Monday, December 16, 2019

The Twelve Days of Gheorghemas: Day Six

On the sixth day of Gheorghemas
Big Gheorghe gave to me:

Six Vinyl Discs
Five golden (Cream Yellow, really) cylinders for Squeaky
Four players playing
Three Nutty Squirrels
Two Chilean bangers (literally)
And a British lass slingin’ hot meat

Long time no write. Apologies for the output in 2019. Was it two years ago GTB featured a series on everyone’s favorite albums? Maybe three. You might be surprised that nothing was submitted from the 904, but now it’s time, but with a little twist. Not my favorite, but more or less the first six that I got to know very well, and loved. Some still would be in my fave basket if I had one. Not all though. No judging, as I was a young'n. To think I was my middle child's age is both depressing and eye-opening. It's hard for me to envision any of my kids sitting in a room listening to albums, one after the other. In that respect, maybe I was pretty hip. 

Meatloaf - Bat Out of Hell (1977)
We’re back in Oneida, NY, in the basement with the bar, beer on tap, and all the fixins. Remember now that I have three older sisters, the two oldest at the time in their high school years and slightly more than casual fans of music, mostly of the classic rock variety. Seven or eight years old am I. This must be my intro to the music my parents would never listen to. “Paradise by the Dashboard Lights”, the must play wedding song of the 80’s and 90’s brings me back to the basement with my sisters blasting this album, singing, screaming the lyrics as I either sit there pissed off because I want to watch Dukes of Hazzard or slightly amused. And because I was an immense Yankee fan and watched most of each game that I could before being directed to hit the hay, I knew Phil Rizzuto and knew him well and wondered… “Huh? What? That’s Phil Rizzuto?! How’s that? What does this have to do with baseball? I’m confused.” And I never looked at or listened to The Scooter in the same way again. Evolution eventually brings me to never being pissed off anymore, and not only amused but diggin it, to the point I listen to the album incessantly learning every word to every song. There’s a chance I’d even sing ‘em out loud to honor my influencers. Though new to music I had heard enough songs on the radio in my mom’s pinto to know this was not the normal collection of tunes, but didn’t learn this until a couple of years ago.

The Cars - The Cars - 1978
Same sitch, or setting anyway. But no sibs. My memory doesn’t tell me how this album ended up on top of the turntable, but it did. This was the first record that I considered mine. Since there were probably less than twenty or so in the crate, consisting of a few Elvis, Frank, Bee Gees, ABBA, Willie, Statler Brothers. Yup. As a young lad, that was all rubbish. Little did I know my mom’s taste was unquestionable, and the sisters' not too shabby either. Not all records included the lyrics – this one did, and my early onset OCD did not permit me to just listen to one random song – I had to listen to the whole thing, in order, lyrics in hand. The memory was better in those days so in no time I’d have each one down. Bye Bye Love = best song. Cars = underrated. Ric Ocasek = Outkicker of coverage, even as a wealthy rock star. But rest in peace Ric. Deep Track rec: All Mixed Up

REO Speedwagon - Hi Infidelity (1980)
Wikipedia: “They named the band REO Speedwagon, from the REO Speed Wagon, a 1915 truck that was designed by Ransom Eli Olds. Doughty (band member) had seen the name written across the blackboard when he walked into his History of Transportation class on the first day they had decided to look for a name.” (Please post other possible monikers in the appropriate section below. What if shop P.E. had been his next class? Or Physics? Business Law? We could really have fun a lot of fun with this one guys)

Before starting this exercise, it was my expectation to listen to this album that I was almost addicted to some 40 years ago,  and get pulled back in, maybe even wonder aloud why I've let it continue to be a distant memory, but couldn’t have been more wrong. Embarrassing. Don’t Let Him Go…decent. Tough Guys, okay. Everything else, garbage. Pop. Soft rock. Love ballads, led by Keep on Loving You and Take It On the Run. I was 10 years old so ease up. Who doesn't remember, among us older guys, the popularity of this album though? Take It On the Run took over the airwaves and no one that I knew showed anything but love for Kevin Cronin's chops. 

