Wednesday, January 08, 2020

A Little Gheorghemas Wrapping Paper Left Over

Didn't want to clunk up Day 12 with too much inanity, so we have some leftovers. 

First, another thing I always enjoy seeing: artists giving a shout-out and going to see other bands. I remember standing next to comedian Lewis Black and watching him gleefully watch Tedeschi Trucks in Golden Gate Park minutes after he delivered a side-splitting comedy set.  Good stuff.

I saw both of the bands below (all three. technically) in 2020, and they were terrific. Glad we have some crossover appreciation, and I agree with the DBT assessment.  (Camper/Cracker in DC in 10 days.  DBT's there in February.)

On another note, I thought I would issue the year-end report card, not as a means to scold people, but as a sincere shout-out to the tiny dictator who keeps this sputtering engine chugging along.  Seriously... our boy contributed 57% of the postings on Gheorghe: The Blog.  Major kudos to Rob. And thanks.

And finally, year-end playlists of the best tunes of the previous 365 are a dime a dozen, but here's 9 cents' worth of good music from 2019.  As a bonus, here are also 100 songs I enjoyed from the past decade.


  1. I saw the very first Oysterhead show in NOLA at Jazzfest many moons ago (00? 01?). I was in the Saenger Theatre with a friend and we were both a bit out of our gourd. Out of nowhere, as the set starts, Bela Fleck slides into the seat next to us. We had seen him and the Flecktones crush it at the festival that year. I decided to give him some peace. My buddy excitedly talked at him, spewing nonsense, for far too long. That's how it goes for those guys, I guess.

  2. Indeed. For the record, I spoke to Lewis Black for 30 seconds about how good Tedeschi Trucks was, then added, "Nice set, by the way," and let him be. And that could have meant his man-boobs.

    TR, I was at the Fest that year (whether it was '00 or '01), too bad I didn't know you were there. Of course, it could have been a different weekend. We were always 1st weekend attendees.

  3. Anyone here venturing to 9:30 club on 1/18 for Cracker/CVB?

    Looks like it's an early show and Budos Band playing afterward. I'm tempted...

  4. I'm going to see Budos in Jersey City on 1/17. They put on a good show.

  5. Rootsy, I'm very tempted. Let's kick it around...

  6. Hey y'all,

    Thanks for the good thoughts/wishes. I really appreciate it. Mostly the world needs less consumption, less rancor, less war, and more kindness and efforts for peace. If you've got 10 minutes, read Wendell Berry's "Thoughts in the Presence of Fear," which he wrote in the aftermath of 9/11. A "peaceable economy" - that's what we need for Fu$% sake!

    Now, back to your normal dipshittery. Whit - thanks for the playlists. Good listening for unpacking boxes :-)

    Oh - I want to go see Bela Fleck in Spring, too. I think there's a venue nearby n Norfolk that's scheduled.

  7. Hey Donna, Bela Fleck plays at Harrison Opera House in Norfolk on Sat May 30. Conveniently 2 blocks from my house. Tentatively scheduled to be out of town, but plans can change.

  8. i posted more dipshittery than the rest of you combined? jesus, i need to get a life.

  9. Does Chris Cuomo have camera close-up time minimums built into his contract? Dude loves having close-ups on his mug.

  10. My physical therapist told me that she went to an Orange Theory class in a neighboring town (New Providence) last week and Eli Manning was taking the class as well. It was a 720 AM class. Kinda funny and kinda sad.

  11. Been a little preoccupied, but back to the last post I only saw 7 shows last year.

    The Cult
    We Were Promised Jetpacks
    The Pixies
    The Budos Band
    The The
    Winnetka Bowling League

    Which TMBG show are you all meeting up at in DC? 8th, 9th or 10th?

    Wish I knew about the Budos Band, Camper and Carcker mini festival in DC sooner. That would be a great day of music. You all better go.

  12. Squeaker, we are going to TMBG Friday 4/10. Yeah baby.
