Friday, December 06, 2019

Get Up and Dance: Holiday Version

I don't know if there's a non-holiday version, but we need some filler, and we need some fun. Three Fridays until Christmas, Gheorghies. Get some whimsy.


zman said...

I took the day off to do some Gheorghemas shopping. It’s stunning how easy it is to spend money this time of year. zkids are spoilt.

Whitney said...

Mini-summit in Jersey tonight. Dave, Zman, TR, and some FOGTBers. And me. And The Cult.

Mark said...

PAC-12 championship game is suddenly interesting.

Shlara said...

If you're not listening to season 3 of Slow Burn, you should be.
It's about the murders of Biggie & Tupac

rob said...

had dinner with colt mccoy, redskins’ offensive coordinator kevin o’connell, and their wives this evening. technically, my wife and i had dinner with another couple at a little local joint (the wine kitchen, if you’re hip to downtown leesburg) and our table was so close to the mccoys’ that we kinda ate together. we’re gonna exchange holiday cards now, i’m sure.

TR said...

Rob - I hope you told the future Rachel Glandorf Rezvan that TR said hi.

Sadly, I had to bow out of the Cult summit early. But I grabbed some drinks w/ the crowd and introduced some party favors before leaving. The crowd of Cult fans was amusing. There was a Nikki Sixx impostor with guyliner on and several men with dad jeans and New Balance sneakers.

rob said...

mrs. mccoy is not unattractive, tr.

TR said...

Who’s the slacker who didn’t put up Day 3 yet?

Anonymous said...

Good seeing the gang last night. Solid group.

The Cult was also solid. A taut set of rock and roll songs. Kudos to Zman for organizing the BNO.

Danimal said...

In the Gainesville for a swim meet at UF which is kinda cool. Mark, we’ll probs do the Korean bbq joint tonight but if not, name of that pizza joint you red here? Also, the traffic in this town is annoying.

Danimal said...


Danimal said...

Been traveling my arse off the last few weeks, binge watching seasons 2 and 3 of Narcos. Very entertaining!

Danimal said...

Swim meet....bad news is my kid did not qualify for finals in the two events he competed in today. That is also the good news, between us. (We’d be going back at about 5 and there til 8)

Mark said...

Gainesville traffic sucks. It’s a really small town with a huge amount of people jammed into an even smaller quadrant of town. It’s graduation weekend too so I’m sure it’s worse than usual.

Satchels is the pizza place. A bit out of the way but well worth it. Get the deep dish. The Top is also a really good place to eat downtown. As is Dragonfly for sushi. What’s the name of the Korean bbq joint? Don’t think I’m familiar with it.

Mark said...

The SEC championship game presents me with quite a conundrum. I hate Georgia and never root for them. But I want a good game. And I’ve grown to hate LSU. Guess I’ll just drink.

TR said...

My fourth grader’s travel basketball coach thinks that a 6-730 PM practice tonight is a good thing. And he logs practice attendance, which impacts playing time in games. Miserable.

Mark said...

I’m a homer but I remain convinced Florida would give LSU all they want on neutral field (Atlanta) with both of their all SEC defensive ends healthy (neither were in Baton Rouge and Florida took the game deep into the 4th). Georgia doesn’t have a good enough offense. Especially with their best two receivers out and their stud RB less than 100%

TR said...

Fromm is more unimpressive every time I watch him.

rob said...

my kids' high school football team traveled way down to salem, va today and won their state semifinal game. they face lake taylor next weekend in the state championship. leesburg vs. norfolk for all the marbles. gonna need a scouting report, whit.

Mark said...

Agreed, TR. Fromm has not improved since he was a freshman. He may have even regressed. Though that could also be a product of lesser talent around him and an unimaginative scheme.

Of course, he picked the Florida game to play his best game of the year, by far. I’m pretty bitterly watching this game.

Danimal said...

Beque Holic Mark. Hit it again this eve. Love it.

Mark said...

Thanks, Dan. I’ll be in Gainesville in January and will make the trip.

rob said...

tribe giving 1.5 on the road at fairfield tomorrow. stags are a deceptive 2-6 - bunch of close losses against decent teams (davidson, bucknell, umass, usc), win against texas a&m. i'd take the stags at home and the points.

Mark said...

My wife has been in Dan’s hood all weekend celebrating her best friend’s birthday. I’ve been home with the kids so I’ve watched all the football. Not a decent big game yet. Didn’t expect Wisconsin to save me. I’m still skeptical but I’ve got some hope...

TR said...

I bought three good seats to the Jets game tmrw, as well as a premium parking pass, for a little more than face value for one ticket. Seemed like a bargain, until I realized I will be at a Jets game. With Jets fans. In December.

Mark said...

I understand, TR. My friend has club seats from his company for Dolphins-Bengals on 12/22. Food, drinks, good seats and all that are covered. Think I’m gonna pass though.

It’s the shittiest of games to be sure, but that’s not my deal breaker. The current NFL experience kind of sucks. And the Dolphins play in the middle of South Florida nowhere. We’re also likely to see/be near a fight between overserved idiots in the stands.

rob said...

several years ago, i was driving home on new year's day from my mom's house in myrtle beach. whitney called me and said that he had a ticket to see the skins play the eagles. it was the last game of a dismal skins season, but i was still a fan at that point, and the tickets were free and in a suite, so i jumped in with both feet.

i rolled up without showering or shaving, and i'm sure whit and i made a great impression right away. even more certain that i wore out my welcome later in the game when i looked at the television monitor in our suite and wondered why the suites on our left and right had a different feed. "who do you have to blow here to get the espn feed?", i wondered aloud, four or five whiskeys to the good.

"we're in the fox suite.", said the mostly mortified woman sitting next to me and whit.

the skins lost that game, 34-10. the stadium was mostly full of eagles fans. whit and i alternated between laughing at our (my) dipshittery) and dodging green-garbed mouthbreathers on the way back to our $60 parking spot.

so we had that going for us. which was really, really fun.