Rush - Moving Pictures (1981)
The trio from up north, eh hosers? Any band that I became a fan of was due to the influence of someone else and in this case a neighbor I hung out with who was two years my elder, David H. So I was a follower, big whoop. Dave’s parents were young in comparison to my parents. Rock’n Roll baby – they had it, along with an epic collection of Playboys. An aspiring drummer himself, David was big into the Canadian Rockers, Rush. Neal Peart… “Dude, check out this kit man!” How the hell did we see it though? It wasn’t YouTube. He must have had a video of some kind, Betamax. It doesn’t matter…Moving Pictures was purchased and like any other album I invested in, learned every single word, riff, drum solo. My air skills ran deep, and still do if I’m being honest. Just ask around. And speaking of deep…Deep Track rec: The Camera Eye; YouTube Rec: YYZ...shown here. 

Foreigner - Foreigner 4 (1981)
Night Life. Juke Box Hero – I never tire of this song. Urgent, with Junior Walker’s sax solo. Fun fact – Mark Ronson’s stepdad is none other than Mick Jones, co-founder, eventual dictator, and sole remnant of original ensemble. Mark Ronson btw is a scalding hot songwriter/performer/producer. Other fun fact – Thomas Dolby plays the synthesizer in mega-hit Urgent. Lots of good trivia you pick up with these projects. The “band” is still together after all these years, and in fact will be touring in 2020! The band consists of the aforementioned Mick and a dozen or so other musicians and singers not to include Lou Gramm. Foreigner without Lou Gramm. Yeah, no thanks.

I am not sure why, but over the last fifteen years or so I’ve all but stopped downloading/buying music. Absent the occasional Spotify requests do I ever go back and listen to this stuff, but am going to make the point to do so at least here in the short term. There are lots of other good songs that bring back memories, both good and bad. This album, like these others from ’81 were listened to a ton in ‘81/’82/’83… ’82 was the year our family moved from NY to VA, devastating for me at the time. Of course it turned out unicorns and rainbows but I wanted to maim my parents at the time.

The Who - Face Dances (1981)
In the late 70’s Casey Kasem’s Top 40 countdown on some FM channel coming most likely out of Syracuse was pretty regular listening for me steering me towards many bands of the time. You Better You You Bet stuck and stuck quickly. Not one of their better reviewed works, “neither triumph nor failure” according to Rolling Stone, I didn’t have anything to compare it to so what the hell did I know as a mere young man of 11? Not much. But what happened more often than not, and in this case, my next trip to the K-Mart where these purchases were made would be spent looking for others titles of The Who, The Cars, REO, Journey, etc etc…So I can only thank Casey.

Led Zeppelin – Houses of the Holy (1973)
I’ve gotta thank Steve Flanagan for this one, and many others from the early mid-70’s including Aerosmith and Queen. My best friend from kindergarten, Pat Flanagan had four siblings himself, but all older including two older brothers, Danny and Steven. Steve was the first cool kid that I knew. Every boy worshiped him. Sharp kid, funny – dry and sarcastic, an all-world smart-ass. Tall and lean, good looking, and athletic as all get out, scoring 45 in one 7th/8th grade game for St. Pat’s. He was smoking cigarettes by twelve, which tragically led to his death while living in NYC. Falling asleep in his bed with a lit cigarette, the fire that ensued killed him and very nearly his brother Danny. Only about 25 at the time, this was a devastating loss for all that knew him. It put his mom into a tailspin as it would most. My parents were Steve’s godparents, my sisters were very close with him too. Crushing loss. Whenever hanging at their house, Steven would have something wailing from his room, and oftentimes this. And when he’d leave the house, Pat and I would go in his room and do the same. It was in Steve’s room I first met Aerosmith, Queen,Styx, Lynyrd Skynyrd, and groovy posters. 


  1. Killer Gmas post, Danny Boy. Excellent round-up of old classics with bits of trivia and a fine narrative to interweave them.

