Tuesday, December 03, 2019

The Twelve Days of Gheorghemas: Day 1

Gheorghemas Day 1 Procrastination, a tradition unlike any other.

The GTB editorial staff is chomping at the bit to spread some Gheorghemas cheer, and here I was holding up the fun. But no more. Onward to the most wonderful time of the year!

On the first day of Gheorghemas 
Big Gheorghe gave to me 
A British lass slingin' hot meat  

Bonus Gheorghemas content, because my public demands it:
"A fat guy in a sweet T"


  1. merry gheorghemas! that doesn't look like a fat guy in a novelty t-shirt.

  2. Variety is the spice of life, tiny

  3. At least those hot sausages are reminiscent of a fat guy stuffed into a t-shirt, right?

  4. there it is! a gheorghemas miracle!

  5. Your demand letters have reached the corporate offices, and here at GTB, we give the people what they want: a Fat guy in a sweet T

  6. In that bottom photo of El Teej, it looks like he's playing tourist in boxer shorts.

  7. I thought the same thing, TR. The business socks add to that effect.

    “Who woke up the Cave Bear?? Run away!! He’ll eat you and steal your purse!!”

  8. I am usually the best dressed tourist at all stops.

  9. W&M men's hoops vs ODU tonight. Squirrel out front shoulda told you.

    Up 17-8 now, 10 mins in. Keep going, Tribers.

  10. W&M outscored 14-9 since that comment. Sorry. Up 4 at half on a not-great Monarchs squad. Ahem...

  11. squirrel out front did tell you, in the previous thread. tribe was favored by 2.5-3 points. wonder when we were last favored over the big blue beast.

  12. Jeff Jones has done a nice job of resuscitating the Big Blue Beast after Blaine Mustache let it get away from him. (Coach Jones is also a former semi-regular at the Cowboy Cafe and seems to frequent the same spots I do in Norfolk. Meaning he's cool.)

    But this season may be a long one for ODU.

  13. so jeff jones likes the company of women that are too young for him? huh.

  14. Melissa Stark could’ve told you that, Rob.

  15. Whit and Jeff are slaying out there. Blaine Mustache is a strong name.

    I’m spinning some records my cousin gifted me last weekend. Nice copy of Europe 72, and Sgt. Pepper too.

    There was an Avett Bros. 7” in the mix. I’ll spin it once to make sure it doesn’t convert me, but it’s up for grabs to the first hip gheorghe with a turntable to lay claim to it.

  16. Jeff Jones is married to a girl who was two grades below me in high school, so yes. That's no insult, mind you. People are people, Depeche Mode told us.
