Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Twelve Days of Gheorghemas 2019 Day 9: Nine (six, really) goats goatating

On the ninth day of Gheorghemas
Big Gheorghe gave to me:

Nine (six, really) goats goatating
Eight Autographs Showing How Sad My Childhood Was
Seven Books for Reading
Six Vinyl Discs
Five golden (Cream Yellow, really) cylinders for Squeaky
Four players playing
Three Nutty Squirrels
Two Chilean bangers (literally)
And a British lass slingin’ hot meat

Al Johnson's Swedish Restaurant & Butik is, as its name implies, a Swedish restaurant and boutique in Sister Bay, Wisconsin. More specifically, their website explains that "Al Johnson’s is an authentic Swedish family owned restaurant where you can find goats grazing the sod roof. It's quite a sight, and it's made this place one of the most famous restaurants in Door County."

That's right, the building features goats grazing on its roof. They even have a goatcam from May through October.

This feature is so remarkable and noteworthy that the owners applied for, and the United States Patent and Trademark Office granted, trade dress registration for the goats on the roof. Seriously. Here's their drawing of the mark:

I learned all of this because Todd C. Bank, allegedly a real person and an attorney, filed a petition to cancel Al Johson's trade dress registration. If you've been reading my G:TB stuff for any period of time, you probably predicted that. Also predictable: the court referred to the trade dress as the "Goats on the Roof Registration" throughout their opinion.

Much less predictable are Mr. Banks's arguments against the Goats on the Roof Registration. In particular, "Mr. Bank sought to cancel the Goats on the Roof Registration as functional, alleging that the trade dress 'is demeaning to' goats, which, in turn, 'is offensive to [Mr.] Bank and denigrates the value he [and others] place[] on the respect, dignity, and worth of animals.'"

Perhaps Mr. Bank was once a goat himself. He will always be a goat to me.

The Federal Circuit agreed with my latter sentiment and booted his case for lack of standing. In plain English, Mr. Bank had no "legitimate personal interest in the opposition."

Remarkably, this was the third time Mr. Bank opposed the Goats on the Roof Registration so the court awarded the restaurant its costs and attorney fees. Marls and the other barristers among our readership are likely saying "oh snap!" to themselves. Those of you who were smart enough to avoid law school will have to take my word for it when I say this is quite a benchslap.

If you want to show support for Al Johnson and his goats, I suggest you peruse the wonderful offerings in their butik. For example, they have these socks for Teedge:

Yes, those are goats wearing bowties.

They have these golf balls for Danimal:

And a shot glass for Whitney:

TR would love these playing cards with naked goats on them:

They even have child size goat tshirts for rob:

Who wouldn't like this goat hat (Scandanavian woman not included):

And just in time for Gheorghemas, this Änglaspel goat rotary candle holder would look perfect on everyone's mantle. Everyone should have a set of six to nine goats goatating in their living room.

Merry Gheorghemas everyone!


  1. Todd Bank went to Brooklyn Law School.

    Goat preservation law seems like an odd adjunct to his “annoyance law” class action practice.

  2. Betty - you’re like a goat.

    Name the movie.

  3. six minutes, two points, two boards, an assist and a steal for little george today in the hoyas’ win over american. production!

  4. Love the obscure legal posts from the Zoltan

  5. Can we all agree to stop putting Oklahoma in the playoff? Fun team. Lincoln Riley is a terrific offensive mind but they don’t play enough (any) defense.

  6. that targeting call kept clemson in this game, and it was turrrrrible. but at least there's a reason to watch the second half.

  7. Met Greg, his new wife and some other friends out for dinner and drinks tonight built around semifinal two. Good times had by all.

    This game looked like another blowout early. Clemson was being dominated on the lines of scrimmage. Quite the reversal though. And I didn’t know Trevor Lawrence had that sort of wiggle and burst. Impressive push back by the Tigers.

  8. I absolutely did not think that was a catch and fumble. Replay says I’m wrong.

  9. Hell of a drive by Lawrence. And then a perfectly timed RPO.

  10. My kids need to go back to school. ASAP. This downtime has everything and everyone off schedule. Everyone going nuts. I hid all house electronics and am forcing my kids to work all day.

    I am going to Phish at MSG tonight and wife has already put me in the doghouse for that. And that’s before she learns about all the bad decisions I’ll inevitably make tonight.
