Friday, February 28, 2020

Disco Still Rules. Zoom!

I am on Instagram. Some of you are too. I use it mostly for amusement purposes. And for looking at sexy ladies. Don't tell the missus about that last part.

I mostly follow accounts that make me laugh. And I'm not picky about my laughs. I'll take them low-brow or high-brow. I mostly get them low-brow, from accounts like @joemande, @gymfailstories, @miserable_men, @kyledunnigan1, @festivalist, @kookslams, @failvibes, @ryanoflan and many others.

I follow @nickkroll on Instagram. He turned me on to a video that has wormed its way into my earholes and eyeballs in the last few days. It's a disco song/performance called Space Rescue by Zoom. They are Spanish. They perform what can best be described as cocaine-infused interpretations of disco music. Did I suck you in yet? Do you not believe me? Check out that video here. It's so awesome it's mesmerizing.

The choreography of that video blows me away. It seems to be the basis for the dance scene to Machine Gun in Boogie Nights, which is one of my favorite minutes in the history of cinema. Check it out right here!

The Zoom video and music also remind me of the performance part from the all-male synchronized swimming skit from SNL, which I put in my top 10 SNL skits of all time. Harry Shearer is an amazing straight man, Martin Short is at the peak of his warped powers here, and Christopher Guest shows what the next chapter of his career would be.

Happy Friday.


  1. Amazing. It’s like a Phenomenal Handclap Band song recorded at 33 1/3 but played at 45. Cocaine infusion indeed.

  2. Although disco was already cocaine-infused, at least based on what I saw in Boogie Nights. Zoom is extra-cocaine-infused disco.

  3. 3 awesome videos. Disco was great, whatever the fuck that video is is even better (love the dude with the hair), Boogie Nights was even greater, Paul’s Boutique even better, and then there’s “I’m not that STRONG a swimmer.”

  4. Mini-summit tonight in DC. Rob, Marls, Mr. KQ, me, some Truckers.

  5. Looking forward to the show. Have seen Hood twice but never the Truckers. With KQ50 set for tmro, it has been gently suggested that I may not want to be too hungover for the festivities. I trust my mini-summit mates will help me with this initiative.

  6. Mr KQ, happy birthday!

    All these mini-summits make me jealous. I'm sure you all will be well behaved at both.

  7. If you will be in SLC, Denver, Dallas, Houston, Austin, St Louis, Cincy or Indy this summer, you can see Black Keys, Gary Clark and Marcus King on the same Bill. That, my friends, is a monster bill.

  8. So monster that I felt compelled to capitalize it.

  9. Saw Gary Clark at Jazz Fest and the Black Keys in Orlando. Seeing both on the same bill would be pretty epic:

  10. Thanks a lot, TR. I’m now thinking about how the tickets I bought to the Keys and Gary Clark Jr and some act named Yola would be better with Marcus King. Damn you.
