t eaten before cocktails. That can usually be remedied if identified. There’s “too drunk, considering the drugs haven’t kicked in yet.” Hypothetically. And there’s “too drunk to fly.” I’ve never been too bad on this one.

  9. I know it's possible to be too drunk to fly, but I've never reached that threshold.

  10. You can tell TR is drunk because he didn’t insult me. He left out the “sweet spot of drunkenness.”

  11. You can also be the Dead Kennedys song


  12. "Sweet spot of drunkennes" is a great call, Zman. That's when you can throw darts, shoot pool and hit on women with aplomb. The sweet spot is sadly only a brief moment of time. Things fall off a cliff at some point.

  13. Does anybody still watch Better Call Saul? I fell off during Season 2. Can't believe they're on Season 5. I don't know a single person who has brought up that show in the last couple years.

  14. I think I’m in my sweet spot at the moment. Dammit, nary a pool table or dart board in sight.

    Hello, ladies

  15. I do TR, but have not begun the new season. Seems like a longer than normal hiatus. Throw in the other great options that have shown themselves since Season 2, it isn’t surprising it has lost some buzz. Worth watching though imo. I give it 2.8 drams out of 4.

  16. tom perez should be drawn and quartered for electoral malpractice.

  17. I also watch Better Call Saul. It’s a slow burn but I think it’s damn good. Last season was when the shared universe began to collide.

  18. Big Tuesday night for G:TB. I’m in a rare early weekday sweet spot as well.

  19. Slow burn...unlike this dem debate. “Eejits” as they say in the Irish countryside. I flipped to “Worst Cooks” for my wife and son, before ever hearing one mention of current Pres. And they should put all of these folks/fucks in a soundproof kiosk, give each a specified amt of time to answer the GD question, and if they don’t, turn the mic off and on to the next person. Points tallied as they go. Top 3 get an extra half hour to debate as we know it. And cbs should never ever be able to do this again.

  20. Go away, Tom Steyer.

    And Joey Bides - please answer one question w/o slowly raising your voice into some sort of faux yelling.

  21. i like danimal's plan. that'd be fun.

  22. Gloria Borger’s face is troubling.