    A few stray thoughts:

    - Foreigner 4 and Journey's Escape were my first cassettes, as picked out by my stepmom at Peaches Records & Tapes as a gift for my 11th birthday to complement my new cassette player. "Juke Box Hero" is an all-timer. Virtually the only place you see that compound word broken up into two -- to match the anthemic chorus.

    - Female vocals on Bat Out of Hell provided by Ellen Foley. Old geezers like me remember her as the plucky public defender Billie Young on "Night Court" who was replaced by Markie Post after Season 1. She was dating Mick Jones of the Clash (not Mick Jones of Foreigner) at the time.

    - Ben Orr sang "Bye Bye Love," and did it masterfully. Ocasek was the genius and wrote everything, but Orr sang a goodly quotient of Cars songs, never better than the song you picked out. His tenure resting in peace began way, way too early. F cancer.

    - Houses of the Holy. What a record. Everyone knows the singles but I got fully indoctrinated to the whole shebang via freshman roommate Doug and his fancy hi-fi w/ CD player, and we'd play that thing on repeat ad infinitum. Trivia: the album was so good, so tight with classics, Zep had to punt some stuff to the next record (Physical Graffiti, including the song... wait for it... "Houses of the Holy."
    Dan, sorry about your buddy Steve. Ugh.

    - Can't concur on your updated take on Hi Infidelity. A time and a place and it was the sound of the time. "Keep On Loving You" and "Take It On the Run" are vintage early 80's classic rock/cheese. They're fun. At least to me. Fast fact: singer Kevin Cronin made a mint off his REO career and beyond. While many others in his era are dead broke, if not dead, he's worth $25 million and just cruises along.

    All the world's indeed a stage, and we are merely players, performers and portrayers...

    Happy Gheorgemas!

  2. Kudos to Danimal for having no shame about his youthful musical favorites. Kinda like me and my stable of unimpressive automobiles.

    We have a spot in Roanoke called Dr. Pepper Park - a kind of makeshift outdoor venue whose 'lawn' is mostly a parking lot. They have a lot of tribute acts play there during the warmer season. At band practice the other night we (jokingly, I hope) proposed starting a group that plays only Bon Jovi and Bad Company mashups called..... you guessed it....Bad Jovi. We figure we could be a Dr. Pepper Park 3x a year at least.

  3. Lou Gramm was supposed to be on this Foreigner tour but got a severe respiratory infection, so he's out.

  4. Love this post. It's fun to wear your earliest musical inspirations on your sleeve. I once thought the Doors were mind-blowing. And then I turned 16.

    Funny Foreigner anecdote - I saw an excerpt from the book Michael Douglas' kid wrote. Apparently, he was tasked with handing out joints to celebrity guests when his dad would have big LA parties. He talked specifically about one night when his dad and Foreigner partied until sun-up. Made me chuckle, given how different their trajectories as stars were.

    This post reminds me of Dave's wistful memories of Rusted Root.

  5. A couple high school friends and I have a theoretical Jovi-based tribute called Juan Bon Jovi (J like a H, so pronounced Ho-vi). The schtick is we do classic rock/cheese metal songs in Spanish, starting with the Jovi catalog (Soy querido...muerto o vivo!). And our encore is doing La Bamba in English. Is a great concept and we had it all mapped out. I was the lead singer and translator. One buddy (stage name: Ricardo Sambora) was the guitarist. Just haven't gigged much. Or at all. But it's always fun to hear a song and think "I could rip up a Spanish version of that." I still do that today, even though my voice would make deaf people wince.

    I am not a sailor. I'm a captain, I'm a captain.

  6. Alternate band names for REO Speedwagon could've been Inequitable Conduct or The Defeasible Fees.

  7. Es mi vida, TR. Es ahora o nunca.

    Fake bands are the most fun ones to imagine. Actually having to do something often requires and element of commitment that harshes the whimsy.

  8. Or perhaps just an element of commitment.

  9. Did not know the Ellen Foley tidbit - excellent. Was a lover of Night Court. Another one gone a little too early - Harry Anderson. As an aside, got to meet John Larroquette after a Broadway showing of How to Make it in Business...not very talkative.

