Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Gheorghemas Interlude: Gheorghasbord

This is the 193rd and final G:TB post of 2019. Our goal (stated or not) this year was to post at least once every two days, which is a reasonable target for a blog (and bloggers) starting to show its age. The bloggers, anyway. We reached our goal, so, huzzah!

As will become obvious, the Twelve Days of Gheorghemas will stretch into next year, or at least next year on the Gregorian Calendar. On the Gheorghian Calendar, the new year doesn't begin until Whitney says it does. And I'm okay with that. Today we'll celebrate things undone.

Herewith, a list of titles and/or ideas for blog posts initiated in 2019 that sit today in our Drafts folder (there are older efforts, for sure). The editors welcome anyone who'd like to take a crack at finishing any and all of them to have a go:

Richy is a punk rocker...

Trump Universe: Endgame

Weekends with Ken

Why I Am

What I'm Angry About This Week

chicken sandwich taste test

https://amp.charlotteobserver.com/news/local/article232242782.html (this is a story about a ghost town for sale in north carolina)

All Downhill From Here

gheorghe explains 2020: the democrats

(Untitled Post)

Fashion is Dumb: Cold Weather Edition

Gheorghe Tank

https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2019/01/26/kendall-coyne-schofield-becomes-first-woman-compete-nhl-all-star-skills-event/?utm_term=.e116bfa14859 (a story about a U.S. Women's Hockey National Team member with mad speed)


criticism of liberals - soft, pansies criticism of trump voters - rubes, morons, not smart evaluate the contradictions

As themes go, we've got some typical Gheorghian silliness, angry/resigned political ranting, a couple of apparent attempts by me to explain me, and some inscrutable nonsense. Essentially, another year in the life of this little corner of the interwebs.

Let's do it again, shall we?


  1. ate the spiciest lamb curry of my life last night, and let me tell you, it's not letting me forget

  2. maybe I should finish this one:

    Fashion is Dumb: Cold Weather Edition

  3. Happy 20th anniversary to President Vlad Putin. Have fun today, comrade.

  4. On this NYE
    The King Adrock, that is my name
    And I know the fly spot where they got the champagne

  5. On a different song from the same album he waxed:

    The King Ad-Rock — that is my name
    Y'all drinking Moet and we got the champagne

    If it works, go with it, brother.

  6. i won't get back here before the clock strikes midnight, so here's to you, you magnificent bastards. 15 years on and i still find this place a home. hoping all the gheorghies, the gheorghie-curious, and the gheorghies-to-be have a wonderful 2020. love you morons.

  7. As most of you know, my wife’s birthday is NYE. For many, many years that meant a party at our house. Now it’s often a nice dinner with friends who also have kids. Or tonight, which is a ton of seafood and some drinks at home while my wife gives the younger kid some cooking lessons. The parties were fun, but this is pretty cool too.

  8. Col. Taylor is in the house.

  9. Col. E. H. Taylor? Quite the soldier.

    Dinner was delicious. King and Dungeneas crab, rock shrimp, sausage, potatoes and corn. With copious amounts of garlic butter. I’m full. Working on drunk.

  10. Happy New Year friends. I just re-read Rob’s post on anxiety and depression on the twitter machine. I sincerely hope all are entering 2020 in a good place. Over the decade or more of my loitering here, GTB has without question helped me become a kinder soul. For that I thank thee. To 2020 and another decade of dipshittery. Yours in kind....Danimal

  11. Happy New Year Gheorghies. Thanks for letting me hang out here.

  12. Welcome to 2020, Gheorghies. Make it your best year yet.

  13. Shlara, you’re in charge. We just let Rob think he runs the place.

  14. i might tackle the "all downhill" piece because-- earlier in 2019-- i made a song with that title . . . https://soundcloud.com/user-288228814/all-downhill-from-here

    in my house, we often debate whether "all downhill from here" has positive connotations or negative connotations. or both, at the same time.

  15. Happy New Year. Hope you all enjoyed Roker and Kotb at the Rose Bowl parade. My liver needs a vacation. I don’t want to do my annual sober January run, but I think I need to.

  16. Happy New Year to all. My liver probably needs a vacation as well. Luckily, I have men’s league playoffs coming up next week to motivate me.

    New Years Day with only 4 games kind of sucks. 2-3 second/third tier bowls need to be moved to January 1st.

  17. wife and i really enjoyed staunton and vicinity-- route 151 is all hiking, breweries, wineries, and cider houses. napa valley of the blue ridge. my liver needs a break as well but as least we got a bunch of exercise before all our alcoholic tasting excursions.

  18. y'all, I'm legit sad about David Stern
    Adam is amazing, but Stern wast the GOAT

  19. Because my father in law and brother in law work on NYE, we celebrate my wife’s birthday with a New Year’s Day dinner. Not my preference (that would be my couch and takeout for the Rose Bowl) but she deserves a celebration with our families. At least the food is great.

  20. To Mark's jan 1 bowl game shortage comment....today there are 40 bowls with only 4 on NYD and w/nary a top 10 team. In 1992, there were 18 bowls, 8 played on NYD, all with a top 10 team. Bruh bring me back to those days.

  21. Food was delicious. Jumbo lump crab cakes, smoked bone in ribeye (by me), gnocchi with meat sauce, eggplant meatballs and then some. I’m fat. And happy. Fun Rose Bowl too.

  22. We’ll never get THAT back, Dan. But we can definitely do better than the current New Years Day Bowl situation.

  23. Matt Rhule is a hell of a coach. He dresses (at least on the sidelines) like a total fucking dipshit.

  24. I DVR’d the CTWC today. For those who don’t know, that’s the Classic Tetris World Championship. It was held in Portland, OR and had competitors from all over the globe. I never met my equal in that game back in the day. Part of me wants to head to the competition next year.

    The wife was less than impressed as I loaded it up on the telly after the kids went to bed.

  25. This UGA offense sucks. Big 12 defenses suck more.

  26. your tribe are 6.5-point dogs on the road against hofstra. that line seems about right. i have no idea, though i expect the tribe to lose.

  27. whales jumping on the pride with two feet. fins, really.

  28. Tribe whooping on Long Island.

  29. we might win by 27, as it turns out.

  30. RIP Sam Wyche. Here’s hoping you’re in heaven and not in Cleveland.

    Once saw him spend the entire 30 min weekly show replaying a bad holding call from the week prior. Over and over. Dude did it his way.


  31. <a href="http://carforsalenaij.moonfruit.com/>http://carforsalenaij.moonfruit.com/</a>
