Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Gheorghemas Interlude Interlude

I didn't think it'd come to this, but our 'ludes need 'ludes now, apparently. Enjoy the day, Gheorghies.


  1. tacko fall has a very high gheorgheness quotient

  2. Ernie Hudson and Mike Dirks have been reduced to doing CarShield infomercials?

  3. Ain’t enough ghosts to bust out there these days

  4. ...and he retired from his job as warden of Oz prison. He seemed to do a good job there. Nothing unseemly happened in there.

  5. Old school Tom & Jerry cartoons are on Amazon Prime’s Boomerang channel. It’s worth every penny. So much better than modern non-violent cartoons.

  6. Love the dropkick murphy's tune.
    Merry xmas eve folks. Soul cleansed, ready to partake.
    If I haven't said it here, fireball and eggnog...bueno

  7. Btw, egg nog was sold out, but almondmilk nog was not! And it's pretty good
    Pretty pretty good.

  8. Merry Xmas eve fam. Go watch Lethal Weapon or Gremlins.

  9. ‪Currently spinning John Denver’s “Rocky Mountain Christmas”‬ on the turntable

  10. kids are curating the christmas eve playlist for the first time. lotta alternative rock and punk. so proud.

    merry christmas to you and yours, gheorghies. pretty blessed up in here.

  11. Merry Christmas, Gheorghies. HBO and Showtime could do a much better job with their Xmas eve programming.

  12. Just did a dinner of the seven fishes that would make the Bizzaros happy.

  13. Anyone else’s kids leave some landjager and edam for Santa?

  14. I ended up hosting several neighbors for drinks and dessert. Was a great way to end the night. One family we invited was a divorced mom, her son (who’s friends w/ my youngest), and her very attractive single sister. Added something to the gathering. Pretty sure every dad got the stink eye from their wife at one point.

    And in a surprise move, I got hazed by FOG:TB’s Sambo’s father in law. He was at my kitchen island, espousing the virtues of ice cold shots of Fireball that get shaken first in a martini shaker. He was correct! I stopped at two, but could have polished off many more.

  15. My wife (married before me) wife may have just referenced me as a nice comfortable landing spot. Oh buddy. Gonna take a bit for her to dig out of this one.

    On a kinder note, Merry Christmas Gheorghies. Love y’all a whole bunch.

  16. While the wife and I wait for our stubborn kids to finally fall asleep, it’s worth thanking this tiny community for its general awesomeness. Has made many days more enjoyable. Merry Xmas, gents.

  17. To be clear, if I’m you’re comfortable landing spot, you’re making poor choices. Thus, your marriage to me. Bobs Burgers marathon though!!

  18. Merry Xmas Gheorghies...ya filthy animals

  19. merry xmas (the x stands for the environmental disaster factor)

    just leanred from zman's comment on sod that you're not supposed to put peanut better down the drain. oops. or bacon grease-- and while my kids made my wife and i an amazing breakfast of french toast, fresh orange juice, fruit, and bacon . . . they also poured the grease right down the sink.

    also, i put out a small fire last night at my cousin's! towel next to stove caught on fire and i saw it. worst case scenario: 50 italians dead in north brunswick on christmas eve . . . i am a hero

  20. Merry Christmas, gheorghies. Here’s hoping the fat man found you.

    And G:TB Is the most comfortable landing spot of them all.

  21. Merry Christmas Gheorghearicans! God bless us all, everyone...even Dave.

  22. The wife bought me Bruno Maglis. Killer shoes.

  23. Merry Christmas again, Gheorghies. About to throw on a prime rib on the smoker. Guess that means I’m having a beer as well.

  24. Bailey’s in my morning coffee helped me deal with the morning. My 10 y/o is legit sad that he didn’t get Occulus Quest for Xmas, even though he knows it costs $400. Ridiculous.

    I found out that when you have leftover chocolate fondue and pour it into a bowl and put it in your fridge, it tastes like the most delicious frosting ever then next day. Happy accident for us.

    Watched Die Hard w/ the kids this afternoon while the wife dozed. No Xmas daytime plans is the best. My kids were blown away that Severus Snape was a German terrorist.

  25. Just dined at Peter Chang with the fam. Did it last year, new annual tradition. Sad it took us so long to go to our favorite Chinese place for dinner on Christmas.

  26. got the fam a cheap little bluetooth speaker so we can rock out in the living room. the brand name: oontz. give it a minute.

  27. I have rocked out to an Oontz before! It is an adequate speaker. Enjoy.

    Meat fondue (part two) has taken the wind out of our sails. Beef is the shit.

  28. Rip to Ed Aschoff. Florida J school grad. Friend of friends and a guy who left us all way too soon.

  29. Smoked the shit of the prime rib today. Father in law made lobster and clams. I’m full to quite full. Why does this LA game have to be on so late?

  30. Ate out for xmas dinner for the 1st time. You know what I mean...let's keep it clean. Did so to avoid the co-hosting w our neighbors cuz wife and kids, though good people at heart, we don't wish to spend a lot of time with. Said fam invited themselves to xmas dinner just hours prior w a text, "so i guess we are eating at arby's". The host,.already w 12ish in the house, said ok. Still trying to process the conversation that goes on between the hostees at that point. If you recall, they pulled the same shit w us at thanksgiving. Oh well. Drinking Blantons by the fire so no complaints here. Merry xmas Gheorghies.

  31. That family has some balls, Dan.

    Back on my couch with some Basil Haydens on ice. Nice little Christmas.

  32. I have an Oontz as well. Had some clams and Brunswick Stew this evening. And fancy red wine courtesy of my pop.

    Gave my tickets season pass lawn seats to the Virginia Beach amphitheater. Their mom gave them tickets to the Something In the Water festival that’s in April. We are a long way from Barbies and American Girl dolls, but it seems like just last year.

  33. We almost did Xmas dinner at a restaurant. A nice seafood meal would have been welcome. Maybe we’ll knock that out on Boxing Day.

  34. I took a 3rd Q nap on the couch. Woke up in time for crunch time in LA. Fun game.

  35. The offensive growth of Kawhi is remarkable.

  36. Good game indeed, but I’m very unimpressed w/ the Lakers’ offensive sets down the stretch. Too much LeBron hero ball. Danny Green sucked and Rondo is worthless when Bron runs point.

  37. Agreed, TR. Lakers are a weird mix of guys and it showed tonight. Im in for 7 of these in May/June.

  38. The Adam Gase Twitter burner account hub-bub is as sad as it is on-brand for the team. He lives exactly one mile from me. I want to hurl feces at his door.

  39. whitney will enjoy this little piece on president obama's annual tradition of releasing a year-end music playlist, especially for the mike love easter egg:


  40. Thank you, Rob.

    "The current officeholder’s favorite Beach Boy is most likely Mike Love, which alone should qualify him for yet another impeachable offense."

  41. New post up. Moose outside shoulda told you.