    Escape was an early fave as well. My sisters were pretty enthusiastic concert goers, seeing anyone that came to the Carrier Dome - Stones, Journey, REO...I'd be home and so envious. And as older siblings do, one would say, "Hey Danny...wanna come?" I'd jump out of my seat to a quick, "Psyche". Bitches, man.

  10. I hit a game winner at the OT buzzer in my league game tonight. That’s a feeling that never gets old. Regardless of how old you’re getting.

  11. Excellent post Danimal.
    Juke Box Hero is one of my all-time fav songs. I still remember buying Foreigner 4 at Waxie Maxies.

    And, I still listen to Houses of the Holy--on Sonos, not vinyl.
    Please don't judge me for the selection or format.

  12. Sorry Shlara, but Dave has already judged you.

    TR’s band is quite possibly the greatest concept art project ever concocted on Jersey Shore. I’m saddened that they did not headline at The New Wave at some point.

  13. This post is super cool.
    My sis and I listened to Foreigner over and over and over!
    On different note - Zman, advice please for a friend who is wanting to buy a Prius...a salesman is offering to sell her a 2017 Prius Advance (is that what they're called, or Prius Prime maybe) that has some 26000 miles for 26K but she's offered 22K. New ones are 30K (wth the features I guess she wants). She says it doesn't make sense to buy the used one when she can get the new one for just that amount more. Is the dealer not being reasonable? What do you think? I'm asking this without the paper in front of me that she gave me the info about, so I hope I'm getting these numbers about to ask you.

  14. The Prius Prime model has an Advanced package. If that is what she is looking for, the price feels a bit high for a used 2017. Is it certified pre-owned? That puts 26k at the high end of the normal range.

  15. Kelly Blue Book ( says the typical CPO list price for a 2017 Prius Prime with the Advance package and 26k miles in zip code 32034 and in "very good or better" condition is $25,987. Your friend might be able to chisel the dealer down to $25k flat, maybe a few hundred bucks under that, but I don't think the dealer is unreasonable. $22k is not a legitimate offer.

  16. Hey thanks! She lives in Germantown, MD, if that makes a difference. I will relay this info. And really appreciate it. I like having a "car guy" :-).

  17. That makes a difference of about $1000 (I saw a name starting with "D" and thought "Danimal," sorry). She should be able to get the car for about $24k. If she walks into the dealership on Christmas Eve with a cashier's check for $23.5k, she should have a deal. $22k still isn't a fair offer, even in Maryland.

  18. Here you go. 34k miles, just under $24k.

  19. Thank you! You rock! Interesting, too, that where one lives makes difference like that. The things one learns every day.

  20. I think it's supply and demand. More leftists, and thus more used Priuses, in Maryland than northern Florida.

  21. More American-made pickup trucks two sizes larger than the carrying capacity actually needed by the driver in N. FL?

  22. I hope 2020 will be the year I finally achieve full manhood and get a pickup truck. It will be as utilitarian as my other vehicles, and I'd like to keep total acquisition cost of all four under 20k. I'll pay $3499.99, and not a penny more for my mulch hauler.

  23. That's not the right car for you.

  24. So, got my notes now—it’s certified pre-owned, at a dealer in manassas (she lives in Germantown), 2017 Prius prime advance w/ 26K miles, dealer asking $26,250.
    New ones —2020s are $30K and you get $4500 tax credit.
    So, what do you recommend?
    You think she could buy with a cashier’s check the 2017 for $23500 on Xmas eve? She’s paying cash.

  25. oops - mistake there, a new one is $34K but they're offering $2K back if you live in MD and you get the $4500 tax credit, so isn't this a better deal. Because that's a $28500 total. And the new model has a fifth seat.

  26. Toyotathon is on! Or so their website says. The total difference between new and CPO is about $3000 to $3500. Whether that's a better deal depends on how much your friend values "new" and five seats, and how happy she is to front $4500 until sometime after April 15.

    The price difference isn't particularly large so she should buy the car that makes her happiest.

  27. I have an advanced package as well
